With the arrival of heat, the scorpions proliferate in Salta.It is a poisonous animal that not only lives in rural areas, but also is in urban centers.One of the dangers is that he can enter homes through summary, drains and sewers.It feeds fundamentally cockroaches and crickets.That is why the main prevention measure is to maintain cleaning at home.Nicolás Ruiz de Huidobro, veterinarian of the Zoonosis Area of the Ministry of Health of the Province, in dialogue with El Tribuno said: “The variety of Tityus trivittatus scorpions is the one that is usually found in household environments.Your bite can have serious consequences in a child ".It can also seriously affect the health of immunosuppressed people, with heart problems or pre -existing pathologies.
This specimen of Alacrán was caught in a house of three cerritos
To deal with the presence of these anthropods in the daily field and treat their bites, it becomes essential to have antidotes, a resource that has become very scarce.For this reason, from zoonosis the first campaign for the collection of scorpions was launched.The specimens must be captured alive, and then send them to the Malbrán Institute, from Buenos Aires, where antivenneno serums are made.In this sense, it is worth highlighting that Malbrán is the place where practically all antivenne sera are elaborated, either for snake bites, such as spiders and scorpions.“It is the first time that we launch an initiative like this in Salta, in the absence of antidotes.Living specimens are sent to Malbrán where the poison is extracted, for milking as they usually say in this activity.Then the sera will be forwarded to us that are in turn distributed in the reference hospitals, ”said Ruiz Huidobro.
“The campaign for collection of specimens arose motivated by the lack of sera at the country level.A month and a half ago we are dedicated to this task and we have trapped more than fifty scorons.We have them in Scorpionaries, until we receive from the transport company the requirements to take them to Buenos Aires by plane, ”said the veterinarian.The transfer of the scorpionaries would take place in the next few days.
To collaborate with the campaign, if people detect a scorpion at their home they have two options: call 0387/4215918 or 03875760002, so that a zoonosis agent captures him or the person himself can catch him taking extreme precautionary measures and followingA protocol released by specialists.
The collection task is fundamental, since it depends on it the amount of antivenames that may occur.