They are largely forgotten, but cleaning them periodically and regularly changing their filters if they are made of paper prevents a fire outbreak from escalating and causing an accident with serious consequences. They are the extractor hoods.
Over time, fat accumulates inside. It is easy for oil in a frying pan to catch fire and, if the flames reach the hood, the dirt will act as fuel and make it easier for the fire to acquire more virulence. Therefore, you have to be careful with them and, by the way, remember that you should never try to put out a frying pan or fryer by pouring water, explains the head of the Ciudad Real Fire Department, José Sánchez Villalón, in statements to La Tribuna, who adds These are basic recommendations that we have all heard but are not always heeded, such as not smoking in bed, not using charcoal braziers, not placing stoves near curtains or furniture, or not leaving candles burning.
To these risks must be added those that may originate from gas and electrical installations, which must be inspected periodically and kept in good condition to prevent leaks and short circuits.
Plugs are usually the cause of short circuits, so you have to avoid overloading them, and you have to be careful with power strips, better if they have the CE mark. It is not advisable to leave charging electronic equipment on the bed or sofa, let alone exchange their chargers.
By following these tips, to which we can add installing smoke detectors, it is more difficult for a fire to start. But the danger is still there and if it goes from a start to a fire, the most sensible thing to do is not to take risks: leave the room, close the door and notify the occupants that may be at home to try to leave it without delay. "There is no need to waste time collecting valuables, nothing is as precious as life."
If possible, we will go down the stairs, never by the elevator and, once we are on the street, we will call 112. If there is a fire in the stairs, it is advisable to close the door and put wet rags in the cracks so that it does not through the smoke and move closer to the windows so that the rescue teams can see us.