Yolanda Veiga
The scene must have passed like that of that waiter's vignette, extinguisher in hand, which illustrates this report.«A couple of thirty -very caramelized entered.As soon as they sit in the bar they started kissing.I was scrubbing glasses by his side and, even if you don't want to hear, you hear.After an infinite kiss, the girl separates and asks the boy: 'Forgive, how have you told me you were called?' ".Oscar Solana kept scrubbing, without breaking a glass!If perhaps eyebrows that almost imperceptibly rise, a suffocated laugh.How much less embarrassing, in any case, that this other scene with the Lord who did not want to throw hydroalcoholic gel.«He said no and we explained that it was not optional.Then he threw it into his hand and dried on the bar's couch.We served the drink and, a little later, I approached and with very good ways I explained that the gel was mandatory for his safety and ours.The man began to tell me that if he threw it two hundred times a day...but also acknowledged that it had passed ".That is the difference, illustrates Solana, tavern manager used it, in Liaño (Cantabria), between winning a client or losing it forever.
«It's like when someone comes to eat and you greet him: 'Good afternoon, gentleman, how is he? Did he have a reservation?'.And it releases you: 'Buff, how many questions you do!'.You already know that you are going to have a complicated service.Then you send the waiter with more temper.And on the contrary, when a group comes riding noise, they serve them the most serious to stop a little.Because there is nothing worse than replicating a client, they put a bad criticism on social networks and they do tremendous damage.Ten good reviews are needed to win a client, but only a bad one to lose ten at once, ”says Nacho Lorente, at the head of a taglialla in Zaragoza.
To those waiters who are also "psychologists and even boxing bags sometimes" dedicates SERGI MORESO his book of humorous vignettes' The typical bar.If the waiter spoke...'(Lunwerg Editores).And there is precisely the virtue of the good waiter, in what he says...And what is silent.«They are professionals with a special sensitivity, they know when to give you conversation and when it is better to leave someone quiet.I feel that I need to win their sympathy, that I have to like them, ”says Moreso.And he says that the idea of the book was given, without knowing it, Enric, of the Viu bar, in Barcelona, a place "with a good selection of rare whiskeys, which is very good to go to take the vermou".«Enric is a very majo uncle and curd.Once I saw the bar to a guy who was riding jaleo.He stopped music and did it.How elegant!".In your enlightened review.Moreso recreates with great guasa those quotes of Tinder in the bar, to a guy asking 'the last', the countryman that was seen (looked) at dawn...Some scenes lived in the Enric bar;others in Joan's, who runs the Lupara, a poto store in the Barcelona neighborhood of Santa Catalina."Joan is a crack, is part of the personality of the neighborhood".So, to them and all, "this tribute", an ode to the suffered waiter.To that guy we have almost made of the family.
«Ponme lo del otro día"
"Many customers tell you: 'Put me the other day'.They like you to remember, to greet you by name.And you think: 'And what did I put on this lady?'.Because sometimes you don't remember.Then you greet kind, you tell him: 'Yes, we put that coffee, right?And he tells you: 'No, it was a tea'.And it comes to mind, it's true, it was a tea.It's better so asking directly 'What was it?'.Because some can be offended, ”explains Óscar Solana, twenty years in the gap, four times Spanish cocktail champion.
That familiarity comes many times from a client with a bad day that arrives at the bar "and releases it".«People say that a coffee is expensive, but it is that a coffee is more than a coffee.You have left the house running since the morning, stressed, you have had a problem at work...And you enter the bar and the waiter makes you a good face: 'How about everything?'And then downloads: 'Well, because often moved with the boss...'.
«El camarero es del mismo equipo de fútbol que el cliente"
We do not want to put Óscar and Nacho in a commitment, the two waiters who stand in the voice of the guild in this report.So we do not ask them or what football team are they vote for.«The waiter is always the same team as the client.Because, if you say that you are from Madrid, you know that those of Barça are going to 'attack' every time you have split, ”explains Óscar Solana.He, personally, is not very football, but is aware of the present.«It is important to read the newspaper every day.Because a customer comes to you: 'You have to see how the thing has been put in Madrid with the Covid!', And you have to know what they have closed I do not know how many streets.You may not know what Real Madrid did yesterday, but at least you should know what I played...". ¿Y con la política, hasta dónde se puede uno deslizar? «Con esos temas hay que echar siempre un paso para atrás", recomienda Nacho Lorente, al que no se le olvida alguna situación delicada vivida en su restaurante a cuenta del conflicto catalán:«No era raro que la gente se empezara a meter en voz alta con los catalanes.But he once agreed that next to him he had eating a group of Catalans riding them looks.Then you approached the first and told them to please think about themselves lower voice. Y entonces pasaban dos cosas, o bajaban la voz o te soltaban eso de: 'Que se jodan, que esto es una democracia'.
What is said that they are psychologists.«Yes we are, yes.I remember once a lady who came to eat.He was alone and as he sat at the table he began to cry. Entonces el encargado del restaurante se sentó con ella y, sin preguntar nada, le dijo: 'No la conozco, pero sepa que no va a quedarse sola', relata Nacho Lorente.Those, he says, are the most delicate situations, “just as when a couple arises and one of the two leaves the bar. Pues te acercas al otro y le dices: 'No pasa nada, no se preocupe'.
The same as when the thing ends badly, when it ends well it is usually seen too.«I see someone enter the bar and, depending on how it feels, I know what encouragement it brings.If it is angry, take out the chair almost suddenly, but if it is relaxed it makes it soft, it crosses the legs...And then the waiter says: 'I'm with you in two seconds'.And the answer is: 'Quiet, there is no hurry'. Cuando pillas a alguien enfadado te suelta: 'Ya llevo dos minutos esperando'. Por eso, insiste Solana, «hay que ir un paso por delante del cliente, anticiparse".And yet it is not uncommon 'wrong'.«If you serve them in high glass, they wanted a low one;If you put them saccharin, they tell you to see if you have no sugar...".
- The customer is always right...That is said, at least.
- That is a evil said.Another thing is that you try to please.Yes indeed.The other day a client came to eat and asked us how we served the bread.Now we do not put it in wicker basket, but in plastic baskets that get into the dishwasher.We explained it to him, but insisted that he, the bread we put it on the plate, not in the basket.The dish is reused just like the basket, but hey, you serve it and that's it - Relata Nacho Lorente -.
The interviewees lame. ¡Y no solo gente joven! Más bien mayor".We are not going to believe it the day we enter without it and we can see that wide smile of the waiter who now intuits in the eyes that are a little shrunny when greeting.«I don't want to sound tragic, but seeing so many bars closed after the pandemic... Yo noto un agujero", confiesa Sergi Moreso.And he remembers when he began to illustrate his vignettes book, a job prior to Coronavirus.«When life was made on the street, on a terrace...". Cuando te juntabas en «el típico bar" que dice el título.
The psychologist responds...The real one
-Why do we 'confess' with the waiter?
-Vas a bar, baby alcohol and disinhibits yourself, you start letting go...There are people who are having a bad time and need to let off steam.The problem is that there are people with very strong problems looking at the La Escape route.That generates a feeling of punctual relief because you verbalize your problem, but the next day in your life nothing has changed, you remain equally evil -explains the clinical psychologist Juan Castillah.
- Does it bother you to say that the waiters are a bit psychologists?
- Don't feel good.It is important that people can express their feelings, and the waiter will listen to you, he will even advise you.But psychologists are the ones who have tools for people to heal.Psychology are not advice.
- Why is the waiter for a kind figure?
- Because it is a reference figure.You go and you know what will be, that it will not fail you.It is an extension of family life without being familiar.I remember the mythical television series 'Cheers'.When Norm everyone greeted him by name.
- Anyone is worth being a waiter?
- It is a service profession to the other and the waiters are clear that the client must be satisfied.They are usually affable and outgoing.An introvert has a bad time in such a position.
- The psychologist also 'confesses' with the waiter?
- I many times, ha,...!No, psychologists go to the psychologist.We need channels to express ourselves.