Tips for turning on the cold car
With the arrival of the cold many villages in Spain are covered with snow.It has already directly affected the vehicles that sleep in the street as indirectly to those who do it in garage, the cold affects the motor of a car, and much.That is why we must be especially careful when we are going to start it, especially if the car has remained many hours parked in the weather under extreme temperatures.
The care we have to have when the engine starts up during the coldest months of the year will help us preserve its proper functioning.The extreme cold punishes some of the mechanical elements, since they suffer more than usual for this circumstance, and this is the reason why it is important to know how the car engine must be started when it is cold.
Avoid losing the battery, turns off all the vehicle devices.In this way, you save as much energy as possible since the battery will make a great effort to start the cold car.
The lights, the radio, the air conditioning and the engines of the windshield wiper are the elements that spend more electric power in the car.Therefore, it is recommended that you zero the air controls, extract the front of the radio and disconnect the command of the windshield wiper.
Turn off the interior and exterior lights of the car too, as well as check that other extra elements of the vehicle are not activated such as the heating of the seats.
Stop the clutch pedal thoroughly to start the cold car even if your vehicle allows you to start it without the need to use the clutch.By decoutering the car transmission, the starter engine must move less weight to put the engine moving.
Tread the clutch to start the car is a good habit even if you are in an area of medium or high temperature, since it favors energy saving and lower starting engine wear.
If you wonder "Why does my car not start in cold?", You may have to heat the battery previously.It is a very useful advice when you are at extremely cold temperatures.The main drawback is that what is necessary to heat water in a bag or cloths is required.To heat the cloths, use an iron and the microwave or a saucepan to heat water and put it in a hermetic bag.
Another trick to heat the car battery is the use of a hair dryer, but do not approach the battery: leave at least 15 cm away.In any case, it resorts to the method that is more comfortable as long as you do not wet the battery, do not approach fire or some flame or superses the maximum temperature allowed by the battery.
Another tips on how to start the car when it's cold is that you don't force the battery in excess to start it.That is why it is important that you do not turn the key for more than 5 consecutive seconds: if it does not start at that time, wait 30 seconds and try again.
Waiting for those 30 seconds to try to start the car again, you get the battery not to lose energy since it delivers maximum power during the first seconds.Then lose strength if you keep the key turned.Thus, it is convenient that you let her rest to recover 100% of her power for a few seconds later.
How to start a diesel engine when it is cold?Diesel engines need heater to start at low temperatures.These heaters are responsible for heating both air and motor combustion chamber, thus facilitating their starter.It is an especially important aspect in temperatures below zero.
Starting a car without diesel heaters is complicated in extremely low temperatures, especially if it is parked outside.In this case, some tips on how to start the car when it is cold that will serve you in this case are:
Place your car on your back to the wind instead of morro position, this also helps.In this way, you make sure that the engine or battery will not suffer if you start your car at low temperatures.
Do you ask how to start a car with cold carburetor?Another tips to start your car in the months of lower temperature, is to park it under a public lighting.This is another way of increasing its temperature some degrees, so it will also help you.Achca near a light source and take advantage of the lights of one street or any other light source of a certain intensity.
Having a totally loaded battery is another of the best tips to start the cold car.You can get it by giving normal use to the vehicle, that is, 2500 rpm circulates for approximately 45 minutes.
If this idea does not convince you, you can make this other advice: use a battery charger if you are in circumstances in which you cannot move the car.To help you, in the following article we tell you how to load the car battery.
Once you can start the car cold, you will have achieved the most difficult and you can keep calm: your car is already underway.Even so, it is convenient to know the following tips to drive safely: