Is your kitchen extractor hood dirty? These are the best tricks to clean it and leave it as new

Be careful with the grease inside

Grease and dirt tend to stick inside the extractor hood, so we recommend that you use a degreaser, as it helps a lot.

You have to take into account that the degreaser must be suitable for stainless steel, otherwise the hood will be damaged.

To clean the inside of the extractor, first you have to remove the filters from it and give it a good layer of degreaser on the inside. This has to be left to act for a few minutes and, after this, go through the area with a cloth, cloth or sponge. It may be the case that it is not completely cleaned in the first pass, so the process will have to be repeated.

Don't forget about the outside

This is usually the final step to top off the cleanup. To do this, you must first turn off the hood and take a specific cleaner for stainless steel. This should be spread throughout the area, of course, making sure that it does not touch the buttons. Afterwards, the process is very similar to cleaning the interior, since you have to let it act for a few minutes and then wipe it with a cloth, moving it in the same direction.

Is your cooker hood dirty? kitchen? These are the best tricks to clean it and leave it as new

The kitchen extractor hood is a fundamental element to clean.

Baking soda is your ally

Baking soda is one of the quintessential all-purpose when it comes to cleaning and, of course, the range hood is no exception. . In the extractor it is used to clean the internal motor of the appliance. To do this, you first have to heat the baking soda in a couple of waves with a little water. After a few minutes the water will begin to boil, so you will have to turn on the extractor, causing the steam to rise and enter the appliance and clean it. For it to be effective, you must leave it for an hour and add water and bicarbonate of soda as the pans are emptied. You will observe how the fat will begin to fall from the bell.

When an hour has passed, put out the fires and cover them with absorbent paper, and then clean the area with a cloth. Also use a brush that has a mixture of bicarbonate and water for some areas and finish off the cleaning by passing the cloth again.

Don't leave the filters behind

The filters are very easy to clean, since it will only be enough to put them in the dishwasher. Another option is to put them in a basin with water and degreaser and leave it to act for a few minutes. After this time, take them out and give them a cloth to remove the grease and, in the most complicated areas, you can opt for a toothbrush.