How to Clean Oven Grease - Tips and Tricks

By Brian Calvo Sanchez. May 21, 2021

The oven is a very useful appliance for cooking and essential in the preparation of many recipes. For it to work properly, it is important to keep it in good condition and clean it properly so that no traces of dirt or grease accumulate. Some foods leave a lot of dirt inside the oven or tray, thus requiring a thorough cleaning.

Although it is best to clean the oven after each use, sometimes it is not possible. The fat accumulates and the complexity to eliminate it increases. Some products are very effective at removing it with a simple application. Discover how to clean grease from the oven and the best methods to achieve it by reading this OneHOWTO article.

You may also be interested in: How to clean a very dirty ovenIndex
  1. Baking soda
  2. Lemon
  3. Vinegar
  4. Boiling water
  5. bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide
  6. Aluminum or baking paper

Baking soda

Baking soda is an excellent remedy for cleaning a very dirty oven. Mixed with vinegar, it is very effective in removing accumulated fat from the oven. To properly clean your oven with baking soda, follow these steps:

  1. Add 10 tablespoons of baking soda in a container, another three tablespoons of white vinegar and a little hot water.
  2. Add the vinegar little by little so as not to generate too much foam in the mixture.
  3. Stir these ingredients until they form a kind of paste. To make it creamy, add more bicarbonate if you consider it necessary.
  4. Apply the paste inside the oven, especially in the dirtiest areas and on the tray.
  5. Let the paste act for several hours.
  6. After this time, remove the paste by applying water and rubbing with a sponge.

Do you want to know in detail how to clean the oven with baking soda? Learn about the multiple functions of this product in this article.


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If you still don't know how to remove fat from the oven, take note of another method that will help you achieve it, the lemon formula. This juice is effective in removing grease from the oven and also serves to eliminate bad odors from the appliance. You must apply it in the following way:

  1. Add water, lemon juice and lemon peel to the baking tray.
  2. Turn on the oven and wait for the lemon to act inside for 30 minutes.
  3. After half an hour, turn off the oven and take out the tray to wash it as you usually do.

With lemon juice you will be able to remove grease from the oven and disinfect it thanks to its antibacterial properties.

Do you want to know more about How to clean with lemon? Keep reading the article that we provide you from aHOWTO.


White vinegar is another effective natural remedy for cleaning oven grease. It can be applied mixed with baking soda, as previously stated, or sprayed with water. Its disinfectant power helps to remove grease and dirt quickly. Learn how to clean the oven with vinegar by following these instructions:

  1. Make a mixture of water and vinegar in a container: for every 3 parts of water, add 1 of vinegar.
  2. Enter the diluted mixture in a sprayer to be able to apply it in the oven.
  3. Apply the mixture on the oven tray and on the walls.
  4. Wait 20 minutes for the vinegar to take effect.
  5. Clean the oven with water and a sponge.

Do you want to know more about How to clean with white vinegar? From aHOWTO we provide you with this article.

Boiling water

Boiling water is one of the easiest methods to apply to clean grease from the oven, since you only need to have hot water. Follow these steps to use boiling water to clean grease from the oven:

  1. Remove the tray from the oven to clean the accumulated fat with kitchen paper.
  2. In a large container, add the boiling water and a splash of dishwashing liquid.
  3. Put the tray in the large container and let it submerge for 2 hours.
  4. After this time, wash the tray with clean water and a sponge.
  5. Dry the tray before putting it back in the oven.
  6. To enhance the cleaning power of the water and the dishwasher, you can add a little baking soda to the mixture.

bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide

In addition to its application with vinegar, baking soda with hydrogen peroxide is another good combination to clean a very dirty oven. With a layer of hydrogen peroxide and another of bicarbonate you can achieve it. Follow these steps to remove grease from the oven:

  1. Mix the two components and apply them in the oven for two hours.
  2. After this time, clean the oven and the tray with a sponge or a soft bristle brush.
  3. Make circular movements to clean the oven.
  4. Rinse the appliance with soap and water.
  5. Dry the interior and wait a few hours to use it again. It is important that it is completely dry before cooking.

Aluminum or baking paper

A trick to prevent fat from accumulating on the tray and, therefore, inside the oven, is to use baking paper or aluminum foil to cover the tray. In this way, you will avoid residues of embedded burnt food and fat.

The big drawback of this trick is that the aluminum foil can affect the flavor of certain foods, especially tomatoes. However, it is useful to prevent fat from accumulating in the oven and being more difficult to remove later, especially when you are going to cook with very greasy products. Between the two options: baking paper or aluminum, the best option is baking paper, since its use does not affect the taste of food.

Knowing how to clean the oven glass is also essential to keep your appliance in good condition. We show you the most effective products and provide you with some tips in this OneHOWTO article.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to clean oven grease, we recommend you visit our Home cleaning category.