Indistinctly, regardless of whether you love getting red-handed and surprising your family and friends with the most exquisite and elaborate preparations, as if thinking about cooking gives you the 7 evils, a kitchen robot is the appliance perfect for you. With it, you will see the perfect solution to all the problems that arise in your preparations. For those people who love to cook, with a good kitchen robot they will be able to show off even more and spend less time in the kitchen; For the latter, it will avoid many headaches since they can be programmed so that the kitchen robot controls the proportions of the ingredients and they don't have to worry about anything other than surprising the rest of the diners with their developed culinary skills.
The kitchen robots knead, chop, blend, cook food, steam cook, cut, chop, slice, grate and can even be programmed with a specific temperature, so it will not even be necessary to be at home when they are running. Kitchen robots are very useful both personally and professionally. With these small but great appliances, you will be able to take advantage of the day in other tasks, you will save time in your kitchen, you will keep it clean without effort and you will not mess it up when you have to prepare any dish.
Within the different ranges of kitchen robots, you can find that there are different types: multifunction kitchen robots, programmable pots, food processors and mixers, so it is important that you review the characteristics of these, to choose the one that best suits your needs and lifestyle. Today, the catalog of these devices is endless, and choosing the best one for you is not easy. There are different brands, ranges and models with very different prices. Next, we present a list of the most important characteristics to take into account when you decide to buy a kitchen robot:
Of this model of kitchen robot, it is worth highlighting its versatility. With it, you can cook and fry without having to choose the speed or put the lid on, always controlling what you are cooking. It is an all-rounder for the modern kitchen and contains a multifunction “zero speed”. In addition, it is accident-proof tested, and contains a lid with a double safety lock, accident-proof.
This food processor, which you can find on Amazon, contains a total of 30 functions, including: chopping, dicing, emulsifying, mixing, poaching, confiting, grinding, reheating, grating, stirring, steaming, liquefy, beat, assemble, grind, pulverize, ferment, fry and knead. With its SlowMambo mode, you can cook with maximum precision and at degree-by-degree pressure. It also has the turbo function and the bain-marie. In addition, with its MamboMix spoon, you will achieve uniform textures and you will be able to knead without cutting the dough, making it homogeneous.
It is ideal for preparing dishes for the whole family or in gatherings with friends. It has a useful capacity of 2 liters, perfect for 4 people, and its stainless steel jug is of very high quality. With this kitchen robot, you won't even need to buy a scale to weigh your food, since it is incorporated. With it, you can work with the exact amounts to get the best results.
Not only will you be able to make one dish at a time, but you can also prepare up to 4 preparations at the same time, so the kitchen will spread much more. It also contains a specific app, App Mambo, from which you can download hundreds of recipes both for your day-to-day life and for special occasions. In these recipes you will see the step by step of the elaborations with which to get the most out of this Cecotec kitchen robot.
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This kitchen robot stands out especially because it can connect to the Wi-Fi network and download recipes for free without the need for you to subscribe to any newsletter. The robot itself will follow the recipe instructions step by step through its LCD touch screen. In this way, the connection via Bluetooth or an external mobile device will not be necessary.
This kitchen robot has been and continues to be one of the best sellers thanks to its great value for money. Your customers value the simplicity of its use, and the possibility of connecting it to Wi-Fi. In addition, it is a very competitive brand in the market for kitchen robots. What is important for you to know is that you should be very attentive when there is stock, since these kitchen robots sell out in the blink of an eye, and it is usually very common for them to run out quickly. In addition to the possibility of connecting to Wi-Fi, users value the large capacity of this small appliance, which is that its glass has a capacity of 3.1 liters, larger than the main competition robots. In addition, the 3-year guarantee makes the purchase experience of this kitchen robot a more than gratifying experience.
The device includes a recipe book with more than 160 ideas for you to become a true cook, if you are not already one. Definitely, the SilverCrest Monsieur Cuisine food processor wants to make your life easier. In this sense, all its accessories are suitable for washing comfortably in the dishwasher. Another of the most valued factors if you want to save time in the kitchen.
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The value for money of the Bosch MultiTalent 8 MC812M844 kitchen robot is one of the reasons why this appliance is the favorite of hundreds of users who have already tried it Your results. It is a powerful food processor, which has 40 different functions. Therefore, with just one appliance you can cover the functions of many others, including; cut, beat, chop or grate. In this sense, this kitchen robot can replace many other appliances in your kitchen.
With its blender glass, you will be able to blend even the hardest foods, being able to even make ice into mincemeat. Also, with the mini chopper with integrated blade, you will be able to chop all the food you need without having to dirty the entire food processor. In seconds, you will have chopped everything you need. This kitchen robot from the renowned Bosch brand has a power of 1,250 watts and you will be able to cook, cut and chop food that you will not be able to process with other models. With this power, it is capable of performing the most difficult tasks and handling large amounts of food at exceptional speed.
The Bosch MultiTalent 8 MC812M844 has a compact size, however, despite its design, it is suitable for working with large quantities. Its container has a capacity of 3.9 liters or 1.5 kilograms. The blender glass reaches 1.5 liters.
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This Kenwood brand kitchen robot has a power of 1,000W, which will allow you to prepare all kinds of preparations, regardless of the hardness of its ingredients. It is an appliance that stands out for its robustness and power. Its bowl is perfect for preparing large quantities as it contains a capacity of 4.6 liters. Its accessories are made of stainless steel, which makes them more resistant to use and guarantees the best results in all your cooking recipes.
Includes a large number of accessories, which will make your cooking easier and save you the price and space occupied by other appliances that perform the same functions. The accessories included in this kitchen robot are: the dough hook, perfect for making desserts, cakes or bread, the stick blender, to achieve the best textures and emulsify all your recipes, the K blender, essential if you want to achieve homogeneous mixtures , the glass blender, to crush and mix soups, sauces and drinks, and the anti-splash lid with a bowl to incorporate ingredients without having to stop the appliance every time you have to add a new ingredient to your preparation.
If it still seems little to you, you have the possibility of expanding the accessories of your food processor, since there are more than 20 additional accessories that will allow you to unleash your skills as a chef, and expand the possibilities in the kitchen. And to make life even a little easier, with its intelligent illuminated control you can gradually control the speed. You contain 6 different speeds, to avoid splashes.
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With the Taurus Mycook Touch you won't have to be a great cook to leave everyone impressed with your preparations. With this kitchen robot you can eat in a healthy and balanced way without going crazy with the elaborations of your dishes. The great advantage of using this kitchen robot is that you will not need an extensive instruction manual, nor be an experienced cook. You can prepare varied dishes from the most absolute comfort. This kitchen robot is one of the best on the market, and it has the option of connecting to your home Wi-Fi network to directly access an endless list of recipes that are very simple to prepare and suitable for all tastes. Its recipe book includes more than 9,600 recipes of all kinds.
This version of Taurus offers a more connected and tactile experience. It gives you very easy access to thousands of recipes, the preparation of daily menus and access to all nutritional information. Its 7-inch touch screen will allow you to navigate between its different functions in a very intuitive way and you will be able to synchronize more than 500 recipes that you can store in its memory to be able to use them even without an internet connection.
Among the more than 9,000 different recipes that this kitchen robot includes, you will find: porridge, traditional stews, vegetarian menus, for celiacs, soups, pastry recipes... all of them will help you prepare a complete menu, from appetizers to dessert. Well you can use these recipes in your day to day, as in more special occasions. In fact, you will also find cocktails. In this sense, the Mycook Touch allows you to grind, pulverize, fry, grate, knead, chop, emulsify, grind, chop, assemble, steam and cook in less time thanks to the 140° induction cooking system and up to 10 speeds. of cooking to adapt to the different preparations.
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This programmable pot from Cecotec is a revolution in the kitchen pots market. It has an ideal capacity for you to prepare a recipe for the whole week, if you have guests or a large family. Its 6-liter capacity and its 24-hour programmability are designed to make life much easier. It also contains a scale and an innovative folding lid, which is more comfortable to release the pressure that accumulates during your preparations. This kitchen robot is capable of preparing any preparation in record time. You will find 19 cooking possibilities that will help you prepare, in the best possible way, stews, meats, stews, fish, desserts, pasta, rice... and all the recipes you can imagine. In addition, it incorporates a very precise scale that will allow you to accurately calculate the amount of each of the ingredients that make up your preparation.
It comes with an integrated anti-splash lid so you can stir and serve without staining the entire kitchen. In addition, this innovative Advance cap releases pressure progressively and very comfortably, to avoid accidents. It has a non-stick bowl so you can achieve excellent results in any of your recipes. It is programmable 24 hours a day and contains an Eco mode so that you can save up to 50% of energy during cooking. Your Turbo kitchen is very suitable for preparing rice, pasta, bread, desserts, rice dishes, sautéing or frying. Includes a complete recipe book for you to surprise, every day with your creations. In addition, with its 11 adjustable temperatures of up to 200 degrees, you can prepare all kinds of recipes. Its LCD screen with control panel is very ergonomic and allows you to clearly and fully visualize the cooking process.
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The BOJ kitchen robot is compact, but one of the most complete you will find on the market for this small appliance. Among its characteristics, which makes it one of the best kitchen robots, is its great capacity. Contains a glass capable of supporting 2 gross liters of food. In addition, its 7-inch HD touch screen makes it one of the most remarkable kitchen robots. It includes more than 100 recipes that you can prepare very easily, whether you're in a hurry or want to surprise someone on a special occasion. The MC-2000, BOJ has developed an exclusive application with 100 magnificent recipe ideas by Karlos Arguiñano, which makes your choice even more attractive. Also, you can remotely control this appliance, from your device.
Its HD screen has a high color resolution. It is easy to read and its speed can be adjusted in a range from 1 to 10. Its temperature ranges from 30 to 120 degrees and you can program the preparation of your dishes and forget about everything. This model includes the food scale. With it, you can calculate a maximum of 5 kilograms of weight, with a precision of up to one gram.
The BOJ MC-2000 chops, mixes, cooks in a bain-marie, grinds, stirs, frys, grinds, poaches, pulverizes, confits, kneads, reheats, cooks at low temperature, beats, boils, keeps warm, whips and emulsifies . Therefore, it integrates the functions of many other household appliances, which you can do without.
To finish this description, it is important to highlight that it has a self-cleaning function, although both the Bowl and the accessories are suitable for cleaning in the dishwasher.
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This IKOHS kitchen robot is a great alternative for those who do not want to invest a large amount of money in this appliance and are looking for a multifunction machine. The ChefBot Compact belongs to the kitchen robots that gather many different tools in a single device. Specifically, when you open its box, you will find up to 13 utensils to apply to 23 functions. It contains different accessories for this, and you can choose between basic functions such as: chopping, cooking over low heat or steam, automatically, or you can manually adjust the temperature, power and time.
One of the pluses to take into account when choosing this food processor is that the accessories can be washed in the dishwasher, which will save you a lot of time. Its operation is very intuitive and quite simple. You just have to plug it in and press the general power button. Thus, the ChefBot kitchen robot can help you: grate carrots, chop onions or meat, or cut potatoes into slices. It is also very appropriate for making desserts and other pastry recipes. Another of its advantages is that it heats up very quickly, and although it does not have as much power as others, it retains heat very well. It is very useful for preparing stews, stews, eggs or risottos. Its timer allows you to program it up to 90 minutes.
The power of the shredding blades and the blender accessory meet the expectations of the most demanding users, and the blades are also interchangeable. You will be able to stir with the stirring paddle without having to crush or damage ingredients in preparations that are of no interest.
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The Moulinex Maxichef Advanced kitchen robot has 45 cooking programs that include a wide variety of techniques, stews and baby foods to steamed frying, among others. It is a multifunction and very versatile appliance, ideal for use in your simplest day-to-day preparations and in your most complicated dishes for more special occasions. Its handling is very simple and intuitive, and it is a very complete kitchen robot. It has a maximum cooking capacity of 5 liters, so its size is ideal for a family of 4 or 5 people. Its power is 750w and it is more than enough to prepare all kinds of recipes. Among the functions of this kitchen robot we find that it has 45 cooking programs. Each of them is specific for preparing fried, cooked, stewed... Thanks to its spherical bowl technology, the degree of cooking of the food will be adjusted to each of the culinary preparations.
Its temperature maintenance program lasts 24 hours, so you won't have to worry if you change the time of the meal unexpectedly. In addition, it contains a control panel with which, by means of simple buttons on the LED screen, you can start your kitchen robot very easily and effortlessly. Its technology to reheat, start, stop, turn off, keep warm, time or adjust the temperature allows you to adjust the temperature, time, cooking programs, as well as memorize your own recipes.
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This is the latest model in kitchen robots from the French brand Moulinex, as well as a low cos appliance, since it is suitable for all budgets. Close our list of the best kitchen robots for its quality price.
This is one of the most compact designs on the market, but don't be fooled by its appearance. Despite the fact that its base measures only 28 centimeters (which occupies a DIN A4 sheet), it is ideal for smaller kitchens, and its results have nothing to envy to large kitchen robots.
All its accessories can be stored in the glass of its steamer, which will prevent them from getting lost and taking up unnecessary space in your kitchen. The scale is not integrated into it, but is next to the bowl. The main advantage of this is that if you make a mistake when adding an ingredient, you can quickly rectify it since the scale is not integrated into the robot. The jug of this Moulinex kitchen robot model is made of stainless steel, which makes it very resistant. It has a capacity of 3.6 liters so it can be used for 4 or 5 people. Its lid is hermetic and all its components can be separated for a more comfortable cleaning. This kitchen robot has 5 automatic programs: Cook at low temperature, special for soups, for dough, sauces and steamer. In addition, from the control panel you will be able to speed (up to 12), time and temperature (from 30 to 120 degrees, in 5 degree intervals).
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