I think that it has happened to the isotonic, gels or some other product with a strong flavor in one of our drums and then, when using them on another occasion with water or a different product, does not know how we would like.
It can also happen to us that this isotonic, gels or whatever, we stay in the drove more time and when opening it a few days later, it does not smell what comes to be good, they may even begin to have remains ofmold.
If, as much as you rinse or put the drum in the dishwasher, you cannot remove that smell, taste or mold, do not worry, you don't have to throw the drum because in this week's video we show you a very simple trick with whichWe assure you that it will disappear.
You will simply need to have a lemon, cleaning vinegar or sodium bicarbonate.Any of the three products serves us, although we recommend bicarbonate, it is the one that has always given us the best result.
We hope you help you the video.Any questions or suggestion you have can leave us in the comments.