Most frequent Split air conditioning breakdowns. How do we solve them?

The air conditioning throws water by the Split What can happen?

These equipment when operating in summer produces condensation water as a normal part of its operation and that is evacuated towards the drain, where it can happen that accumulates in the condensate tray.It will be enough to clean the drain or empty the tray so that everything returns to normal.

If water accumulates in the air conditioning fungi and bacteria can be reproduced inside this water being an excellent culture broth for them, being able to produce unpleasant odors at the beginning of the activity of the equipment that seem to cease when it is working for a while, since thecold inhibits bad odors (although it does not eliminate them).

Therefore, for our health and for our economy, it is important to maintain and disinfect our teams with professionals who know causes and procedures recognized for their effectiveness.

The Split air conditioning takes to cool, what happens?

The equipment performance depends mainly on the cleaning of the exchangers and that it has the just coolant load you need.

The accessible parts, such as filters, can clean them the user.You can even do a superficial cleaning of exchangers.

As soon as the adjustment of the refrigerant load, a professional should always do it, with information of the equipment and the necessary tools and degree (fluorinated gas manipulator).

You can give us a clue that this occurs, when the copper of the two tubes has a temperature difference of more than 10ºC or the two pipes are frozen.In any case you have to stop the machine and call a reparative professional, because something does not work well in the team and important and expensive damage can occur.

The Split air conditioning compressor does not start

The breakdowns for which an air conditioning compressor does not start can be very diverse and some very expensive.They can range from a temperature probe (relatively economic fault), an electronic plate (they have between one and four plates according to models with a large price difference) some coil or contactor, lack of cooling due to leakage or broken compressor (these two last twomore expensive repair).

In these last breakdowns we advise to value and budget the repair or replace.

Maintenance to avoid breakdowns

Averías del aire acondicionado split más frecuentes ¿Cómo las solucionamos?

We have to keep in mind that air conditioning equipment is composed of heat exchangers and that their operation is more effective the cleaner.These cleanings will reduce consumption and repair costs, so it is important to contact professionals who perform air conditioning maintenance periodically.

From we want to remember that maintenance is mandatory and that when the nominal power of the equipment is 5 kW to 70 kW we must have a maintenance certificate signed by a company enabled by the Autonomous Community to exercise the activity.Also remember that breach of this requirement is the responsibility of the holder of the installation.

Complying with the law will report economic benefits since well -kept machines reduce their consumption, breakdowns and possible damage to home.Floods, oil or humidity spots, bad odors and respiratory conditions, can be caused by poor maintenance of the air conditioning.

The interior unit of the air conditioning equipment (the split) requires simple maintenance that the user itself can perform.On the one hand, we must carry out the periodic cleaning of the air conditioning filters and on the other, the cleaning of the drainage.In this way, dirt is avoided to accumulate within the interior unit, which causes the performance of the equipment to fall, greater energy consumption occurs and can even cause failures or breakdowns.

How to clean the Split air conditioning circuit

The user can perform a superficial cleaning that will undoubtedly improve equipment operating conditions.For deeper cleaning, this must be dismantled with great care not to damage its internal parts, taking into account that, although we electrically disconnect the equipment some components can be electrically charged with the danger that this entails.This operation must always be carried out by an installer or company enabled.

When the electric winding of a compressor is burned, it may be necessary.This makes the operation more expensive and it can be advisable to assess equipment replacement.

How to clean Split air conditioning drainage

The drain is a fine tube through which water falls by its own weight.If not cleaning every so often, accumulated water could cause bad odors, bacteria appearance or produce operation in operation.It is convenient for this reason to drain the team from time to time.It is usually pressed to the drainage at your exit with great care so as not to produce dirty splashes in the walls or furniture.In some cases it may be necessary to disassemble internal equipment from the equipment.

How the Split air conditioning filter is cleaned

The procedure is simple.Of course, you always have to do it with the assurance that the equipment is completely disconnected from the electricity grid and using the specific products for cleaning.Using other cleaning products can damage the equipment, so the general recommendation would be to use the product determined by the equipment manufacturer, if you are close to kitchens or points where fat is generated, it may be necessary to use fat solvents.

Open the air conditioning lid, behind the grid we find the air conditioning filters.They will have to be extracted to clean air conditioning filters.

You have two options: clean them with a vacuum to eliminate dust and dirty remains, or use cold water to completely clean them.In case of fats to use adequate degreaser, in these last two cases, put them to dry in the shade to avoid deformations since they can avoid a good filtering.

Once clean, air conditioning filters are introduced again in the air conditioning equipment in the same position and the air conditioning equipment will already be ready to work.

These filter reviews can be made by maintenance personnel without specific degree or by the user himself, provided he has received a small training in the appropriate procedure.Our recommendation is that an installer/maintainer does it preferably

Your team is already ready to work at full performance until next review.

How often should we clean the air conditioning filters?It is recommended to review and clean the entire system every 3 months, coinciding with the change of station.

We hope this article has served you to guide you. From we always recommend consulting an air conditioning installer accredited to solve your doubts and carry out your project with the best result.

Image: Instalfactor