To keep the pillows in the best conditions, and also to avoid health problems, it is advisable to wash them, at least once a month.But do you know how to bleach pillows without using chemicals that could be counterproductive?
Keep in mind that these objects absorb sweat and dirt particles, generating a perfect environment for mites and bacteria.And, although we usually put a protective case, it is inevitable to find the yellowish pillows or with dark spots and unpleasant odors due to its use.Therefore, in the same way that we have told you how to clean the yellow spots of a mattress, now we show you the best home remedies to bleach the pillows.Let's go there!
Pillows require special maintenance to be preserved in the best hygienic conditions.But, if you have discovered that they are too dirty and want to bleach the pillows without using chemicals, it is good to know some tricks for cleaning and disinfection.
For a minimum price, the following home remedies to bleach pillows will help you give them an impeccable appearance.Do not hesitate to put them into practice, at least, once a month to avoid yellowish pillows.Take note!
Everyone knows that freshly squeezed lemon juice is a powerful antibacterial and disinfectant.In fact, it is one of the most effective offered by nature, and this is reflected in a study by the University of Benin, in Nigeria.Therefore, lemon is one of the best allies to get rid of yellowish pillows and leave them fresh and impeccable.
1. First, heat the water and add the juice of the fresh lemons when it begins to boil.
2. Next, be carefully submerged the pillow until it is completely covered.If necessary, add more hot water.
3. Let it soak around 2 hours and, finally, wash it regularly.
The combination of these two ingredients offers us one of the best home remedies to bleach the pillows.The reason is because we will obtain a dry detergent that will take care and disinfect our pillows thanks to its antibacterial action.
Therefore, not only will end the mites and bacteria, but also eliminate the spots, thus avoiding yellowish pillows.
Preparation and use:
1. First pour sodium bicarbonate in a bowl to bleach pillows without using chemicals.Then, mix it with the tea tree essential oil.
2. Mix very well both ingredients and, when you get a uniform product, extend it throughout the pillow and let it rest about 45 minutes.
3. After this time, rub with a brush and remove the remains.
If mixtures white vinegar with sodium bicarbonate, the result will be a completely natural and very effective product to bleach pillows without using chemicals and soften your fabric.
This is because both ingredients have bleaching and antibacterial properties that contribute to the elimination of spots, according to a study by the University of Iowa, the United States.Therefore, yellowish pillows will not be a problem again.
1. First, put the pillows in the washing machine and, once the water covers them, add the white vinegar and the baking soda.
2. Let the washing cycle finish and then put them to dry in the sun.
By combining the incredible properties of lemon with hydrogen peroxide, we will get a homemade antimicrobial so powerful that we will eliminate the spots of the yellowish pillows so that they look again like new.
How to use:
1. Incorporates both ingredients into a sweep with hot water and introduces the pillow until it is well covered.Leave it soak for an hour.
2. After this time, wash it regularly in the washing machine and let it dry in the sun.
The last of the home remedies to bleach the pillows of this article consists in mixing detergent and borax.In fact, this is one of the best prepared to end the yellowish pillows and leave them completely white.
Among its properties, this mixture will eliminate any rest of sweat and other particles that dirty pillows with difficult stains.In addition, it also has powerful antimicrobial properties, so it will help eliminate mites, bacteria and other undesirable microorganisms.
1. First, remember to take precautionary measures to avoid poisoning.To do this, we recommend that you use gloves and mask.
2. Then add the ingredients mentioned in the washing machine drum.
3. Then enter the yellowish pillows into the machine and start the usual washing cycle, but with hot water.
4. When the washing machine ends, put the pillows in the sun so that they dry and do not acquire that smell of so unpleasant humidity.
5. Now that you know how to bleach the pillows without using chemicals, remember that, to keep them in excellent condition for a longer time, you must resort to these tricks once a month.In addition, also wash the bedding weekly and renew the pillows every two years to avoid health problems.