Life is change, man is permanently (okay, some more than others) so, how are you not going to want to change the distribution of your home?Whether you just bought it as if you already live in it, there may be the circumstance that you want to change the kitchen.Its viable? It can be done? How to do it?
There are some factors that influence this change that you should consider: “A standard kitchen needs, wherever it goes, the following: hot and cold water drinks;electricity to connect appliances and create plugs and light points;Water outlet from sink, dishwasher, washing machine..;smoke output of the extractor bell and also from the boiler;Gas connection for the hot water boiler and heating, ”says Pablo García, from Dare Architects.
The steps before getting in slaughter would be the following:
1.Comment with your community your intentions to change the distribution of the house and have the support of the same. “Hay que entender que al cambiar la distribución se pueden generar ruidos dónde antes no los había o que nuestra cocina pase a estar pared con pared con un dormitorio”, explica.
two.Request a license from the City Council and contact a technician. “Los cambios de distribución de una vivienda necesitan un proyecto técnico para determinar que la nueva distribución cumpla con la normativa de habitabilidad así como todas las normas y ordenanzas que afectan a las viviendas.If you have to demolish partitions with more reason, to be sure that we do not endanger any structural element, ”he explains.
3. Estudia en el lugar de destino si es posible sacar el humo de la caldera.If it is a patio, the community must allow it and it must be destined for this purpose.The same goes for the smoke of the bell but unlike the previous one we can do without this exit by putting a carbon filter bell.
4.Locate the closest downer. “La bajante, normalmente, es un tubo de unos 11 cm de diámetro de PVC que recorre todas las plantas del edificio llevando las aguas residuales hasta la red pública.Make sure they are dirty and not storm waters, since you could not use it.Analyze how you are going to get to this place, it can be by gravity or by an evacuation pump that allows up to 5m high and 50 m away ”.
5.Carries all possible supply facilities by false ceiling. “Las tuberías de agua si son de polietileno reticulado nos permitirán amplios márgenes de movimiento.With electricity, it contemplates the change in the control and protection picture of the necessary circuits according to installed appliances.
6.Value the thickness of the wall where the furniture is going to hang. “Puede que necesitemos hacer un refuerzo mediante un trasdosado si se trata de tabiques menores de de 10 cm y de amplias dimensiones”.