Category: Informative Guides
✍ one0 noviembre, 2020 - 09:56Compartir
By Doubleblind Magazine
By Tyler Koslow.
If you have ever bought a package of psychedelic fungi ready to consume, it is most likely that they have given you a bag of stems and hoods of dry mushrooms, which can be broken into pieces with the slightest movement.
A rookie person in the kingdom of magical fungi can be confused about why their mixture of golden hats and white stems seem dry and a bit crispy, unlike fresh portobellos that you would expect to find in the product section of the grocery store.
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The fact is that you need to dry your magical fungi as soon as they are harvested, and you must do it quickly.To preserve the aesthetics and power of your freshly cultivated fungi, the drying process is the final stretch before you can experience the ineffable power of psilocybin.It is also an essential and sensitive effort to time, which requires rapid action and proper equipment.
Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to transform the newly harvested psilocybe, the most popular and easy -to -grow psychedelic fungus in its roasted and wrinkled form.All that is needed is a source of heat and air, along with a little information.Here is everything you need to know about how to dry psychedelic fungi.
After a good amount of time and patience waiting for your magical fungi to grow, you may ask why it is necessary to dry them as quickly as possible once the harvest stage has been completed.The drying process affects both the aesthetic and structural quality of fungi, requiring that the producer dries quickly and correctly.
An important problem is that any remaining moisture can cause the lot of fungi to decompose.Because fungi are generally composed of more than 90% water, it does not take much time to spoil for their moisture content.Therefore, if they do not dry correctly, your lot conditions can be disastrous.
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“You want to get a really dry fungus, because if you leave some moisture, the decomposition will begin.This allows microbes to enter and begin to contaminate and break it down, ”Dr..From Potter, CSO of Leef Labs and Aya Biosciences.
In addition to the risk of decomposition, not properly dry.As Potter points out, you want your fungi to go out with golden caps and bright white stems.However, moisture or inappropriate handling of your harvest can cause fungi to acquire a blue or dark color, making them less attractive to those who consume them.
[NDE: If you do not have access to dehydrating machines, jump this section and go directly to alternative drying methods]
Now that we have established why drying is so significant, let's explore how to dry your magical fungi using a variety of methods.The ideal would be to have a vertical or horizontal dehydrator at hand.If not, there are other ways, although slightly less effective, to dry fungi.
No matter the equipment (or the lack of it) that you have ready to use, the first step of the drying process is to clean the lower part of the stems cutting the area in which there is still some substrate.The substrate is the material layer that is used as a basis for the mycelium to grow.Although he played a critical role in the growth process, it is no longer useful for the ultimate goal: to get fungi to dry and be ready for consumption.
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The next step will depend on the type of dehydrator you have at your disposal.There are other ways to dry magical fungi without a dehydrator, but this is undoubtedly preferred hardware for the sake of efficiency.Here is a step by step to use vertical dehydrator and horizontal dehydrator.
one.Place the largest mushrooms on the upper tray and the smallest in the lower tray.
2. Si tu deshidratador no tiene un temporizador, ajusta la temperatura a 43-49° C (oneone0-one20ºF).
3.Put an alarm or timer for two hours.
4.Check the trays and remove dry fungi once the timer goes out.You will know if they are ready if you check if they are dry "like a cookie".In other words, you should easily break the stem.
one.If your dehydrator is a vertical dehydrator, place the largest fungi closer to the fan and the smallest closer to the door.
2. Ponga la temperatura a 70°C (one58ºF) y el temporizador a dos horas.
3.Add more time if fungi are not dry like a cookie.
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Horizontal and vertical dehydrators will work when it comes to dry.
"I like horizontal dehydrator just because there is more surface, and basically dry faster," he explains."Once again, my opinion is that you have to dry them as fast as possible.And it seems that the air that blows on more surface in the horizontal is probably a more effective and fast method ”.
While a dehydrator for this extremely important task is recommended, there are other alternative methods that can be used in place.One of them is called the Sushi Mat system, which can be done with a sushi mat, paper towels and some sunlight.This is how the Sushi Mat system is used to dry fungi:
one.Place the mat in a paper towel, in an area with direct sunlight and ventilation.Make sure this place is away from pets or other areas that may have a lot of movement.
2.Place your clean magical fungi on the mat.
3.Depending on the weight of fungi, this process can take up to 24 hours before they completely dry.
4.Make sure they are very dry before storing them.If they are still "wet", mold will be formed.
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Potter also suggests some other improvised methods that can successfully dry the freshly harvested fungi. En situaciones anteriores, simplemente ha esparcido sus hongos en un tamiz y los ha colocado junto a una boca de calefacción para que el aire caliente circulante secara los tallos y los capuchones.
You can also put your magical fungi in a mosquito net and use a small fan with an electric heater underneath.With this method, you would have to closely watch the mushrooms to make sure they completely dry.In addition, the mosquito net could cause cosmetic damage, since the sun that hits it could leave small grid marks on the surface of your fungi.Whatever the method you decide to use, the key is that hot air moves constantly and quick.
Therefore, trying to dry fungi in an oven, for example, is a bad idea.The still air inside the standard oven will only bake the mushrooms instead of drying them effectively.Although these alternative methods technically work, Potter firmly advocates the use of a dehydrator to ensure that fungi are moisture free and dry as a cookie.
"You have gone through many problems to produce a beautiful fungus," he says."I would really try to make an effort to make sure they dry correctly".
There are several factors that will determine the time it will take to dry your magical fungi, including the dehydration method used and lot size.Ultimately, instead of trying to put a strict time limit in the drying process, it is better to use several identifiers to find out if your fungi are well dried.
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Potter reiterates that you want your magical fungi to be "dry as cookies", and that you can break the stem easily.He compares the dry stem you want to obtain with that of a cannabis stem.There should be no absolutely no moisture in a perfectly dry fungus.
The ideal final product is a collection of extremely dry hats and stems.You want the hats to be golden color, while the stems must stand out with a white surface.Once you have successfully dried your fungi, you must place them in a vacuum sealed bag with a desiccant package and save them in a dark and fresh place.
Those are the essential elements to dry magical fungi.Remember, if you can afford it, acquire a dehydrator to make sure that your fungi dries as they deserve.If you have to opt for an alternative method, such as the Sushi Mat system, close closely your lot and make sure they leave dry and without moisture.
Photo courtesy of Doubleblind
Via Doubleblind, translated by the approach.