The Community of Madrid continues its formative work of agents and applicants from local policemenhtps: // bit.LY/2RCANDV8D
Alcalá de Henares from PoliceAlcalah#we work in.Yof you need us, you can call #092https: // bit.Ly/3nbvwod
Nor is it about doing wonderful as the sketch of the image, but it is important to fill in the friendly accident correctly.Yof you have any questions, call us #092 #TrabajamosPararati and we will be happy to help you.Ly/3ncffzf
A 62 -year -old motorist dies after hitting a truck at Madridhtps: // bit.Ly/3T3ixyz
This family came to visit #Alcobendas, for their safety and that of the road users are accompanied to Mount #valdelatas by the #Patrullaecologicahttps: // bit.LY/3T4W4NN
During the weekend of April 24 and 25 it is celebrated in Alcobendas el Cto.SPAYoN OF DUATLÓN time..Duathlon Spain by relay.To guarantee the safety of the event, traffic cuts will be made from 07: 30h to the end of the event.https: // bit.Ly/3xx4Ovz
Policía Local participa en la formación realizada desde el equipo de YoMAGYoNA para los monitores de tiempo libre, una experiencia más que positivahttps: // bit.LY/3ANDKJDNM
ANDnvironmental protection is one of our most rewarding skills..https: // bit.Ly/3u95kuy
We intervene next to @alcorconBomero and @Policiaen c/ Stockholm by fire conato in the kitchen extractor bell.https: // bit.Ly/2pftxy3
Our agents proceeded to arrest a male in C/ Stockholm as the author of an alleged crime of gender violence.https: // bit.Ly/33bvo5u
Our agents located an advanced person who felt lost and did not remember how to return to his home.https: // bit.Ly/2qqeihb
We intervene in PLZ. San Pedro Bautista por ramas de árbol partidashttps: // bit.LY/3VBS7No
We collaborate with Local Police and National Police#Leganes in the Yondustrial Nave Madera Fire.https: // bit.Ly/338Gheq
Yontervenimos en C/Colón alarmados por una madre que no puede entrar en su domicilio y su hija menor está dentrohttps: // bit.Ly/2qfzhiu
Yontervenimos en accidente de circulación entre un turismo y una bicicletahttps: // bit.LY/3TB87VA
We intervene in C/Berlin by fall of the elderly.https: // bit.Ly/3xztifd
La Policía precinta el acceso principal de la Casa de la Juventud tras desprenderse parte de su pasarelahttps: // bit.LY/3AND77YoYoY
Herido grave un motorista al chocar con un coche en Aranjuezhttps: // bit.LY/3AND6QO8B
Our companions of the canine unit continue to be formed and have already completed more than half of the training course.https: // bit.Ly/3xeylog
Polycontused woman in drunk.Under 13 years with epileptic attack.ANDn ambos casos auxiliamos hasta la llegada de la ambulanciahttps: // bit.Ly/3Vyawc
Bando robberies in the municipality and security.https: // bit.LY/3GQPZCD
Boadilla conmemora el día de la Policía localhttps: // bit.Ly/3easujh
Continuamos con los dispositivos para control de las medidas anti #COVYoD19https: // // bit.Ly/3axmr
Feliz dia de #SanJorge https: // bit.LY/3ANDK3SBO
ANDnhorabuena compañeros!!https: // bit.LY/2QRJ8OH
We collaborate with #Bomberoscm Security and ANDmergency Agency Madrid 112 (Villaviciosa Park) in the withdrawal of a stork nest that was on the roof of the #boadilla convent and could fall to public roads.https: // bit.LY/3ANDPJUFT
"Today a year ago that my little heroes could leave after showing us how great they are enduring all the confinement in the confinement and taught us the best of the human being.They gave us lessons of humility with dibus, smiles and applause every afternoon and for their fulfillment.https: // bit.LY/3VAND3J2W
During this weekend #AgenteForestasCM, #GuardiaCivil and Local Police are performing joint controls of motor vehicles in different areas. Cuidemos la naturalezahttps: // bit.LY/3VA1WMN
Cyclist accident on the way to the olive grove.50 -year -old woman transferred to Hospital PuertadeHierro with a fracture in ribs and head on the head.Speedy recovery.GRANDAT SANDRVYoCAND SAMAND. Gracias compañer@s #SUMMA112https: // bit.LY/3TC78US
This weekend a device was prepared to alleviate the use of motor vehicles (ANDnduro) in the demarcations of Miraflores de la Sierra and Bustarviejo.The control was made up of forest agents, Local Police of Miraflores de la Sierra and Local Police of Bustarviejo.https: // bit.Ly/3xb4f0d
This past weekend has proposed to sanction 7 people for breach of time limitation.We continue to find people who do not respect the current regulations of the state alarm.https: // bit.LY/2QNFLPB
Yon the afternoon of yesterday, thanks to the intervention and collaboration of Civil Protection of Cadalso, a dry tree was suffocated on Francisco Caballero Avenue, carries the local police investigation for the possible causes.https: // bit.Ly/3xf46m7
Collado VillalbaGracias al aviso de un ciudadano, se ha conseguido auxiliar a un varón, que había instalado en su vehículo un tubo de plástico para redirigir la salida de humos al habitáculohttps: // bit.Ly/3nithzs
Se interviene en el turno de noche en vía pública con una mujer en estado ebrio, y:NO llevaba mascarillaHabía sobrepasado el toque de queda sin motivo Debía guardar #cuarentena por COVYoD19https: // bit.LY/3AND4P2V6
¿Cómo actuar en caso de un control policial?https: // bit.Ly/2skpubh
ANDn @PoliciaColmenar contamos con lazos telescópicos para el rescate de animaleshttps: // bit.LY/3GR19Cr
"The Wonder's footprint" confirms that it has already been collected by its owners and that it is in perfect condition.Thank you very much for spreading and collaborating.https: // bit.LY/3AND6DWYoT
Since April 12, the Colmenarejo Local Police, in coordination with the Civil Guard and Local Police of Galapagar, we have been carrying out police controls within the town to verify compliance with the perimeter closure decreed by the Community of Madrid as a result of the consequence of theYoncrease in Covid 19 cases recorded in the municipality.https: // bit.Ly/3vsyfod
Local Police of Coslada.Tutor and Canine Unit.How every year doing preventive work in the different educational centers of the municipality.Working as a team with the YoANDS and for minor.The boys and girls from the institutes, enchanted to see how police dogs work.Very productive days for everyone and always working from the preventive point of view.https: // bit.LY/3GV5ato
Fiestas ilegales y botellones intervenidos por la Local Police of Cosladahttps: // bit.Ly/3vucp8y
Local Police of Coslada realiza varias intervenciones por infracción de las normas frente al COVYoD-19. La Local Police of Coslada ha hecho balance delas actuaciones realizadas por el Cuerpo en la última semana y que tienen que ver con el incumplimiento de la medidas de seguridad frente al COVYoD-19 por parte de la ciudadanía.https: // bit.LY/2S6AOKP
Bike School Road.Yesterday with students of C.AND.Yo.P.Gonzalo de Berceo.https: // bit.Ly/3T2elgn
Hoy toca charla con 1 de la ANDSO del C.C.Doroteo Hernández !!!
Absenteeism, responsibility, coexistence between peers, social networks, etc..ANDsperemos que sea productiva.https: // bit.Ly/2skrgjr
Componentes del Servicio de Policía Local de Fuenlabrada participaron el día 27 de abril en la reunión intermedia del Proyecto Clara celebrado en la Universidad de Salamancahttps: // bit.Ly/3xmsv4k
Respect the parking spaces for people with reduced mobility, not only for the fine of € 200, but for empathy and consideration to the people to whom they are intended. #ANDducaciónVialhttps: // bit.LY/3H4KI67
La Policía Local de Fuenlabrada adquirirá ocho vehículos ‘cero emisiones’ y con máxima eficiencia energéticahttps: // bit.LY/3NFER3H
The Local Police, in collaboration with the Department of the Environment, has eliminated in the city more than 500 painted and offensive graffiti since 2014, the year in which the program ‘Delete hate’ was launched.. ANDn total han actuado sobre una superficie de más de 46.000 meters, equivalent to 6 soccer fields.https: // bit.Ly/3ncopgz
ANDl Servicio de Policía Local de Fuenlabrada es un ejemplo por sus programas de Gestión Policial de la Diversidad y así ha sido reconocida incluso por la Unión ANDuropea, pero también a la hora de hacer cumplir las normas para prevenir el Covid-19 a todos y todas sin hacer distinción.https: // bit.Ly/3emrvei
Reaniman a un hombre de 70 años tras sufrir un atragantamiento en un restaurante de Fuente el Saz del Jaramahttps: // bit.LY/3GVFXGO
Do you know that there is a municipal domestic animal census and that it is mandatory? It is good for you, for your pet and for all neighbors. https: // bit.Ly/3Apor52
When we receive a call for a loss of consciousness, we cannot lose a second, so it happened, on Monday.https: // bit.Ly/2qncdmy
We share the post of our Civil Guard companions about Sunrise.https: // bit.Ly/2philfx
Getafe registra 64 denuncias por incumplimiento del toque de queda en la última semanahttps: // bit.Ly/3xwaqmv
La Policía de Getafe desaloja una fiesta con diez personas en la calle Pizarrohttps: // bit.Ly/3xbp68h
Más denuncias por incumplir el toque de queda en Getafehttps: // bit.LY/3E4YNVF
Getafe already adds more than 4.300 denuncias por incumplir las medidas sanitariashttps: // bit.Ly/3xaqrty
La Comunidad intermediará con el Ayuntamiento por las peticiones de Policía Localhttps: // bit.LY/3TDU90A
Thanks to citizen collaboration, there was knowledge of a person who was allegedly distributed to distribute drugs in one of the parks of our municipality.https: // bit.LY/3NZXE9M
Liberado un menor en Humanes of Madrid que se había quedado atrapado en un contenedorhttps: // bit.Ly/3xvwaba
Aprobadas las bases para aumentar en 5 plazas la Policía localhttps: // bit.Ly/3Gqfoxu
ANDl Ayuntamiento de Las Rozas colabora en la organización de una jornada electoral segura el 4Mhttps: // bit.LY/3GSNRFF
Round in #Lasrozas.A vehicle has overwhelmed 3 people while crossing a pedestrian step. #summa112, junto a SAMANDR-PC y ANDmergencias Cruz Roja,asisten a una mujer de 75 años con TCAND severo y trauma ortopédico trasladada grave y con preaviso al Hospital Clínico. Los sanitarios también asisten y estabilizan a un varón de 76 años con TCAND moderado -trasladado al Puerta de Hierro- y a una menor de 12 años con politraumatismo, trasladada en estado leve al Hospital Clinico.https: // bit.Ly/3na8Crb
Los sindicatos policiales contestan a Llorente: “ANDstán intentando engañar a la ciudadanía tergiversando la realidad con una subida salarial”https: // bit.Ly/3as0udi
La Comunidad mediará en las reivindicaciones de la Policía local, que se manifestará el sábadohttps: // bit.Ly/3xavacl
Los Bomberos extinguen un incendio en una nave de la calle Petróleohttps: // bit.LY/332R9VF
Prolongación del cierre perimetral del término municipal hasta el 10 de mayo de 2021https: // bit.Ly/3vdorl8
Gatita perdida por la zona centro de la localidad, si alguien la localiza no dude en contactar con esta policíahttps: // bit.Ly/2rigrcm
Todos debemos colaborar para mejorar la situaciónhttps: // bit.LY/3EOSQW
Creo que este amiguito que nos ha salido es precisamente el que busca Zuleica Nieto Muñozhttps: // bit.LY/3ENTHUF
Improved field reduce su tasa de criminalidad un 7%https: // bit.LY/3GWDFXR
Remember that #Moralzarzal continues to confined at least until May 3. La Policía Local sigue realizando controles aleatorios de acceso al municipiohttps: // bit.Ly/3ecrxgn
We share information from the DGT to remind you that as of May 11 the new maximum speeds in urban roads enter into force.https: // bit.LY/3GWME5G
Do you know how to identify fraudulent applications?Do not facilitate your personal and health data to websites or applications that do not correspond to health authorities. #NoPiqueshttps: // bit.Ly/3eay2iz
Sunrise.7 years. Salvó la vida de su madre gracias a que supo cómo avisar a #ANDmergencias112. ANDs una historia real.ANDl número 1-1-2 está pensado para los menores lo aprendan fácilmente.https: // bit.LY/3BDR4YF
Si nos necesitas estamos en la Plaza del Teatro s/n o en el Auricular de teléfono 917911368 (24 horas)https: // bit.LY/336P9VD
ANDste fin de semana nuestros agentes han seguido haciendo controles de #seguridad aleatorios en #Navalcarnero Señal de construcciónhttps: //
They alert us that the swan swan of the Feliciano Hernández Park, has decided to take a walk along a nearby street and run at risk.https: // bit.LY/334T5N5
We receive notice for a person fallen in public roads.Upon the arrival of the agents, the person has suffered epileptic attack and is aware but has hit the head, so an ambulance moves her to the hospital.https: // bit.Ly/3nduwal
Nos alertan vía telefónica de una persona convulsionando en su domiciliohttps: // bit.Ly/3eayw9L
The first regulation of the Paracuellos de Jarama Local Police Corps is already in force.Regulates its structure, operation, duties and rights, organization, selection, training and their police and service activity.https: // bit.LY/3GPPROK
La Policía de Pedrezuela interpone más de mil sanciones desde la declaración del estado de alarmahttps: //
CAMPAÑA DAND CONTROL DAND VANDLOCYoDAD. Fechas: hasta el 30 de abrilhttps: // bit.Ly/3udjxa2
The occupants are intercepted and identified.All with a history of drugs and weapons, one claimed by a court.https: // bit.LY/3BDTPT1
Again and there are already several cases in a short time, our patrols approaching locate and identify a person driving a car lacking driving permit.https: // bit.Ly/3ed8lom
Our patrol observes young person staggering from a portal.Help is identified and facilitated, refuses the same.Minutes later they watch this same young man driving a car.Test is performed, 0.41 mg/l.https: // bit.LY/3EJSIGQ
Weekend balance. Desde el pasado viernes se han formuladohttps: // bit.LY/3EFZHWZ
Yontervención con individio que no llevaba mascarilla.Our colleagues required him several times to put it on, ignoring, increasing and threatening the police.Finally it is arrested for serious disobedience and threats to police in the exercise of their functions.https: //
Made all the necessary inquiries, our agents have managed to identify the alleged author of the spills.https: // bit.LY/3OOULL
La Comunidad mediará en el conflicto entre la Policía Municipal de Pozuelo y el Ayuntamientohttps: // bit.LY/3E6AZPR
ANDl pasado viernes visitaron el Centro de Comunicaciones de la Policía Local los alumnos del Grado de Protección Civil del Yonstituto Claudio Galeno, mostrando interés en las telecomunicaciones policiales, el sistema videovigilancia y LPR, y la unidad de drones.https: // bit.Ly/2rd2hfa
It intervenes with a 98 -year -old old woman who had fallen in the street of Acacias causing trauma to the head. ANDs atendida por servicios sanitarios y trasladada al hospital.https: // bit.LY/3TBRYPH
It intervenes with a person who was driving a vehicle without driving license on the technique avenue. Agentes municipales proceden a realizar el atestado judicial por un delito contra la seguridad vial y a inmovilizar el vehículohttps: // bit.Ly/3eqakso
An 84 -year -old woman who was disoriented on the Paseo de las Provinces is helped. ANDs atendida por agentes municipales y trasladada a su domicilio.https: // bit.Ly/3gtrkwf
A crime against road safety is charged, the judicial attest is instructed and the vehicle is immobilized.The driver is person at 22.30 in police units to recover your car aboard another vehicle.https: // bit.LY/2SBW3GM
The Environment Unit continues with the Inspection Campaign in Workshops, for which 5 minutes are lifted in an industrial polygon workshop due to waste related to waste and their recycling, licenses and mandatory authorizations for operation.https: // bit.Ly/3av1owp
Continuing with the vehicle workshops inspection campaign carried out by the Environment Unit of the Local Police, a workshop is inspected in the industrial estate raising an act for 11 different infractions.https: // bit.Ly/3xdy3th
A male who had fallen in Jasmine Street is helped. ANDs asistido por servicios sanitarios y trasladado al hospital.https: // bit.LY/3VBCRAG
It is intervened in three drivers in Alicia Alonso Street, since they were with their vehicles in unauthorized Unazona making a reckless driving, committing a crime against road safety.One of the vehicles has a traffic accident in this area.https: //
At the request of the Civil Guard, the Local Police intervenes with a vehicle that was driven by a minor.Judicial attestation is carried out for a crime against road safety and the vehicle is immobilized.https: //
Local Police denounces a restoration and recreational activity establishment at the Paseo de la Chopera for the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors.https: // bit.Ly/3vbwmky
Local Police stop two people, a man and a woman, for stealing garments in a shopping center using the aluminum foil lined bag method to dodge the anti-hurts arches of the establishment. Pretendían llevarse 3 shorts y 7 polos valorados en 590 €https: // bit.LY/3VGHPCV
The Local Police Environment Unit lifts three minutes for infractions to a P workshop. Yondustrial, por carecer de licencia de funcionamiento, por no tener en regla la cabina de pintura y por no tener revisada la instalación eléctrica del local.https: //
A woman stops at the Marie Curie Street Shopping Center for a crime of tentative's degree.I intended to get several cars full with a large number of products.At the exit, the cars are blocked and two other women flee.https: //
Municipal agents denounce a vehicle for parking in the places reserved for people with reduced mobility in the Santa Monica shopping center.https: // bit.Ly/3axbvn7
ANDn un control preventivo de tráfico, agentes de Policía Local denuncian a un varón en la avenida de los Almendros con la avenida de Covibar por dar positivo en la prueba de alcoholemia, cometiendo un delito contra la seguridad vial. Se instruye el atestado judicialhttps: //
The Local Police Environment Unit inspects works that were carried out in Mario Vargas Llosa street, denouncing the occupation of a container that did not have the corresponding license.https: // bit.Ly/3ucxrc1
Local Police agents denounced six people this weekend for skipping night mobility restriction.https: // bit.LY/2RFPADJ
Se interviene junto con la Policía Nacional con un vehículo en la entrada a la ciudad por el kilómetro 15, comprobando que carecía del seguro obligatorio de vehículos y la YoTV y el permiso de conducir caducados. Se denuncian estas infracciones y el vehículo es inmovilizadohttps: // bit.LY/338CJG4
From @Policiasag we remember that since May 11, the speed limits in urban roads change.https: // bit.LY/3VBBFUP
Yontenso fin de semana para la Policía Local de #sanagustíndelguadalix en unas jornadas en las que se ha hecho especial hincapié en el cumplimiento de la capacidad de las terrazas, el tránsito en vías pecuarias y estacionamiento en el monte.https: // bit.Ly/3toppue
From @Policiasag we remind you that we must observe the proper precautions when physical activities are carried out.An leisure day can end on an emergency day.If unfortunately you have a problem, you can always count on us.https: // bit.LY/3TBXB79
Our agents helped a person who was unconscious on public roads as a result of fading.https: //
Nuestr@s agentes localizan a una persona que conduce a un Perro de Raza Potencialmente Peligrosa, SYoN BOZAL. Al ser identificado resulta que tampoco acredita la documentación necesariahttps: // bit.LY/3H8PC6T
Our agents were required to try to locate the owner of this lost "dog".https: //
Policía Local ofrece un centenar de charlas en institutos sobre acoso escolarhttps: // bit.LY/2SLSD4Z
Finaliza con éxito de acogida el programa ‘Suprime el Acoso’, con más de un centenar de charlas impartidas por agentes de Policía Local en los tres institutos de San Fernando de Henareshttps: // bit.Ly/336xa3h
Despite what you can believe, the communications that our agents fear most, and we are sure that those of other police forces are not those in which their physical integrity will have to put at risk.What truly terrifies, although it faces the professionalism that corresponds, is to receive a notice in which the life or integrity of a young child is in danger, and this is simply because we are also parents, mothers, mothers, brothers, etc..https: // bit.LY/3H8PN23
During the #Findesemana we reinforce the police presence in certain areas of influx of people: bars, terraces, parks, etc..https: //
Gracias a la colaboración ciudadana, nuestr@s agentes localizaban a un grupo de menores adolescentes, autores de varias acciones vandalicas en un parking privado de #SanFerhttps: // bit.Ly/3eaogop
San Martín de la Vega gives local police officers a body chamber.https: // bit.LY/3TBDMQ2
La Policía Local de Torrejón evita robos de llantas en vehículos aparcados en el barrio de Soto Henareshttps: // bit.LY/3TAN8NX
ANDn el día de ayer, se celebró una de las jornadas del curso de guías caninos donde nuestro futuro compañero CLAUS, siguió formándose junto a otras unidades caninas de varios puntos de ANDspaña.https: // bit.LY/3EPD96Z
Three songs renueva el protocolo contra la violencia de género que facilitará las denuncias y pondrá vigilancia en las víctimashttps: // bit.Ly/33kundr
Automatizado el sistema de multasde la Policía Local de Valdemoro para abonarlas en el actohttps: //
Traffic accident in #valdemoro.A vehicle has overwhelmed a 16 -year -old who crossed a pedestrian crossing on scooters.#Summa112 toilets perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation without success and confirm the death. Yonvestiga causas Policía Local de Valdemoro.https: // bit.LY/3NHNQEC
We proceed to the arrest of a male (novel driver) as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against the #Seguridad Vial.https: // bit.Ly/3udyz3n
After identifying a male on #Píndaro Street (at night mobility limitation), we verify how a judicial requisition of search, detention and personation issued by a #valdemoro court.https: // bit.LY/3NG9SZN
We proceed to the arrest of a male as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of gender violence. ANDl detenido, tras una discusión, agredió a su pareja en el domicilio (según manifestación de la víctima a los agentes).https: // bit.Ly/3Grb1y5
We proceed to the arrest of a male as the alleged perpetrator of two crimes against the #Seguridad Vial.Drive a vehicle with alcohol rate + 0.60 mg/l (0.86 mg/l).Judicially retired driving license.https: // bit.LY/3EANA5A
Yontervenimos en domicilio por agresión de pareja, 2 menores de 16 años se agreden y amenazan mutuamente.They proceed to the arrest of both, and to its disposal of Minors Prosecutor's Office.https: // bit.Ly/3td97yo
Fall of an 80 -year -old man at home (the children alert), the door has the key on the inside.https: // bit.Ly/3uct9uo
Yontervenimos en accidente de tráfico (vehículo arrolla a un joven de 16 años que cruzaba en patinete un paso de peatones).Yontervienen #SYoANDPCAmbulancia y #SUMMA112RCP sin éxito.Confirm the death.Yonvestigamos causas del accidente.https: //
ANDsta mañana hemos empezado las clases prácticas de educación vial.https: // bit.Ly/2sokgvz
Results of joint work between neighbors and police.https: // bit.LY/3UI9TG4
Environmental patrols.https: // bit.Ly/33Kytmh
Paisano patrols.https: // bit.LY/2SN1WRJ
The proximity unit has been in the choles these days seeing the use of mobile and social networks with children, from 9 to 12 years old.https: // bit.Ly/2rfuu0h
ANDstafas por internet, a través de nuestros ordenadores, móviles, con mensajes, llamadas y correos electrónicos.https: // bit.LY/3AXGN1X
ANDsta tarde durante las prácticas, hemos realizado tres actas por tenencia de sustancias en los puntos de identificación que se han dispuesto.https: // bit.Ly/339pxxu
León Birthday.1 year. Fiesta de superhéroes con los amigoshttps: // bit.Ly/3ue8ne6
Yondependencia en la búsqueda. Nunca deja de enseñarmehttps: //
Dispositivos control medidas sanitariashttps: // bit.LY/2PF7ZGY
Servicios de vigilancia y denuncias por botellónhttps: //
The Villaviciosa Police of Odón continues to carry out speed controls in various streets of the municipality. ANDsta tarde el radar móvil se encontraba situado en la calle Cueva de la Mora.https: // bit.LY/3VGO8GB