The Board identifies in the industrial and mining sector of Huelva investments for more than 3,000 million euros | - Huelva's economic and business information

The Minister of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities, Rogelio Velasco, has shown that the industrial and mining sector will bring together in the coming years in the province of Huelva investments for more than 3.000 million euros that will generate more than 23.000 direct and indirect jobs.During an informative breakfast on the energy and technological transition of the industry organized by the newspaper 'Huelva Information', Velasco has assured that its department has identified and collaborates with the private sector for the development of these projects.

In that context, he has clarified that Fertiberia, Atlantic Copper, Cepsa or Iberdrola already have committed important actions in this province with the capacity to generate more than 6.000 direct jobs and 14.000 indirect.In addition, it has advanced that in the coming weeks the Board will take relevant steps for the declaration as a strategic project of an initiative promoted by Iberdrola for the creation of seven photovoltaic plants and one wind in five Andalusian provinces.Precisely, one of the photovoltaics will be located in Huelva, specifically in Gibraleón and Trigueros.

As highlighted by the head of Economic Transformation, Huelva "is an essential gear in the industrial development of Andalusia", taking into account that 21.4% of the VAB generated by the economy in the province corresponds to this segment.This percentage almost doubles the Andalusian average, which is 11.6%, and exceeds the Spanish (16%).This greater industrial specialization is what makes the degree of opening and export fee be well above the regional average (114.5% compared to 33.6%, and 215.3% compared to 115.5%, respectively).

With the strength that this productive activity possesses and with the future investments identified, he stressed that "Huelva can look optimismly with the future with important initiatives to renew and modernize its industrial park".

La Junta identifica en el sector industrial y minero de Huelva inversiones por más de 3.000 millones de euros | - Información económica y empresarial de Huelva

Velasco has stressed that for the Board “it has been a priority from the first moment to work in an industrial model capable of offering an environment conducive to companies for their development, according to the new European industrial strategy, which guides the way to the economycircular and renewable energies ".In line with the European guidelines, he pointed out that “accelerating the energy and ecological transition of the industry is now more necessary than ever” to add, then that “the region has great opportunities to create wealth and employment thanks to the commitment toSustainable change ".In this field, he has apostilled that the Huelva industry is being especially active.

Measures to favor private investments Rogelio Velasco has indicated that a series of measures aimed at the business investments planned for Andalusia and the Huelva province "impact as soon as possible" have been launched since its department. ".

First, it has referred to the impulse given to the figure of the strategic project, which accelerates the processing of these potential actions.At present, they already have this designation in Andalusia nine projects that will involve a global investment of around 2.800 million euros and the creation of 8.000 jobs, and there are other sixteen in process with an investment of 3.358 million euros.In the case of Huelva, he recalled that, in July 2019, CEUS obtained that consideration and, earlier this year, the Governing Council agreed to declare the circular action of strategic interest, promoted by Atlantic Cooper.

Another of the measures adopted has been the reduction of bureaucracy, "so that the administration is an ally of public investment and not an obstacle," he clarified.In this regard, it has indicated that in the next few days the economic regulation plan will be approved, which will happen before the year is a third decree to lose weight administrative procedures.70 standards will be modified with it and 268 simplification and regulation improvement measures will be introduced.In industrial and mining matters there will be four modified standards and 15 the procedures that are modified or suppressed.

Finally, another policy in progress refers to the public aid system to the business fabric.From the beginning of the legislature, economic transformation has mobilized, through the IDEA, aid and operations agency for 175 million euros.This section highlights the call for aid that will open before the end of the year and that will be aimed at the large manufacturing and logistics industry worth 150 million, as a complement to regional economic incentives.

Economic reactivation of Huelvael Minister of Economic Transformation has also focused his speech on the recovery experienced by the Huelva province in recent months, ensuring that the indicators show that “that reactivation of Huelva is being of greater intensity” than that of the Andalusian team.Thus, it has referred to the gross domestic product (GDP), which fell in real terms in the province 7.8% in 2020, 2.5 points less than in Andalusia (-10.3%) and three points less thannational level (-10.8%).

Similarly, he explained that in 2021, in trade with the foreigner, merchandise exports have grown to September 45.6%, doubling the average of Andalusia (22.4%) and National (22.1%).In the business fabric, the number of companies registered in Social Security at the end of October in Huelva has been in 14.483, 444 more entities with respect to the same month of the previous year, standing above the pre -Pandandemics levels.

In addition, in the labor market, the affiliation of Social Security workers has risen in 5.838 average people in October with respect to the same period of the previous year, encryons in 212.016 people."This is a historical maximum in an October since information is available," he said.