The price of Lockheed Martin shares sinks 11.80% in the stock market to 331.91 dollars, its greatest daily fall in the parquet since March 16, 2020, at the beginning of the propagation of the pandemic, when itsTitles collapsed 12.4%.In this way, the actions of the American firm lose 6.5% of its value so far this year.Established its annual maximum at $ 391.27 on June 4.However, this level still did not exceed the maximum prior to the pandemic: the $ 419.68 of February 11, 2020.
Lockheed Martin is one of the world's main military contractors, whose first client is the United States government.The company designs and manufactures combat aircraft, driverless aircraft, helicopters, satellites, missiles and missile systems.From its iconic Jet Fighter F-35, 30% of the company's sales come.
This Tuesday's bag decreases have to do with the delays in company growth operations."Lockheed Martin does not expect the acquisition of airjet rockne holdings to culminate until the first quarter of 2022, months later than planned initially, and retires from the search for other mergers for now," reports Bloomberg.The decision to withdraw from the search for other purchase objectives is an answer to what the company expects a more complicated regulatory environment to be, as well as a need to readjust the objectives in the midst of an expected decrease in income next year,Jim Taiot, CEO of Lockheed Martin, has declared Tuesday Tuesday.