This Wednesday the last meeting took place between the bearer of Chile Vamos, Sebastián Sichel, with the former presidential candidates of the ruling party, whom he defeated in the past primaries on July 18.
At his command offices in the Las Condes commune, -as announced yesterday by La Tercera- the former Minister of Social Development received the former RN standard-bearer, Mario Desbordes, together with the deputy Camilo Morán and the PRI helmsman, Rodrigo Caramori. A meeting that was marked by a series of gestures between the two right-wing political leaders.
The first of these was that the economist, German Vera, who was part of the former Defense Minister's team, joined the work of Sichel's command.
“I made a special request to the program manager if she could look very carefully at the National Water Plan that is in our program, which we think is increasingly necessary , more urgent and I am very grateful to Sebastián who told us yes, that he is going to look very carefully and hopefully take as many things as possible from this plan”, Desbordes assured after the meeting.
Precisely that plan was one of the priorities that the also former president of RN wanted to incorporate into the independent's program, along with the cancellation of the CAE.
“He will always count on me as a loyal man in the project that he embodies, because it is the project of Chile Vamos and of many people who do not even belong to the coalition, independent people”, added Overflows.
The meeting between the two took place after privately in Sichel's command they conveyed discomfort due to some columns published by Hugo Herrera, who is close to Desbordes, regarding Sichel's candidacy and by sayings of b>Former RN standard-bearer in an interview with La Tercera and on a television channel.
Sichel, for his part, also sought to make public gestures to the former National Renovation champion. “We are both here because we feel that the true meaning of politics is to help those who need the most and not those who yell the most, it is to prioritize public policy for those who require support from the State and not be afraid of that there is a State where it is needed and, furthermore, understand that the great value of our society is the effort of Chileans and what we need is a State that supports them in that effort”, he affirmed.
The pro-government standard-bearer also thanked Desbordes for having been "a loyal party president when I was a minister" and highlighted his role in the "social right." “I appreciate that you have put it among the priorities, but I feel that it is a moral priority for all of us who are in politics. It doesn't make sense for me to do politics if we don't fulfill a goal of doing justice. I take that concept, but also, I think it should be flesh among all of us who participate in politics across the board. Not to defend particular interests, but to defend the best life for the Chileans who are behind it,” Sichel said.
In the previous days, the independent candidate had already held meetings with Joaquín Lavín (UDI) and Ignacio Briones (Evópoli ).
Meanwhile, regarding the fourth withdrawal, Sichel reiterated that in his opinion it is a “bad decision” and that it is the government that must decide whether or not to go to the Constitutional Court (TC ).
“Regarding the discussion of the 10%, two things: I think it is a bad decision, I would love for the discussion of the pension reform to have the same priority. What we need here is to increase social protection in Chile and social security. Our real problems are pensions and the misery of pensions that we have in Chile. And hopefully the parliamentarians will dedicate themselves much more strongly to seeing how we strengthen those pensions, how we approve that pension reform because I believe that this is a much higher priority than retirements”, said the pro-government standard-bearer.
Asked if the Executive should go to the TC if the initiative prospers, he indicated that “it is a decision that the government has to make. What I want is for us to be reasonable.”
Meanwhile, when asked whether the parliamentarians who approve the project should not be on the parliamentary lists of Chile Vamos for the November elections, the former minister indicated that “it is a decision that each person has to make one of the parties is super relevant, the parties have their institutionality.”
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