The best capsules coffee makers
If you use tap water in your capsule coffee maker, the water lime will be accumulated gradually in it and will deteriorate until it stops working.
Using low mineral water can help a lot to keep it in good condition, but if you use tap water, to keep the coffee maker in an optimal state and extend its life, it is advisable to use an antic system from which all these thesecapsules machines have.The frequency of decalcification will depend on how much you use the coffee maker and the hardness of the water in the area where you live.
The decalcification system varies from one device to another, but the process is similar and very simple.The first thing to do is dissolve some powders or a pill in the coffee water tank, and then use the coffee maker in the same way as if a coffee was prepared but without putting capsule.This will eliminate the accumulated lime in the machine pipes.
After the decalcification, and before preparing a coffee, it is advisable to thorough.Thus we will ensure that there are no remains of the product used to decalcify.
In addition to the specific decalcification products of the systems of each brand, we can also find in the market universal products, for example, Wodoclean Entkalker, which is compatible with systemsdelonghi, dolce taste, nespresso and sensing, or pills to decalcify coffee makers ofBosch.
Nespresso has a liquid coffee maker decalcification kit, for sale in Nespresso stores.Through the Nespresso Club, email alerts and SMS can be configured, depending on the capsules purchased in the official store, in order to know when we must decalcify the coffee maker.
The decalcification kit of the Cafeteras Dolce taste consists of two envelopes for two uses and, although it is recommended to use it every three or four months, it will depend on the hardness of the water used.The kit also includes a cleaning needle, a test to determine the hardness of the water and instructions to do the process in each Model of Dolce Taste.
The Bosch Tassimo Coffee Growing Decalcification System, called “Discourse Pills”, in addition to cleaning lime, eliminates possible residues and calcium remains accumulated in the coffee maker.The machine itself indicates when it must be cleaned.
The decalcification system of capsules coffee makers of philips can be acquired in two formats, for two or four processes.
There are also home remedies to decalcify coffee makers, such as vinegar or bicarbonate.
Vinegar use (acetic acid) as a decalcifying liquid is very popular, but the main manufacturers are not responsible for how the user applies home remedies, especially if in their use manuals explicitly indicate that decalcification with thisproduct.
The main risk of using vinegar is the corrosion of the internal elements manufactured with aluminum and the possibility that it is not completely eliminated and the coffees have an avinagraduate aftertaste.
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Coffee makers