The City of Huelva promotes the recycling of glass containers in almost 400 hotel establishments | - Huelva Economic and Business Information

The City of Huelva, through the Department of Urban Habitat and Infrastructure, has carried out a campaign aimed at encouraging glass recycling between about 400 hotel establishments in the city.An initiative that has consisted of a series of personalized hospitality premises, in order to remind them of the obligation to separate glass containers, in compliance with the Andalusia Waste Regulation.

In this regard, the head of the Department, Esther Sumbrera, has revealed “the good disposition of Huelva hoteliers and their commitment to recycling, since the rate of recycling establishments has gone from 44% initial in 2020 to 92% in 2021 ".Thus, the mayor has reported, “currently 357 hospitality premises of the city correctly separate and recycle their glass containers and from the City Council we will continue working to get 100% recycling of the glass containers generated by the hospitality industry”.

Summit recalled that “the hospitality industry generates, approximately 52% of single -use glass containerecycling".Therefore, "advancing in the implementation of sustainable habits in the sector implies a significant improvement in the fight against climate change, and for the health of the city".

El Ayuntamiento de Huelva impulsa el reciclaje de envases de vidrio en casi 400 establecimientos hosteleros | - Información económica y empresarial de Huelva

In order to facilitate glass recycling in the Horeca channel (hospitality, restoration and catering), ecovidrio - non -profit entertainment in charge of recycling glass containers in Spain - has installed special containers, equipped with a wider mouth andA hydraulic elevation system, which allow the recycling of large amounts of glass.Likewise, the entity has delivered, without cost to the hotel sector, 326 cubes adapted with wheels to facilitate the transport of glass waste.

On the other hand, the team of environmental educators has conducted surveys and interviews with the hospitality establishments to learn first -hand what their needs are and to adapt the existing resources.In addition, they have offered detailed information to the premises of how to recycle correctly and the social, economic and environmental advantages that the recycling of glass containers has.

Recycling of glass containers in Huelvaen as for glass recycling by citizens, according to the latest available data corresponding to 2020, Huelva deposited a total of 1.225 tons of glass containers, an average of 8.5 kg per inhabitant.Regarding the containing rate, the municipality has 419 green containers, an average of 1 per 343 inhabitants.

Environmental benefits of glass recycling The glass that is deposited in the containers is 100% recycled and used for the manufacture of new containers, indefinitely and without losing the original properties.Recycling glass we avoid the growth of landfills.

Recycling glass is a key element in the fight against climate change.When using calcin - recycled glass - in the manufacture of new containers, the extraction of raw materials of nature is avoided, avoiding soil erosion and the deforestation of our environment.In addition, CO2 emission is minimized in the manufacturing process and save energy.