Your boiler may have broken, that it is old and that has received poor maintenance over the years (60% of the boilers in the European Union are inefficient) or that you are valuing to change your heating system for one moreefficient seeing the high prices that the different energies are reaching ...
En OCU hemos calculado el coste anual de calentar una vivienda de 90 m2 en una región fría (zona climática D) con las tecnologías más habituales y, en cuanto a gasto, tenemos dos claros ganadores: la calefacción con biomasa y la aerotermia.
However, each technology has its limitations, because not all homes have access to the gas network, or sufficient storage space for pellets ... These are our recommendations and the advantages and disadvantages that each technology presents.
They take advantage of organic waste from pruning or olive bones, so it is a sustainable option.The stoves distribute hot air, while boilers heat a water circuit (for example, with radiators or radiant floor).
It is recommended in second residences or in houses where there is enough space to store pellet bags or bones.Boilers need a deposit in which to store biomass.To heat all the house, a stove would need an air distribution system through ducts;A boiler could do it, for example, by water radiators.
Access our pellet stove comparator
Access our pellet comparator and olive bones
Heat pumps exchange energy with the outside to heat or refrigerate the house.These are the typical air conditioning splits or air-water aerothermal systems, heat pumps that heat the water from a circuit, similar to what a boiler does.
Split type can be used as support for other heating systems, while air-water systems are suitable for new construction or if you want to perform a complete reform.
Access our heat pump comparator
The most common technology in Spain is gas boilers, 35% of households heat and supply hot water with it.Many of the operating boilers (60%) are not condensation and are not very efficient, so, if you have an old boiler, it values replacing it with a new model or other technology.They are suitable for homes located in cold areas.
Access our boiler comparator
Together with coal boilers, it is expected to disappear from homes to achieve climate neutrality objectives.It is common in isolated homes, with space and without access to the gas network, but its installation is currently not recommended.If you have a diesel boiler, think of replacing it with a more efficient and less polluting system.
They work consuming electricity to heat some electrical resistances, an energy available in almost all homes.They are suitable for second homes where they are barely going to use.The accumulators can be an option for those homes in which work cannot be done, but it is recommended to assess other options.
In addition to making sure that your air conditioning system is as efficient as possible, there are other ways to pay less to heat your home.Follow our tips to save on heating and indications on how to adapt your home and habits to spend less.
Cost studies have been carried out within the framework of the HARP European project, to promote change to more efficient heating systems.