Thus they organize their family life with the technology the editors of Xataka

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Yúbal Fernández@Yubal_FM

We are going to tell you how we organize our family life with technology, and we will be several editors of Xataka and other technological media of Webedia Spain those that we have our experience.Each one has a way of being and using family technology, so in this article you will find several different profiles related to this area.

We are going to one by one and in alphabetical order, saying each how we organize with our families.And as we always say in Xataka Basics, you can feel free to tell us how you organize the comments section of this article.

Alejandro Fernández

Así organizan su vida en familia con la tecnología los editores de Xataka

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Alberto de la Torre Reyes

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Antonio Saban

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Yúbal Fernández

Xataka editor

Compartir Así organizan su vida en familia con la tecnología los editores de Xataka