The simplest trick so that the washing machine does not leave lint on clothes

PracticopediaAnna Blanco

Photo: Bigstock

Sunday June 6, 2021

3 minutes

We will only need a wet wipe so that our clothes come out impeccable after washing

Anna Blanco

Photo: Bigstock

Sunday June 6, 2021

3 minutes

The washing machine is one of the most used electrical appliances in a house and essential in our day to day. The clothes, after a washing cycle, come out without stains and without bad smells, ready, once dry or ironed, to be used again. But there are times when, depending on the fabrics we wash or the state of our machine, the clothes come out with lint after washing, which annoys the result and it can be a real nuisance to remove them.

Well, there is a very simple trick to forget about the lint in our clothes just taken out of the washing machine and it consists of putting a wet wipe in the washing machine with each use of the washing machine. The result obtained is that at the end of the wash all the small threads of cloth, lint, pet hair or hair remain attached to the wipe as if it were a magnet.

The easiest trick to make the washing machine does not leave lint on clothes

For the trick to work, the wipes we use (no more than three in each cycle) must be new, so it is important not to use the same wipe for a second wash, since once dry they lose their ability to absorb lint . On the other hand, it is also advisable to use thick wipes so that they do not break during the wash cycle (we can check if they are optimal for this trick if we try to tear them by hand and hardly succeed). In this sense, we cannot replace the wipes with paper napkins because we would achieve the opposite effect, since we would end up with a multitude of little pieces of paper mixed with our freshly washed clothes. And finally, it is better if we opt for fragrance-free wipes so that the washed clothes do not absorb their fragrance.

Now that we know this method to avoid lint on clothes, it is also advisable to follow other habits to increase its efficiency:

About the author:

Anna White

Anna Blanco is a journalist specializing in society issues.

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