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Adopted by the Government of the Canary Islands, in a session held on January 21, 2021, the Agreement approving the update of the prevention measures established by Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, to deal with to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once Phase III of the Plan for the transition to a new normality has been completed, the validity of the measures of the state of alarm has ended, and in accordance with the fifth section of the aforementioned Agreement,
Arrange for the publication of the Agreement approving the update of the prevention measures established by the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once the Phase III of the Plan for the transition to a new normality, after the validity of the measures of the state of alarm, which appears as an annex.
In the Canary Islands, on January 21, 2021.- The General Secretary, Cándida Hernández Pérez.
The Government of the Canary Islands, in a session held on January 21, 2021, adopted, among others, the following Agreement:
The Government of the Canary Islands, in an extraordinary session held on June 19, 2020, adopted, among others, an Agreement establishing prevention measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once it has been overcome phase III of the plan for the transition to a new normality, after the validity of the measures of the state of alarm.
I.- The aforementioned Government Agreement was based on Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 , which established the maintenance of certain prevention and hygiene measures that must be complemented by the Autonomous Communities, based on the provisions of the health regulations that enable them to do so.
Through Government Agreements of July 2 and 9, August 3, 13, 20 and 27, September 3 and 4, and 10, October 1 and 8, and December 23, 2020 (BOC nº 134, of 4.7.2020; BOC no. 139, of 10.7.2020; BOC no. 157, of 5.8.2020; BOC no. BOC no. 182, of 9.5.2020, BOC no. 187, of 9.11.2020, BOC no. 203, of 10.3.2020, BOC no. 208, of 10.9.2020 and BOC no. of certain prevention measures established by reference Government Agreement of June 19, 2020.
II.- The document "Coordinated response actions to control the transmission of COVID-19", of October 22, 2020, approved within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, established a framework for action for a proportional response to different health alert levels defined by a risk assessment process based on a set of epidemiological indicators and public health care capacity.
This framework was incorporated into Annex I of the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020 of reference, through the update carried out by the Government Agreement of December 23, 2020 (BOC nº 266, of 12.24.2020).
III.- On the other hand, the Council of Ministers, at its meeting on October 25, 2020, approved Royal Decree 926/2020, declaring the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by by SARS-CoV-2. Subsequently, on November 3, 2020, Royal Decree 956/2020 was approved, extending the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, also modifying part of its articles.
In accordance with the provisions of article 2.2 of the aforementioned Royal Decree, in each Autonomous Community and city with autonomy statute, the delegated competent authority will be the one who holds the presidency of the autonomous community or city with autonomy statute, in the terms established in said Royal Decree.
For its part, section 3 of the aforementioned article establishes that the delegated competent authorities are empowered to issue, by delegation of the National Government, the orders, resolutions and provisions for the application of the provisions of articles 5 to 11. The measures provided for in articles 5 to 8 (limitation of the freedom of movement of people at night, restrictions on entry and exit in the Autonomous Communities, limitation of the permanence of groups of people in public and private spaces and limitation of permanence of people in places of worship) will be effective in the territory of each Autonomous Community when the respective delegated competent authority so determines, prior notification to the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the provisions of article 9, and the effectiveness of this cannot be measure less than 7 calendar days.
Based on the aforementioned provision, Decree 94/2020 of the President was issued on December 23, 2020, which establishes measures within the scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands in application of the aforementioned Royal Decree 926 /2020, of December 23 (BOC No. 266, of 12.24.2020), these measures remaining in force, on each island, until the end of the state of alarm.
IV.- In reference to the Christmas dates in the Canary Islands, on December 3, 2020, Decree 84/2020, of the President - in his capacity as delegated authority of the National Government based on to Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25-, as well as the Government Agreement by which a series of measures were established to guarantee the security and control of the pandemic with the least impact on the development of the Christmas holidays. These measures (which were incorporated as Annex II to the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020, through the update carried out by Agreement of December 23, 2020 -BOC No. 266, of 12.24.2020), were temporarily effective until the date January 10, 2021.
Specifically in relation to the Christmas dates on the island of Tenerife, dated December 16, 2020, Decree 91/2020 -modified by Decree 101/2020-, of the President, in his capacity as delegated authority of the Government of the Nation based on Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, as well as the Government Agreement (BOC no. 261, of 12.18.2020), by which they were established, in the island of Tenerife, new specific measures of an extraordinary nature during the preparation and celebration of the Christmas Holidays.
In both cases, its effects were extended until January 10, 2021 (extensions made by Decree 100/2020, of December 29, of the President, and by Government Agreement of December 29, 2020 (BOC no. 269, of 12.30.2020).
V.- Once the Christmas holidays have ended, and given that the epidemiological data still did not fully reflect their effects, together with the upward trend observed in the rest of the countries, as well as in the Autonomous Community itself -embodied in the Report of the General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Islands Health Service of January 7, 2021-, dated January 7, 2021, Decree 1/2021 of the President and Government Agreement (BOC nº 5, of 9.1.21), through which specific and temporary measures were adopted, within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, to deal with the health crisis, effective until January 24, 2021.
VI.- On January 14, 2021, the Report of the General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Islands Health Service was delivered in relation to the epidemiological situation of the islands, where it is revealed that, since mid-November, the daily number of cases has increased progressively, and on several occasions in December they have exceeded 300 daily cases and on January 13 that number was also exceeded. On the other hand, the AI7d threshold of 50 cases/100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded since December 5 and the AI14d threshold of 150 cases/100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded since January 11. Since December 27, the incidence in the Canary Islands has been on a clear and sustained increase, and while in Tenerife the incidence has been decreasing in the last month, in Lanzarote, Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria, the incidence has been increasing, at an accelerated rate in the first two islands mentioned.
The cumulative incidence trend shows that, after a "second wave" between August and September, and without having decreased the incidence to summer levels, we are, since December, in a rebound of the second wave or possibly before the "third wave", in which the effects of the Christmas holidays are not yet fully reflected. Based on this trend and the situation in the rest of Spain and Europe, it is to be expected that the pandemic situation will worsen in the coming weeks.
The combination of the results of the indicators for risk assessment places the Canary Islands at a risk level that corresponds to alert level two.
At the same time, it is added in the aforementioned Report that it has been shown that early action on the island of Tenerife (derived from the application of the measures approved by the Government Agreement of December 3, 2020 -specific measures of the period for the Canary Islands-, Government Agreement of December 16, 2020 -specific measures of the Christmas period for Tenerife- and those derived from Decree 1/2021, of January 7, of the President, and Government Agreement of this same date), It has been effective and although since December 27 the incidence in the Canary Islands has been on a clear and sustained increase, in Tenerife the incidence has been decreasing in the last month. The evolution of the indicators for risk assessment on the island of Tenerife has undergone a clear improvement, in such a way that, from December 19, at the peak of AI7d, to date, it has been reduced by half (While on December 19 it was at the peak of IA7d with figures of 136 cases/100,000, it is currently at 59 cases/100,000). For an assigned population of 917,000 people, it reflects that it has gone from an average of more than 150 cases per day to less than 80.
On the other hand, through the Report of January 21, 2021 of the General Directorate of Public Health, the epidemiological situation on the island of Lanzarote is specifically analyzed, due to the fact that a worsening has been observed in practically all the indicators of Lanzarote, very quickly, which has led to raising the risk level of the island from level 1, on December 24, 2020, to level 2, on January 7, 2021, and to level 3, on January 14, 2021, with the specific measures associated with each level of risk.
This report analyzes the evolution of different epidemiological and care indicators, with the intention of obtaining a global assessment of the current situation in Lanzarote, making the evolution of the indicator of cases that appear in the most vulnerable population, the elderly, relevant. over 65 years of age, as well as the indicators for the use of care services on the island, when observing that, with a one-week lag, the effect of the increase in the number of new cases translates into an increase in hospitalized cases, and a few days later in an increase in cases in intensive care.
In short, it is necessary to update, in the terms proposed by the General Directorate of Public Health in its Reports dated January 14 and 21, 2021, the prevention measures of the state of alarm adopted by Decree 94/ 2020, of December 23, of the President, in the sense of reinforcing the prevention measures corresponding to health alert level 3, which have been effective in containing the increase in incidence in Tenerife and adopting the corresponding measures at the level of health alert 4, in anticipation that the worsening of the epidemiological situation demands the application of more restrictive measures.
VII.- On the other hand, by Decree 3/2021, of January 18, of the President, section 1 of the Annex to Decree 1/2021, of January 7, of the President, which establishes specific and temporary measures in the area of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, in application of Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, declaring the state of alarm, regarding the "Limitation of the entry and exit of the islands that are at alert level 3". In said Decree 3/2021, of January 18, of the President, there are two exceptions to the aforementioned limitation, which are transcribed below:
"1.2. Passengers in transit at a port or airport in the Canary Islands with final destination to another country or another place in the national territory are excepted from the provisions of the previous section.
1.3. Likewise, those persons coming from outside the territory of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands who prove a reservation in a tourist accommodation establishment registered in the General Tourist Registry of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, and are subject to to the public health control regime in admission to an accommodation establishment in accordance with Decree Law 17/2020, of October 29, on extraordinary measures in tourism to face the effects of the health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic caused by COVID-19."
These exceptions approved by the aforementioned Decree 3/2021, of January 18, of the President, are incorporated into Decree 5/2021, of January 21, of the President, and consequently, in section 1.4 of the annex to the this Government Agreement.
VIII.- By virtue of the foregoing, it is necessary to update the measures of the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020 to address the situation of the Autonomous Community which, because it is not within the scope of Royal Decree 926/ 2020 by which the state of alarm is declared, must be agreed by the Government in its capacity as health authority.
As indicated by Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, in any case, during the validity of the state of alarm, the competent health administrations in public health, in matters not provided for in this regulation, must continue adopting the necessary measures to face the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, in accordance with health legislation, in particular, Organic Law 3/1986, of April 14, on Special Measures in Public Health Matters , Law 14/1986, of April 25, General Health and Law 33/2011, of October 4, General Public Health, as well as in the corresponding regional regulations, which, within the scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, is constituted by Law 11/1994, of July 26, on Health Regulation of the Canary Islands.
Likewise, it is appropriate to incorporate the measures of the state of alarm that have been issued for this purpose by Decree 5/2021, of January 21, of the President, which modifies Decree 94/2020, of December 23 , of the President, in application of the aforementioned Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25.
In short, it is necessary to update, in the terms proposed by the General Directorate of Public Health, in its Reports dated January 14 and 21, 2021, the prevention measures adopted by the Government Agreement of June 19, 2020 -updated by the Government Agreement of December 23, 2020- in the sense of reinforcing the prevention measures corresponding to health alert level 3, which have been effective in containing the increase in incidence in Tenerife, as specified in precedent VI of this Agreement, and to adopt the measures corresponding to health alert level 4, in anticipation that the worsening of the epidemiological situation demands the application of more restrictive measures.
These measures are incorporated into the updated text of the annex to the aforementioned Government Agreement of June 19, 2020.
In relation to the effectiveness of the alert level 4 measures, these prevail over the measures contained in the Government Agreement, of January 7, 2021, which approves specific and temporary measures, in the field of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 (BOC no. 5, of 1.9.21), which maintain their effectiveness for the rest of the alert levels until January 24, 2021.
First.- Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 establishes, in its Chapter II, a series of general prevention and hygiene measures, which must be complemented in certain specific areas of the activity sectors, by the competent administrations in the matter.
The document "Coordinated response actions to control the transmission of COVID-19", dated October 22, 2020, approved within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, established an action framework for a response proportional to different levels of health alert defined by a risk assessment process based on a set of epidemiological indicators and public health care capacity. This is a framework of common criteria for the interpretation of epidemiological indicators, technically agreed upon by all the Autonomous Communities, with the latter being able to adopt the complementary measures they deem appropriate.
On the other hand, Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, declaring the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 -modified by Royal Decree 956/ 2020, by which the state of alarm declared by Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, is extended - enables the competent health administrations in public health, during the validity of the state of alarm, and in matters not provided for in said norm, to continue adopting the necessary measures to face the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19, in accordance with health legislation, as well as the corresponding regional regulations.
Organic Law 3/1986, of April 14, on Special Measures in Public Health, and Laws 14/1986, of April 25, General Health and Law 33/2011, of October 4, General of Public Health, establish the possible adoption of measures by the health authorities in situations of risk to the health of people. Within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, Law 11/1994, of July 26, on Canary Islands Health Regulations enables the adoption of measures by the health authorities in situations of risk to the health of people.
Second.- In accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of Title II of Law 11/1994, of July 26, on the Health Regulation of the Canary Islands, embodied in its articles 42 and following, the Government of the Canary Islands, as responsible orderly, efficient and effective operation of the health activities of the Public Administrations of the Canary Islands, has been assigned the powers of management, planning, direction, supervision, control, inspection and sanction of health, socio-health and public health, holding, by virtue of the provisions of article 28 of the same legal text, the character of health authority to determine the actions of administrative intervention in the field of health that are contemplated in its articles 24 and following.
Having seen the report of the Preparatory Commission for Government Affairs of January 19, 2021.
By virtue, the Government, after deliberating and at the proposal of the Minister of Health, agrees:
First.- Object.
Update the Agreement of June 19, 2020 to reinforce the prevention measures corresponding to health alert level 3 and adopt the measures corresponding to health alert level 4, in the terms of the annex.
Likewise, the measures of the state of alarm, approved by Decree 5/2021, of January 21, of the President, which modifies Decree 94/2020, of December 23, are incorporated in the aforementioned annex. of the President, in order to have a single document that guarantees legal certainty and its better dissemination, given the diversity of actions carried out up to now.
In relation to alert level 4 measures, these prevail over the measures contained in the Government Agreement, of January 7, 2021, which approves specific and temporary measures, within the Community Autonomous Region of the Canary Islands, to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19 (BOC No. 5, of 9.1.21).
Second.- Scope of application.
The measures and alert levels contemplated in the annex to this Agreement will be applicable throughout the territory of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
Without prejudice to the application of the measures provided for in this Agreement, the Presidents of the Island Councils and the Mayors of the Canary Islands City Councils, in their areas of competence, as health authorities, may adopt additional and complementary measures in their respective territories.
Third.- Penalty regime.
Failures to comply with the measures will be sanctioned by the competent authorities in accordance with the applicable legislation and, specifically, in accordance with the provisions of Decree Law 4/2020, of September 4, which establishes the sanctioning regime for non-compliance with the prevention and containment measures against COVID-19 in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
Fourth.- Prior communication.
In accordance with the provisions of the Plenary Agreement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System regarding the "Coordinated response actions to control the transmission of COVID-19", of October 22, 2020, the measures provided in this Agreement will be made known, before its implementation, to the Ministry of Health.
Fifth.- Effects.
This Agreement will take effect from the day of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Canary Islands.
The effectiveness of the measures will be as follows:
1.- Alert level 4 measures from 00:00 on January 23, 2021 and will be maintained as long as the declaration of a health crisis caused by COVID-19 subsists. These measures prevail over those contained in the Government Agreement of January 7, 2021, which approves specific and temporary measures, within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, to deal with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 (BOC No. 5, of 9.1.21).
2.- The measures corresponding to alert levels 1, 2 and 3 from 00:00 on January 25, 2021 and will be maintained as long as the declaration of a health crisis caused by COVID-19 subsists.
In relation to the measures issued by Decree 5/2021, of January 21, of the President, as competent authority delegated by the Government, in accordance with the authorization established in article 2, sections 2 and 3, of Royal Decree 926 /2020, of October 25, the validity regime provided for in the aforementioned Decree will be followed.
Measures for the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands while the declaration of health crisis caused by COVID-19 subsists.
1.1. Obligations and recommendations of caution and protection.
All people who are in the territory of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands must adopt the necessary measures to avoid the generation of risks of spreading the disease COVID-19, including compliance with the isolation or quarantine conditions prescribed by a healthcare professional, as well as their own exposure to these risks. This duty of caution and protection will also be required of the holders of any activity.
Anyone who experiences any of the most common symptoms compatible with COVID-19, such as fever, cough or shortness of breath, as well as chills, sore throat, decreased smell or taste, muscle pain , chest pain or headache, general weakness, diarrhea or vomiting, you must remain at home, notify your health service and follow the measures indicated.
Likewise, the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities for the prevention of COVID-19 must be respected.
The permanence of groups of people both in spaces for public and private use, closed or outdoors, will be subject to not exceeding the maximum number of people indicated, except in the case of cohabitants, depending on the alert level established for each territory in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.13, without prejudice to greater restrictions that may be established for certain activities and establishments, taking into account the risk of SARS-CoV2 transmission associated with them:
a) Up to alert level 1, a maximum number of 10 people is established.
b) At alert level 2, a maximum number of 6 people is established.
c) At alert level 3, a maximum number of 4 people is established.
d) At alert level 4, a maximum number of 2 people is established.
In the event that the group is made up of cohabitants and non-cohabitants, the maximum number of people established in each of the indicated alert levels will not be exceeded.
It is recommended that each person define their stable cohabitation group and avoid, as far as possible, social and family gatherings outside of this stable cohabitation group.
In alert levels 2, 3 and 4, it is recommended to leave the home only what is necessary and avoid closed spaces where activities incompatible with the use of masks are carried out and where many people attend.
To the extent possible, it is recommended that you travel on foot or by using alternative methods of mobility such as bicycles.
People exempt from the mandatory use of the mask, in accordance with the provisions of section 1.3.2.a), are recommended not to attend events or mass events, and avoid places of public gathering for non-essential activities during alert levels 2, 3 and 4, as long as they take advantage of the exemption from the use of the mask.
In order to facilitate tracking tasks if necessary, it is recommended that each person keep a record of the people with whom they have had close contact and download the Radar-Covid app.
1.2. Interpersonal safety distance.
The measure of maintaining the interpersonal safety distance established by Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 of at least 1.5 meters, on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use, or that is open to the public or, failing that, alternative protection measures Appropriate physical hygiene and respiratory etiquette, without prejudice to the mandatory use of a mask in the cases of point 1.3 of this Agreement.
The permanence of people in the establishments, premises or spaces will be restricted to a maximum number of people that allows compliance with the interpersonal safety distance indicated above. If it is not possible to maintain the distance, the permanence will be restricted to a single person.
This obligation to maintain the interpersonal safety distance will not apply between cohabiting persons.
It is recommended to avoid staying in crowded closed places and in the vicinity of other people.
1.3. Mandatory use of masks.
1. All people six years and older are required to wear a mask:
a) On public roads, in open-air spaces and in any closed space for public use, or that is open to the public, regardless of maintaining the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters.
b) In the workplace. In those work spaces delimited and occupied by a single person, it will be each company, with its prevention service, who will assess the risk of contagion and whether the continued use of the mask is necessary. Likewise, in shared spaces, it will be each company, through its prevention service, and exceptionally, who will assess the risk of contagion and whether the continued use of the mask can be dispensed with, provided that other prevention measures are complied with. and protection. When this exception is applied, the businessman or businesswoman will keep said information so that it can be immediately made available to the health and labor authorities in the event that it is required by them.
In both cases, if it is determined that the continued use of the mask can be dispensed with, such exemption will only apply while the person occupies their position, being obliged to use it outside the work space in which the exemption operates and, especially, in all common spaces, understanding as such all those spaces that can be used by more than one person.
c) In non-university and university educational centers.
d) In sports facilities and centers.
e) In air, sea, bus, or tram transportation, as well as in public and private transportation, if the occupants of tourism vehicles do not live at the same address.
f) In health centers, it will be mandatory for patients, family members and visitors to wear a hygienic or surgical mask while they remain in the center. In the event that these people do not wear a mask or it cannot be guaranteed that the one they are wearing is a hygienic or surgical mask, they will be provided with one upon entering the center.
g) The correct use of the mask is mandatory, and it must cover the nose and mouth completely at all times. Likewise, it must be properly adjusted to the nose and chin, so as to prevent the expulsion of respiratory secretions into the environment.
h) The owners of establishments, spaces and premises must guarantee compliance with these obligations in them.
2. The obligation to use a mask will not be enforceable in the following cases:
a) People who have some type of disease or respiratory distress that may be aggravated by the use of a mask or who, due to their situation of disability or dependency, do not have the autonomy to remove the mask, or who present changes in conduct that makes its use unfeasible, in accordance with the provisions of article 6.2 of Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID -19. However, people who, for reasons of health, dependency or disability or behavioral disorders, take advantage of this exemption from the use of the mask, will not be able to attend events or mass events.
b) In cases of force majeure or a situation of necessity or when, due to the very nature of the activities, the use of the mask is incompatible, in accordance with the indications of the health authorities, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.2 of Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.
c) In the case of exercising individual sports in the open air, the use of the mask exclusively during sports practice will be excepted and provided that the maintenance of the distance of two meters with other people can be guaranteed, as to the provisions of article 6.2 of Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.
In outdoor sports facilities and centers, the use of a mask will be excepted in the 4 levels of alert for the practice of sports and physical activity, exclusively during the performance of said activities and provided that the distance of two meters can be guaranteed with other people constantly.
d) In hotel and restaurant establishments and services, including bars and cafeterias, only at the time of ingesting food or drinks.
e) In natural spaces or outdoors outside population centers, as long as the influx of people allows maintaining the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters.
f) On the beaches and swimming pools exclusively while bathing and while remaining in a certain space, without moving, and provided that respect for the interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters can be guaranteed between all users not cohabiting
g) While smoking, eating or drinking, as stated in sections 2.1.12 and 2.1.12.bis, exclusively during consumption without moving on public roads, and provided that the distance of two meters with other people.
3. Obligations and recommendations regarding the use of a mask.
a) The use of a mask is recommended in private spaces, both open and closed, when meetings of people from different coexistence centers are held.
b) It is recommended that the mask be of a hygienic type, preferably reusable.
c) Masks with an exhalation valve may not be used, except in professional uses for which this type of mask may be recommended.
1.4. Limitation of the entry and exit of the islands that are in alert levels 3 and 4.
1. On the islands that are at alert levels 3 and 4, the entry and exit of people from the islands is restricted, without prejudice to limitations that may be established in lower territorial areas depending on the epidemiological situation.
2. Excluded from this restriction are those movements, adequately justified, that occur for some of the reasons contemplated in article 6 of Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, declaring the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, which is reproduced below, as well as those added in letters c) and j):
a) Assistance to health centers, services and establishments.
b) Fulfillment of labor, professional, business, institutional or legal obligations.
c) Assistance to university, teaching and educational centers, including early childhood education schools, as well as language academies and educational reinforcement of subjects included in regulated education curricula, conservatories and music schools, or for the preparation of selective processes in academies or training centers.
d) Return to the place of habitual or family residence.
e) Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people.
f) Travel to financial and insurance entities or refueling stations in neighboring territories.
g) Required or urgent actions before public, judicial or notarial bodies.
h) Renewals of permits and official documentation, as well as other administrative procedures that cannot be postponed.
i) Completion of exams or official tests that cannot be postponed.
j) Assistance and care of domestic animals or farms.
k) Due to force majeure or situation of need.
l) Any other activity of a similar nature, duly accredited.
3. Passengers in transit at a port or airport in the Canary Islands with final destination to another country or another place in the national territory are excepted from the provisions of the previous section.
4. Likewise, those persons coming from outside the territory of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands who prove a reservation in a tourist accommodation establishment registered in the General Tourist Registry of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands are exempted from the provisions of section 1.4.1, and are subject to the public health control regime when admitted to an accommodation establishment in accordance with Decree Law 17/2020, of October 29, on extraordinary measures in tourism to face the effects of the health and economic crisis produced by the pandemic caused by COVID-19.
1.5. Limitation of the freedom of movement of people at night.
1. The freedom of movement of people at night is limited, depending on the alert level of each of the islands:
a) Up to alert level 1: there is no limitation.
b) At alert level 2: between 11:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m.
c) At alert level 3: between 10:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m.
d) At alert level 4: between 10:00 p.m. and 06:00 a.m.
2. This limitation of the freedom of movement of people at night does not affect the performance of the following essential activities included in article 5 of Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, which declares the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, as well as the addition in letter j):
a) Acquisition of medicines and health products in pharmacies.
b) Assistance to health centers, services and establishments.
c) Assistance to veterinary care centers for urgent reasons.
d) Fulfillment of labor, professional, business, institutional or legal obligations.
e) Return to the usual place of residence after carrying out some of the activities provided for in this section.
f) Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people.
g) Due to force majeure or situation of necessity.
h) Any other activity of a similar nature, duly accredited.
i) Refueling at gas stations or service stations, when necessary to carry out the activities set forth in the preceding paragraphs.
j) Assistance and care of domestic animals or livestock farms.
1.6. Limitation of hours of activities, services or establishments.
Alert level 4 establishes a time limitation of 6:00 p.m. in all activities, services or establishments regulated in this Agreement, with the exceptions indicated below:
a) Industrial activity and wholesale trade.
b) Commercial retail establishments for food, beverages, products and essential goods.
c) Health centers, services and establishments.
d) University, teaching and educational centers, including early childhood education schools, as well as language academies and educational reinforcement of subjects included in regulated education curricula, conservatories and music schools, or for the preparation of selective processes in academies or training centers.
e) Professional services, insurance services, and household employees.
f) Essential public services.
g) Social and social health services.
h) Veterinary centers or clinics.
i) Commercial establishments dedicated to the sale of automotive fuels.
j) Vehicle rental and vehicle technical inspection stations.
k) Home delivery services.
l) Soup kitchens and other establishments for the delivery and distribution of food on a charitable or charitable basis.
m) Funeral and wake services.
n) Outdoor sports centers and facilities for individual sports practice.
o) The centers and services for the execution of judicial measures and criminal mediation services for minors, as well as family meeting points.
p) Restaurants and cafeteria for home delivery and local pick-up in accordance with the provisions of section 3.2. Catering establishments integrated into tourist accommodation establishments exclusively for the use of their clients, health centers and services, establishments with social dining services, work centers for their workers, and education centers.
1.7. General measures for the workplace.
The general health prevention measures must be followed, as well as the specific ones provided by the corresponding occupational risk prevention services.
In the common spaces of the workplaces (toilets, office, meeting rooms, etc.), the following capacities will not be exceeded depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13 :
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the established maximum capacity will not be exceeded.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the maximum capacity established.
c) At alert level 3, 33% of the maximum capacity established. Work meetings will preferably be held electronically. Those that must be held in person will be carried out always maintaining the interpersonal distance measures, the use of a mask at all times (you will not be able to eat, drink or smoke) and the indicated capacity limitation.
d) At alert level 4, the provision of services will preferably be carried out electronically unless the nature of the functions performed does not allow it, trying to establish a shift system that limits contact between workers as much as possible . In the case of meetings, only those that are essential will be held in person, always guaranteeing interpersonal distance measures, the use of a mask at all times (you will not be able to eat, drink or smoke) and the capacity limitation of 33%.
2.1. General measures regarding capacity and safety distance.
In general, without prejudice to the specific rules or protocols established, the following measures regarding capacity control will be applicable to all establishments, business premises, facilities and spaces for public use and public activities and maintenance of safety distance:
2.1.1. The establishments, facilities and premises must expose the maximum capacity to the public, which must include the workers themselves, and ensure compliance with said capacity, the regulations regarding the mandatory use of the mask, as well as compliance with respect for distance. interpersonal security between non-cohabitants at all times inside, or, failing that, alternative physical protection measures, having to establish procedures that allow the counting and control of the capacity, so that it is not exceeded at any time, as well as procedures that allow the control of the interpersonal safety distance. The capacity control will include the own car parks for workers and users.
2.1.2. The interpersonal safety distance will be guaranteed at the times of entry and exit, as well as compliance with the regulations regarding the mandatory use of a mask, avoiding at all times any type of crowd both inside and outside the establishment, facility or premises. To do this, a staggered access and exit will be carried out through time slots or zones if necessary.
2.1.3. The organization of the movement of people and the distribution of spaces must ensure the possibility of maintaining the interpersonal safety distance. As far as possible, itineraries will be established to direct the circulation of customers and users and avoid crowds in certain areas, both inside and outside, and prevent contact between them. If necessary, fences or equivalent signaling systems may be used for better access control and people management in order to avoid any crowding. The interpersonal safety distance between clients or users must be clearly indicated, with marks on the ground, or through the use of beacons, signage or signage, when appropriate.
2.1.4. Itineraries may be established on the premises to direct the circulation of customers or users to avoid crowds in certain areas and prevent contact between customers. In any case, the signaling of mandatory and independent routes or other measures that are established will be carried out taking into account compliance with the evacuation conditions required in the applicable regulations.
2.1.5. When establishments, facilities, premises or homes have a lift or service lift, stairs will preferably be used. When it is necessary to use them, their maximum occupancy will be one person, unless they are cohabiting or all occupants wear masks. Likewise, natural ventilation inside the elevators will be favored by increasing, if possible, the opening time of the doors or by remaining open while they are inactive.
2.1.6. When the establishment, premises or facility has two or more doors, efforts will be made to establish a differentiated use for entrance and exit, in order to reduce the risk of crowding. As far as possible, the doors will have automatic opening systems or will remain open to avoid manipulation of the opening mechanisms.
2.1.7. In the case of activities where users remain seated, seats that do not meet the criteria for physical distancing between non-living people will be disabled. The grouping of cohabitants will be facilitated, maintaining the appropriate safety distance with the rest of the users.
2.1.8. The interpersonal safety distance between workers or service providers and users will be maintained or, failing that, alternative physical protection measures will be used with the use of partitions, without prejudice to the mandatory use of the mask. In the case of services that do not allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, the appropriate protective equipment must be used for the level of risk that ensures the protection of both the worker and the client.
2.1.9. The maximum occupancy for the use of the toilets, changing rooms, changing rooms, lactation rooms or similar by clients, visitors or users will be one person for spaces of up to four square meters, except in those cases of people who may require assistance; in that case, the use by your companion will also be allowed. For spaces of more than four square meters, the maximum occupancy will be fifty percent of the capacity, and the interpersonal safety distance must be maintained during use.
2.1.9.bis. In discretionary public transport of passengers in passenger cars and rental vehicles with a driver, with up to nine seats including the driver, a maximum of two people may travel for each row of seats, except in the case of people from the same group of stable cohabitation , except for the driver's, which cannot be occupied by any other user. All occupants must wear a mask and adequate air renewal will be guaranteed by opening windows and the outside air intake system. The vehicle's interior air recirculation function must not be used.
2.1.9.b. The holders of regular land, urban and metropolitan public transport, of passengers, will carry out a risk assessment in the services they provide to detect those aspects that may be modified and adopt all possible measures, depending on the characteristics of each type of transport. , in order to reduce the risks inherent in this activity.
In this risk assessment, at least the following aspects will be assessed: the reinforcement of services in the time slots and lines in which it is foreseeable that there will be a crowd of people; the establishment of continuous information systems by public address system on the maximum capacity of the units in service.
In air renewal, the following aspects will be assessed: maintenance of windows and other open openings; increase in the number of renovations with outside air through forced ventilation systems; possibility of opening all vehicle doors at all stops and for as long as possible; increase in the outside air/recirculated interior air ventilation rate, reducing, as far as possible, the recirculation function of the vehicle's interior air.
Users of these means of transport must adopt the following measures:
- Mandatory use of a mask throughout the journey.
- Prohibition of eating, drinking or smoking during the entire journey.
- Do not shout, sing or start conversations with other passengers or through the mobile phone.
- Avoid traveling at peak times, except for essential activities.
In regular land, urban and metropolitan public transport, for passengers, on islands with alert levels 2, 3 and 4, the capacity is reduced to 50%.
2.1.10. Given the special risk of transmission of SARS-COV-2 in indoor establishments, facilities and premises as well as in crowds, capacity control measures, maintenance of interpersonal safety distance and mandatory use of a mask will be scrupulously maintained. Likewise, the possibility of crowds both inside and outside and in the accesses and surroundings of places where there may be an influx of people should be avoided, ensuring the maintenance of interpersonal safety distance and the use of a mask. Where appropriate, the security personnel will ensure that the interpersonal safety distance and the use of masks are respected and will avoid the formation of large groups and crowds.
2.1.11. The celebration of massive events must have the authorization of the Directorate of the Canary Islands Health Service, prior risk assessment in accordance with the provisions of the document "Recommendations for massive events and activities in the context of the new normality due to COVID-19 in Spain" , agreed upon by the Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System, as it implies a high risk factor for the transmission of the COVID-19 disease, in accordance with the third articles of Organic Law 3/1986, of 14 December April, on Special Measures in Public Health Matters, and 25 and 26 of Law 11/1994, of July 26, on Sanitary Regulation of the Canary Islands.
In general, those events attended by a number of people greater than 10 and that are occasional, sporadic or unscheduled will be submitted for authorization.
The activities in section 3 will not be subject to this authorization regime, unless the aforementioned section expressly indicates that they are subject to prior authorization.
However, all these activities, both those subject to authorization and those that cannot be authorized, must be carried out observing the general measures of interpersonal safety distance and capacity, mandatory use of masks and adequate hygiene and respiratory etiquette, cleaning and disinfection and the other preventive measures provided for in sections 1 and 2; as well as the specific measures established for each type of activity in section 3, regarding the "Limitations of capacity and specific prevention measures by sectors".
Regarding all events and activities, whether or not they are authorizable, the persons or entities that own the activity will be responsible for monitoring and guaranteeing compliance with these general prevention and protection measures against COVID-19, being able to be penalized for non-compliance both the persons or entities that own the activity, as well as individually the person who does not comply.
If authorization is required, the request made by the owners, promoters or organizers of the activities, public or private, must include an Infection Prevention Plan, in accordance with the criteria established in the aforementioned document and will be presented , at least 15 days before the event, in a standardized model, mandatory use, available at the electronic headquarters of the Government of the Canary Islands, Canarian Health Service: jspidDocument=ef31ef92-19c9-11eb-b05b-8d32ca415859&idFolder=e01092c2-7d66-11ea-871d-cb574c2473a4.
The aforementioned application may be submitted in person or preferably electronically through the aforementioned office. The presentation of authorization requests may be made in person only in the case of a natural person.
The risk assessment of the epidemiological situation of the island where the event takes place will be carried out by the General Directorate of Public Health.
This risk assessment, due to the changing epidemiological situation, will be carried out, regardless of the date of submission of the application, in the 15 days prior to the event. For this reason, the effective holding of the event will be conditioned, in any case and regardless of whether it is authorized, to the epidemiological situation on the island on the scheduled date of holding the event, it being the responsibility of the organizer to consult the epidemiological situation for the purposes of to determine the possibility of holding it, on the website "Covid Portal" of the Government of the Canary Islands (
The event can only be held, even if it has authorization, if the island is in a situation of new normality or low transmission, corresponding to alert level 1. This provision will not be applicable in relation to the events indicated in section 3, for which capacities are indicated in alert levels 2, 3 and 4 without prejudice to what is indicated in the corresponding authorization in those that expressly require it.
If the evaluation of the epidemiological situation reveals a low level of transmission, the risk evaluation of the characteristics of the event and the participants, as well as the risk mitigation capacity, will be carried out by an interdepartmental Committee, appointed by the person in charge of the Ministry competent in matters of health as a work commission.
This Committee will be chaired by the person in charge of the General Directorate of Public Health or a person delegated, and will be made up of a technical person in each of the following matters, proposed by the Ministries that hold competences in the same: public health, security and emergencies, culture and sports, and will be assisted by a secretariat, with voice and vote, which will rest with a public employee of the Canary Islands Health Service, with a higher degree and legal training.
The interdepartmental Committee will be governed, in terms of its organization and operation regime, by the provisions for collegiate bodies, in Chapter II of the Preliminary Title of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, as well as in Chapter III of Decree 212/1991, of September 11, on the organization of the Departments of the Autonomous Administration of the Canary Islands, being able unanimously to establish or complete its own operating rules. The Committee will meet as often as necessary to carry out the risk assessments of the celebration of events requested for their resolution on time. Agreements will preferably be adopted by consensus and if not possible by majority.
2.1.12. Smoking, the use of tobacco inhalation devices, water pipes, hookahs, shisha or similar will not be allowed on public roads and in outdoor spaces, provided that it is not possible to guarantee the maintenance of an interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters. . Consumption may not be made while traveling on public roads.
The consumption of tobacco or other inhalation devices is prohibited within a perimeter of at least 5 meters, with respect to the accesses to non-university educational centers, health centers, social health centers, premises and establishments where smoking is prohibited.
Likewise, the consumption of tobacco or other inhalation devices is prohibited within a perimeter of at least 2 meters, with respect to the physical or virtual limits of the playgrounds.
2.1.12a. Eating and drinking on public roads and in outdoor spaces is prohibited when it is not possible to guarantee the maintenance of an interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters, except in groups of stable coexistence.
2.1.13. Special measures to contain transmission levels.
1. Regarding the measures contemplated in section 3, the risk assessment and its incidence in the definition of alert levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 approved by the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System through the document " Coordinated response actions to control the transmission of COVID-19" dated October 22, 2020, or subsequent updates that occur.
The territorial unit of evaluation will be the island. The island of La Graciosa will be subject to individualized evaluation due to its particular characteristics, when necessary.
The assessment of territorial units or municipalities that, due to their low population, have to be the object of a singular evaluation, must be carried out locally and based on the context of each territory, being able to use specific indicators that guide the measures to be adopted adapting to the epidemiological and local risk situation.
For these purposes, the following levels of action will be considered for an island to adopt measures to contain transmission levels:
- Green traffic light: the measures provided in this Government Agreement are applied up to alert level 1, for being in the indicators corresponding to the new normality or to the low level of transmission in the terms provided by the Interterritorial Council of National system of health.
- Yellow traffic light: the measures provided in this Government Agreement are applied at alert level 2.
- Red traffic light: the measures provided in this Government Agreement are applied at alert level 3.
- Brown traffic light: the measures provided in this Government Agreement corresponding to alert level 4 are applied, without prejudice to additional restrictions to be implemented as a matter of priority, which will be established by Annex to this Agreement. In the event that its adoption requires the activation of the mechanism provided for in article four of Organic Law 4/1981, of June 1, on states of alarm, exception and siege, the President of the autonomous community will request the Government the declaration of state of alarm, in accordance with the provisions of the fifth article of Organic Law 4/1981, of June 1. Likewise, the necessary regulations for the mobilization of health personnel and other sectors of public administrations will be adapted or elaborated.
2. The General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Islands Health Service may exceptionally activate a different level of action in the event that it is detected that the evolution of one or some of the risk assessment indicators requires it.
3. Likewise, in the global assessment of the risk in mass events or activities, for the purpose of authorizing or denying their celebration in accordance with the provisions of measure 2.1.11, the epidemiological situation will be evaluated first in order to verify the existence of a low level of transmission on the island where the event takes place, in accordance with the document "Recommendations for mass events and activities in the context of the new normality due to COVID-19 in Spain", agreed by the Public Health Commission of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.
Therefore, mass events or activities may only be authorized, or those already authorized may be held, when the island is up to alert level 1. This provision shall not apply in relation to the indicated events in section 3, for which measures are indicated in alert levels 2, 3 and 4, without prejudice to what is indicated in the corresponding authorization in those that expressly require it.
4. It will be evaluated weekly by the General Directorate of Public Health of the Canary Islands Health Service and will be published on the website "Covid Portal" of the Government of the Canary Islands (, the declaration of the levels of action indicated in the previous sections, being able, in addition, to publish specific updates based on the evolution of epidemiological data.
5. The specific intervention measures that correspond to each level of action will remain in force, on each island, during the 14 days following the publication of the last weekly evaluation, as indicated in the previous paragraphs.
2.2. General cleaning and disinfection measures required for all activities.
In general, without prejudice to the specific rules or protocols established, the following cleaning and disinfection measures will be applicable to all establishments, business premises, facilities and spaces for public use and activities of a public nature.
2.2.1. The owner of the economic activity or, where appropriate, the director or person in charge of the centers, facilities, spaces for public use and entities, must ensure that the appropriate cleaning and disinfection measures are adopted according to the characteristics and intensity of use of the establishments, premises, facilities or spaces. The establishments and premises that open to the public will carry out, at least once a day, a cleaning and disinfection of the facilities. In cleaning and disinfection tasks, special attention will be paid to common use areas and the most frequent contact surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, furniture, handrails, floors, telephones, hangers, counters, games in children's areas, benches or chairs and other elements with similar characteristics. The cleaning measures will also extend, where appropriate, to workers' private areas, such as changing rooms, lockers, toilets, kitchens and rest areas.
2.2.2. Cleaning and disinfection will be carried out according to the following guidelines:
a) Disinfectants such as dilutions of freshly prepared bleach (1:50) or any of the disinfectants with virucidal activity found on the market and duly authorized and registered will be used. In the use of this product, the indications on the label will be respected.
b) After each cleaning, the materials used and the protective equipment used will be safely disposed of, followed by hand washing.
2.2.3. In the event that there is equipment, tools, objects or the like that can be shared by more than one user, client or worker, the appropriate mechanisms and processes will be established to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use and the performing hand hygiene before and after use. The use of products that involve direct handling by successive clients or users will be permanently supervised by a worker who can proceed to disinfect them after handling the product by each client or user. Textile garments tried on but not purchased, or returned by the customer, will be sanitized before they are provided to other customers.
2.2.4. The cleaning and disinfection of toilets, changing rooms, changing rooms, lactation rooms or similar must be reinforced, always guaranteeing their state of health and hygiene, as well as the operation and cleaning of toilets, taps and door knobs of toilets in establishments and premises open to the public. In establishments in the commercial textile, clothing repair and similar sectors, fitting rooms must be used by a single person and frequent cleaning and disinfection of these spaces must be carried out.
2.2.5. In the event that uniforms or work clothes are used, they will be washed and disinfected regularly, following the usual procedure.
2.2.6. There will be bins to deposit handkerchiefs and any other disposable material, with a pedal-operated lid, which must be cleaned frequently and at least once a day.
2.3. Other general preventive measures.
In general, without prejudice to the specific rules or protocols established, the following general prevention measures will be applicable to all establishments, business premises, facilities and spaces for public use and activities of a public nature.
2.3.1. Periodic ventilation tasks must be carried out in the facilities and, at least, daily and for the time necessary to allow air renewal. Ventilation will be natural or, in the case of using air conditioning, sufficient air renewal will be guaranteed, capturing the outside air in an appropriate place.
The foregoing will not be necessary in outdoor spaces, understood as such, for the purposes of this Agreement, any uncovered space or any space that, being covered, is laterally surrounded by a maximum of two walls, walls or walls, or that does not have a surface area greater than 50% laterally covered by any type of structure or material that prevents or hinders the passage of air (bricks, canvas, plastic, glass, etc.).
2.3.2. Frequent hand hygiene using water, soap or disposable paper, or alcohol-based products, will be promoted by users and workers, ensuring their availability and correct replacement. Dispensers of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with viricidal activity, duly authorized and registered, must be made available to the public in accessible and visible places and in strategic areas, and, in any case, at the entrance of the premises or establishment, and they must always be in terms of use.
2.3.3. Payment by card or other means that do not involve physical contact between devices will be promoted, as well as the cleaning and disinfection of the equipment necessary for this. In the case of automatic sales and payment devices, vending and payment machines, self-service and other similar activities, the owner of the same must ensure compliance with the appropriate hygiene and disinfection measures for the machines as well as inform users of its correct use through the installation of informative signage.
2.3.4. Reminders of prevention measures will be made (posters at the entrance, strategic areas, public address announcements, and other means).
2.4. Screened with PCR tests or equivalent in specific groups.
2.4.1. In the event of an epidemic outbreak, screening will be carried out with PCR tests or equivalent in those populations at risk and potentially exposed (such as: residents in social health centers, neighborhoods with community transmission, educational centers, affected housing blocks, vulnerable groups, among others). .
2.4.2. Likewise, the regional health authority may order the performance of screenings with PCR tests or equivalent, in those populations at risk and potentially exposed indicated in the previous section, with a preventive nature and as an additional measure, for the detection of asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, in the following cases:
- in those municipalities with a high cumulative incidence according to the indicators and criteria set forth in section 2.1.13.
- in those areas where sustained community transmission is suspected and there are epidemiological circumstances that, according to the technical criteria of the health authority, so recommend it.
2.4.3. Screenings with PCR or equivalent tests may be carried out, preventively and as an additional measure, to detect asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, to potentially exposed essential professional groups.
2.4.4. It is recommended that workers in social health centers who are in direct contact with residents periodically carry out PCR or equivalent tests.
The sectors and activities that are included below must comply, in addition to the general preventive measures included in sections 1 and 2, the measures that are specifically indicated in the following sections.
3.1. Teaching centers.
1. The return to face-to-face teaching activity of the educational centers that provide the teaching of article 3 of the Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education, will be governed by the current sanitary conditions.
2. The rules on disinfection and prevention determined at all times by the health authority, both in public and private centers, will be mandatory.
The mandatory use of the masks provided in section 1.3 will be applicable in non-university and university educational centers.
3. The educational centers will remain open throughout the school year, ensuring dining services and teaching support for minors with special needs or belonging to socially vulnerable families.
4. In the event of outbreaks or uncontrolled transmission, the application of general preventive measures will be extreme. Before the closure of the educational center, the implementation of a blended education system will be considered, or a schedule adaptation that allows a greater limitation of contacts.
5. It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, Universities, Culture and Sports to approve the prevention and organization protocols necessary for the development of the 2020/2021 school year, as well as for carrying out extracurricular activities, within the scope of its powers. These protocols, in any case, will include the health recommendations approved so far and will be supervised by the Ministry with powers in health matters, incorporating the measures related to educational centers declared as coordinated actions in public health, in accordance with the provisions of the Article 65 of Law 16/2003, of May 28, on the cohesion and quality of the National Health System, and collected in the following documents:
- Order communicated by the Minister of Health, of August 27, 2020, approving the declaration of coordinated public health actions against COVID-19 for educational centers during the 2020/21 academic year.
- Guide to Prevention, Hygiene and Health Promotion Measures against COVID-19 for educational centers in the 2020-2021 academic year.
- Recommendations referring to the university community for the 2020-2021 academic year and to the educational centers in whose facilities professional training teaching practices are carried out with people outside the educational centers, during the 2020-21 academic year, against COVID- 19.
These protocols will be published on the website:
In the same way, non-subsidized private education centers located in the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands must incorporate the measures established in the previous paragraph into their operating protocols.
6. At the university level, each university will approve the protocols that establish the appropriate prevention measures for the return to face-to-face teaching activity, which will include the health recommendations of the Ministry of Universities to adapt the 2020-2021 university course to an adapted face-to-face, as well as those indicated in section 5 above that are applicable to them.
3.2. Hotel and restaurant activities.
1. In hotel, restaurant and terrace establishments and activities, as well as in beach bars and restaurants, the maintenance of a distance of at least 2 meters between the chairs of different tables or groups of tables will be guaranteed at all times, and between groups of customers at the bar.
Each table or group of tables must be in accordance with the number of people who occupy it and a zigzag arrangement of the chairs will be sought that prevents diners from being face to face and that allows the greatest possible interpersonal distance. The space assigned to each customer or group of customers at the bar must be physically marked.
2. The following specific requirements for capacity, occupancy and hours will be met, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, it will not be possible to exceed 75% of the authorized capacity in interior spaces. The maximum occupancy per table or table group will be 10 people and 4 per group of customers at the bar. The complete closure of the establishments is established before 01:00 h.
b) At alert level 2, 75% of the authorized capacity cannot be exceeded on outdoor terraces and 50% indoors. The maximum occupancy per table or group of tables will be 6 people and 2 per group of customers at the bar. The buffet or self-service service cannot be provided indoors. Establishments are completely closed before 11:00 p.m.
c) At alert level 3, 50% of the authorized capacity cannot be exceeded on outdoor terraces, and service in indoor areas is prohibited. The maximum occupancy per table or group of tables will be 4 people, bar consumption being prohibited. The buffet or self-service service cannot be provided indoors. The establishments are completely closed before 10:00 p.m. The pick-up service can be provided at the premises and home delivery until 10:00 p.m.
d) At alert level 4, the measures indicated for the previous alert level 3 will be complied with, except for the complete closing time of the establishments that is established, for alert level 4, before 6:00 p.m. hours. The pick-up service can be provided at the premises and home delivery until 10:00 p.m.
The prohibition on the use of interior areas and the full closing times of the premises provided for in the different levels of alert, do not affect establishments integrated into health centers and services, workplaces for the consumption of their staff , tourist accommodation for the exclusive use of guests on a lodging basis, educational centers, and establishments with a social dining service, which may remain open at their usual hours and with a capacity of 33%.
3. In the establishments and activities regulated in this section, the following requirements must also be met:
a) The use of commonly used cards will be avoided, opting for your own electronic devices, blackboards, posters, QR or other similar means.
b) Auxiliary service elements, such as crockery, glassware, cutlery or table linen, bread baskets, coffee cups, among others, will be stored in closed areas and, if this is not possible, away from transit areas of customers and workers, and must also remove any decorative element from the tables.
c) Self-service products such as napkin rings, toothpick holders, cruets, oil cans, and other similar utensils will be eliminated, prioritizing their service in other formats at the customer's request or single-dose disposables when determined by specific regulations.
d) Smoking will not be allowed on the terraces or other outdoor spaces dependent on the premises or establishment.
e) The correct ventilation of the interior spaces must be ensured and adequate air renewal must be guaranteed, increasing the ventilation rate (outside air/recirculated air) in case of using ventilation systems or artificial air conditioning.
f) The client cannot occupy a table without being accommodated by the establishment's staff, after proceeding to clean and disinfect it. Customers must remain seated at the table or occupy the assigned space at the bar all the time, limiting movement within the establishment to what is strictly necessary and maintaining the interpersonal safety distance.
g) In buffets and self-services, the specific vigilance and organization measures necessary to guarantee the use of a mask, disinfection of hands with hydroalcoholic gel and maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance between non-cohabitants must be adopted.
h) The food and drink collection services at the premises, home delivery and vehicle collection will always be carried out maintaining interpersonal safety distances and the rest of the preventive measures.
i) The use of masks must be permanently mandatory, except when eating or drinking.
4. The measures provided for in this section are applicable to any establishment or activity that offers food or drink services as a complement to the main activity carried out, except for the exceptions expressly indicated and related to the services of health, work and hospital centers. Tourist accommodation.
5. Outdoor terraces are considered to be those spaces that meet the characteristics indicated in the second paragraph of section 2.3.1.
3.3. Activities of tourist accommodation establishments.
a) Each establishment must determine the capacity of the different common spaces, as well as those places where events can be held and the safest conditions for their realization in accordance with the maximum capacity provided and in accordance with hygiene measures, protection and minimum distance established.
In general, the following capacities may not be exceeded in common areas, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13, without prejudice to the specific capacities that must be applied in activities specifically regulated in this Agreement:
1. Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity. Groups of people may be a maximum number of 10.
2. At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity. Groups of people may be a maximum number of 6.
3. At alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity. Groups of people may be a maximum number of 4.
b) In halls or interior spaces where shows or entertainment events are held and in those intended for games or other activities, in which food or drinks are served, the indications provided in section 3.2 will be respected. restaurants and hotels, except for the restriction applicable to the buffet or self-service service, for indoor and outdoor consumption, which will be allowed at alert levels 2 and 3 as long as it is assisted, respects the established capacity levels and complies with the conditions set forth in Decree Law 17/2020, of October 29.
c) When the staff provides the service of transporting the client's luggage, it must be carried out in safe conditions. To do this, these personnel will have disposable gloves and/or disinfectant wipes to clean handles, handles, etc.
d) In the car park, the handling of customer cars by staff must be avoided.
e) Entertainment activities or group classes must be designed and planned in such a way that they allow capacity control and respect the minimum safety distance between people, regardless of the mandatory use of a mask. Animation or group activities will preferably be carried out outdoors and the exchange of material will be avoided.
f) In the case of sports facilities of tourist accommodation establishments, swimming pools or gyms, spas or similar, the measures specifically established for these will be applied. The guidelines and recommendations for its use will be determined for each establishment, in accordance with the prevention and hygiene standards provided for in this Agreement, and their knowledge by users will be guaranteed.
g) In the cafeteria and restaurant services, the measures established for the restaurant service in section 3.2 will be applied. in restaurants and hotels, except for the restriction applicable to the buffet or self-service service, in indoor and outdoor consumption, which in alert levels 2, 3 and 4 will be allowed as long as it is assisted, respects the established capacity levels and complies with the conditions included in Decree Law 17/2020, of October 29.
h) In the accommodation units, efforts will be made to reduce textiles, including carpets, as well as decorative objects and comforts designed for clients (amenities).
i) The blankets and pillows in the closets must be protected.
j) The use of well-ventilated areas will be promoted and favored instead of closed spaces.
3.4. Specific measures for the development of the tourist guide activity.
The activity of a tour guide may be carried out, establishing the necessary measures to ensure the interpersonal safety distance during the development of the activity and maintaining the physical protection measure with the use of a mask in the terms of section 1.3. These activities will be arranged, preferably, by appointment, avoiding transit through areas or places likely to generate crowds during the development of the activity.
Depending on the alert level of the territory in which the activity is organized, according to the provisions of section 2.1.13, the following will be fulfilled:
a) Up to alert level 1, the activities will be carried out in groups of people with a stable coexistence of a maximum of 10 people and with a maximum limit of 50 people.
b) At alert level 2, the activities will be carried out in stable coexistence groups of a maximum of 6 people and with a maximum limit of 30 people.
c) At alert level 3, the activities will be carried out in stable coexistence groups of a maximum of 4 people and up to a maximum of 20 people.
d) At alert level 4, activities will be carried out in groups of a maximum of 4 people and up to a maximum of 12 people. In the case of outdoor activities in which the interpersonal safety distance between the different groups can be permanently guaranteed, up to a maximum of 20 people is allowed.
The different groups of stable coexistence will maintain the interpersonal safety distance from each other at all times.
In visits to monuments and other cultural facilities, the conditions in which they must be carried out must be respected, in accordance with the provisions for this type of activity in section 3.8.
During the development of the activity, audio guides, brochures or other similar material may not be provided.
In means of transport, the established standards of cleaning and sanitization and the mandatory use of a mask will be complied with, and especially those set forth in section 2.1.9. ter related to ventilation and behavior of people in the means of transport.
3.5. Specific measures for the development of active tourism activities.
Active and nature tourism activities may be carried out, organized by companies authorized as active tourism companies, and the necessary measures must be established to ensure the interpersonal safety distance during the development of the activity, also guaranteeing compliance with the use mandatory mask.
Depending on the alert level of the territory in which the activity is organized, according to the provisions of section 2.1.13, the following will be fulfilled:
a) Up to alert level 1, the activities will be carried out in groups of people with a stable coexistence of a maximum of 10 people and with a maximum limit of 50 people.
b) At alert level 2, the activities will be carried out in stable coexistence groups of a maximum of 6 people and with a maximum limit of 30 people.
c) At alert level 3, the activities will be carried out in stable coexistence groups of a maximum of 4 people and up to a maximum of 20 people.
d) At alert level 4, activities will be carried out in stable coexistence groups of a maximum of 4 people and up to a maximum of 12 people. In the case of outdoor activities in which the interpersonal safety distance between the different groups can be permanently guaranteed, up to a maximum of 20 people is allowed.
The different groups of stable coexistence will maintain the interpersonal safety distance from each other at all times.
In means of transport, the established standards of cleaning and sanitization and the mandatory use of a mask will be complied with, and especially those set forth in section 2.1.9. ter related to ventilation and behavior of people in the means of transport.
3.6. Other commercial establishments and premises and professional service activities, open to the public. Shopping centers and parks.
1. In retail establishments and commercial premises and professional service activities open to the public for which capacities are not specifically indicated in other sections, the following capacities may not be exceeded depending on their epidemiological situation:
a) At alert level 1, 50% of its total capacity, and the resulting capacity must allow maintaining interpersonal safety distances at all times.
b) In alert levels 2 and 3, this capacity may not exceed 33%.
c) At alert level 4, this capacity may not exceed 25%.
In the case of establishments or premises distributed over several floors, the above limitations must be met in each of them.
2. In the case of shopping centers and parks, the capacity of common areas will be limited, up to alert level 3, to 33% of the authorized capacity, and to 25% of the authorized capacity at alert level 4, the use of Recreational areas such as children's areas, toy libraries or rest areas, which must remain closed.
In the case of shopping centers spread over several floors, the above limitation must be met on each of them.
In addition, in shopping centers and parks, customers will not be allowed to remain in common areas except for transit or waiting to access the establishments. This restriction does not affect authorized hotel and restaurant activities carried out in said areas, which must comply with the provisions of section 3.2.
3. The necessary measures must be established to allow the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance and capacity control, both in the premises and establishments and in the common areas of shopping centers, in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1. If necessary, the spaces for vehicle parking may be limited.
4. A preferential attention service will be provided to people over 75 years of age, such as priority access, parking reservations or payment boxes, rest seats, which ensure said preference in attention. The existence of the preferential attention service must be indicated visibly in said establishments and premises.
5. The medical or health services will have specific protocols for compliance with capacity and general hygiene and prevention measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. For reasons of medical care related to the health emergency situation, the general capacity provided for in section 1 may be exceeded.
3.7. Cultural activities in cinemas, theaters, auditoriums and stable cultural spaces of public ownership.
The tickets will be numbered and the seats will be pre-assigned and distributed by groups of stable coexistence, ensuring that the public remains seated, that the interpersonal safety distance is maintained between the different groups and the mandatory use of masks.
The following capacities may not be exceeded, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) At alert levels 1 and 2, 55% of the authorized capacity. The public can be accommodated by groups of stable coexistence of up to 6 people. At these levels, at least two free seats will be maintained (signaling the prohibition of their use) between groups living in the same horizontal row and one free seat both in front of and behind each occupied seat. In case of not having fixed seats, a perimeter distance of 1.5 meters of separation between groups of coexistence will be maintained.
b) At alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity. The public can be accommodated by groups of stable coexistence of up to 4 people. At this level, a perimeter distance of 1.5 meters will be maintained at all times between the groups of coexistence.
No eating or drinking is allowed during shows or sessions.
If applicable, security personnel will ensure that the interpersonal safety distance and the mandatory use of masks are respected and will avoid the formation of large groups and crowds, paying special attention to access areas and surroundings, as well as any other area where the interpersonal safety distance is not respected.
These activities will not require prior authorization from section 2.1.11, but they must have a Contagion Prevention Plan to guarantee compliance with the measures established in this Government Agreement (such as capacity, safety distance, masks, prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking, etc.).
3.8. Visits to museums, exhibition halls, monuments and other cultural facilities.
Visits to the halls, monuments and scheduled cultural activities will be allowed as long as the spaces allow respecting the interpersonal safety distance of the users and compliance with the mandatory use of a mask is guaranteed.
The following capacities and occupancies may not be exceeded, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 10 people in group activities.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 6 people in group activities.
c) At alert level 3, 33% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 4 people in group activities.
d) At alert level 4, 25% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 4 people in group activities.
These activities will not require prior authorization from section 2.1.11, but must have a Contagion Prevention Plan to guarantee compliance with the measures established in this Government Agreement (such as capacity, safety distance, masks, prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking, etc.) to ensure maximum security in the development of the activity in said space.
3.9. Libraries, rooms and services.
Free access to the centers will be allowed, respecting the interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters at all times. For this, the spaces for reading, activities and study must be adapted. Likewise, the mandatory use of a mask will be guaranteed.
In the different spaces, rooms and activities, the following capacities and occupancies may not be exceeded, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 10 people in group activities.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 6 people in group activities.
c) In alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 4 people in group activities.
Free access to the collections will be allowed. In all rooms there will be duly authorized and registered hydroalcoholic gel or hand sanitizer dispensers with viricidal action, their use being mandatory by users before accessing them, especially for access to magazines and the press.
Both in the case of individual and group work tables, the interpersonal safety distance will be respected.
The loan of documents will be allowed through the system established in an ordinary way. The return of the documents will be subject to the policy prior to the declaration of the health alert: 15 days for books and one week for the rest of the materials. However, they will maintain a 24-hour quarantine. The interlibrary loan will be restored, keeping the documents received from another library in a waiting time of 24 hours.
The use of computer equipment and other devices is allowed upon request and identification of the requesting person, for a certain time, the use of hydroalcoholic gel being mandatory before and after each use as well as adequate cleaning and disinfection of shared equipment and devices.
For those activities that are carried out in assembly halls, the requirements established in section 3.7 will be met.
The use of other spaces dedicated to special activities, workshops and other activities, will establish their specific operating rules, always by appointment and complying with the capacity and maximum number of people in group activities provided for in the second paragraph.
Libraries must inform of these measures through the corresponding signage and ensure compliance by both staff and users.
The centers must adapt their facilities to comply with the protection measures of both the users and the personnel who provide services in them.
These activities will not require prior authorization from section 2.1.11, but must have a Contagion Prevention Plan to guarantee compliance with the measures established in this Government Agreement (such as capacity, safety distance, masks, prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking, etc.) to ensure maximum security in the development of the activity in said space.
3.10. Prevention measures for public and private administrative offices serving the public.
1. Attention to citizens and users in public and private administrative offices will preferably be carried out by telephone and electronic means, whenever possible. In any case, all users of the available media will be adequately informed.
2. As far as possible, a prior appointment system will be established as a matter of preference.
3. If you have a prior appointment, the wait will be controlled and only those citizens with a prior appointment may be placed in waiting positions or places. The mandatory use of the mask must be guaranteed and, in the event of waiting lines, keep the corresponding distance, which will be indicated by means of support or signage inside or outside the premises.
4. In the accesses susceptible to the formation of agglomerations, signposted waiting positions must be established with the corresponding distance, taking into account the capacity of the premises or office.
5. At service posts and to the extent possible, a physical barrier will be placed to guarantee the safety distance between staff and citizens. Likewise, only one chair will be located per service station, if applicable.
6. In the chairs or waiting benches, measures will be established to guarantee the distance, such as signs that determine the positions that can be occupied and those that must remain free, or physical barriers.
7. As far as possible, making reusable material available to the public or users will be avoided. If reusable material is used, it must be disinfected after each use. The number of papers to deliver or receive will also be limited, to the extent possible.
8. Special attention will be paid to ventilation and air regeneration.
3.11. Prevention measures for archive offices.
1. The archives will provide their services preferably by electronic means, or in person, when that is not possible, by request that will be attended by the technical staff. In-person activities may be carried out in the archives without exceeding the following capacities and occupancies, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 10 people in group activities.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 6 people in group activities.
c) In alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity for each of the rooms and spaces and a maximum number of 4 people in group activities.
2. Citizens will be able to access in-person consultation of up to ten documents or units of the physical facility in which they are located, per working day. These consultations must be carried out in the dependencies established for this purpose, which will be duly adapted to the instructions of this Agreement for public places.
3. The technological devices of the archives, intended for public use by citizens, may be used by users and researchers. They may also use their equipment and personal resources with network connectivity during their stay in the consultation rooms or in those that are set up for this purpose, taking the corresponding precautionary measures. Equipment for manual use must be disinfected in the corresponding terms after each use.
4. The necessary measures must be established to maintain the interpersonal safety distance in their facilities or, failing that, the use of alternative physical protection measures, without prejudice to the mandatory use of a mask.
5. In addition to general compliance with the established hygiene and prevention measures, in the event that some type of hotel and restaurant service is provided in the establishment, the provision of this will be in accordance with the provisions of the conditions for the provision of the service in hotel and restaurant establishments.
3.12. Hygiene and prevention measures for call centers.
1. The workers and workers of the call centers will reinforce the cleaning of the hands periodically. Headphones and microphone helmets will be personal. When this is not possible, they will undergo disinfection and reinforced cleaning.
2. In the call centers, efforts will be made to maintain fixed positions for each worker as far as possible. If this is not possible, cleaning and disinfection will be reinforced after each shift.
3. A distance between stalls of at least one and a half meters will be maintained. It will be ensured that the positions used are diagonally crossed. Likewise, the mandatory use of a mask will be guaranteed.
4. Correct ventilation will be guaranteed by reinforcing natural or mechanical ventilation, establishing the appropriate current flows, and the ventilation rate (outside air/recirculated air) will be increased in the case of using ventilation systems or artificial air conditioning.
5. The shifts will be adapted in such a way that it helps to reduce the presence of workers in the premises.
3.13. Practice of physical and sports activity outdoors and in sports facilities and centers.
1. The practice of physical activity and sports in the open air can be carried out respecting the following restrictions depending on the level of alert in which the territory is located according to the provisions of section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, the capacity established for each of the rooms or spaces in the case of sports facilities and centers will not be exceeded. In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters permanently, a maximum number of 10 people per group is allowed, including the monitor, guaranteeing that the indicated distance is maintained between the different groups at all times and making use of mask mandatory.
b) At alert level 2, 75% of the capacity established for each of the rooms or spaces in the case of sports facilities and centers will not be exceeded. In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters permanently, a maximum number of 6 people per group is allowed, including the monitor, guaranteeing that the indicated distance is maintained between the different groups at all times and making use of mask mandatory.
c) At alert level 3, 50% of the capacity established for each of the rooms or spaces in the case of sports facilities and centers will not be exceeded. In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters permanently, a maximum number of 4 people per group is allowed, including the monitor, guaranteeing that the indicated distance is maintained between the different groups at all times and making use of the mask mandatory.
d) At alert level 4, only the practice of individual sports is allowed and that in which the interpersonal safety distance of 2 meters can be maintained permanently. Team sports may not be practiced or those practices or exercises in which the indicated distance cannot be guaranteed at all times.
In the case of sports activities for minors in outdoor facilities that have stands, accompanying persons (maximum of 2 people per minor) may be allowed to occupy them up to a maximum of 33% of the capacity, maintaining all prevention and protection measures.
2. The practice of physical and sports activity in interior areas of sports facilities and centers can be carried out respecting the following restrictions, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13, without prejudice to the mandatory use of the mask:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the capacity established for each of the rooms or spaces will not be exceeded. In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters permanently, a maximum number of 10 people per group is allowed, including the monitor, guaranteeing that the indicated distance is maintained between the different groups at all times and making use of mask mandatory.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the capacity established for each of the rooms or spaces will not be exceeded. In collective activities in which it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters permanently, a maximum number of 6 people per group including the monitor is allowed, guaranteeing that the indicated distance is maintained between the different groups at all times and making use of mask mandatory.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, the practice of physical activity and sports is prohibited in the interior areas of sports facilities and centers.
3. In the practice of physical or sports activity in sports facilities and centers, the following requirements will be met:
a) During the sporting activity, the interpersonal distance of 2 meters will be maintained. If fixed devices or devices are used, they will be relocated to maintain distance or the use of those that cannot be relocated at this distance will be annulled.
b) If due to the characteristics of the activity it is not possible to maintain a safety distance of 2 meters, for example, in team sports, an attempt will be made to avoid direct physical contact and the activity will be organized so that users form a stable and identified group on all occasions (team) avoiding contact with other groups, except in the development of competitions at the federated level exclusively up to alert level 1.
c) Bags, backpacks or personal effects can only be left in the spaces provided for this purpose.
d) Athletes may not share food, drinks or the like.
e) Before entering and leaving the assigned space, hand hygiene will be carried out through the use of hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity, duly authorized and registered, which will be in accessible places, in any case at the entrance of each space, and always in conditions of use.
f) Technical personnel, monitors or trainers, and workers must maintain the interpersonal safety distance in the facilities and wear a mask at all times.
g) Those modalities or sports specialties in which continuous interpersonal physical contact with the opponent is required are not allowed.
h) In the changing rooms and showers, compliance with the general preventive measures will be extreme: capacity, interpersonal safety distance and use of the mask.
4. In sports facilities and centers for the practice of physical and sports activities, information must be provided, at each of the entrances to the establishment and each of its dependencies, on the general preventive measures and the rules of use established and, specifically:
a) The use of individual protection elements: mask, hand hygiene, disinfection of the material used and safety distance.
b) Instructions for use of the services in changing rooms, common areas, restaurant areas, and water areas.
c) Availability of hydroalcoholic solution and other materials for personal hygiene.
d) Availability of material for the disinfection of the material used.
e) Maximum capacity in each of the rooms for practicing sports, common spaces, toilets, showers, changing rooms or any other dependency.
5. The owner of the establishment will arrange and guarantee the application of a specific cleaning and disinfection procedure, which will contain the aspects included in section 2.2.
The use of objects, machines or material that involves direct manipulation by successive users will be permanently supervised by a worker, in order to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use. Hand hygiene will be promoted before and after use.
6. Ventilation of interior spaces must be guaranteed. For these purposes, ventilation tasks must be carried out in the facilities for at least 30 minutes at the beginning and end of each day, as well as frequently during it and, necessarily, at the end of each class or group activity. In the case of using mechanical ventilation, the supply of outside air must be ensured and the internal air recirculation function cannot be used exclusively.
7. In the event that other services other than sports activities are provided at the facilities, the specific requirements established for each activity in this Agreement will be met.
8. The person or entity that owns the facility is responsible for guaranteeing compliance with the preventive measures established in this Agreement.
9. The use of the mask during sports or physical activity outdoors and in sports facilities and centers is mandatory at all times with the exceptions provided in sections 1.3.2.c) and f).
3.14. Practice of federated sports activity.
1. The practice of professional federated sports activity, in training and competition, may be carried out individually or collectively, trying to maintain the safety distance of 2 meters whenever possible, and up to a maximum of 25 people simultaneously.
Those modalities or sports specialties in which continuous interpersonal physical contact with the opponent is required will not be allowed in any of the alert levels.
2. In non-professional federated sports practice in sports centers and facilities, the provisions of section 3.13 will be followed.
Those modalities or sports specialties in which continuous interpersonal physical contact with the opponent is required will not be allowed in any of the alert levels.
In sports modalities that require a number greater than 10 participants for the development of competitions (for example, soccer), it is allowed, exclusively during the validity of alert level 1, to exceed this number up to the maximum necessary to the development of the activity.
3. During the validity of alert levels 2, 3 and 4, any type of physical activity or non-professional sports practice, at the regional or island level, in which the interpersonal distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained at all times and is required a number of participants greater than that allowed in points 1 and 2 of section 3.13, for each alert level, although training and physical activity may be carried out in which the previous distance is guaranteed and the maximum number of participants indicated above is respected .
4. For these purposes, the Canarian sports federations must draw up, on a mandatory basis, a protocol, based on the Protocols of the Higher Sports Council, which guarantees the monitoring of all hygiene and distance measures required for the prevention of COVID-19, and that it must be published on the website of the corresponding sports federation. This protocol may be required by the competent health authority.
3.15. Celebration of non-professional, professional and federated sporting events that take place in the Canary Islands.
1. The organizers of sporting events of an occasional, sporadic or unscheduled nature in the official calendars of the sports federations must have prior authorization in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.11 and have a specific protocol in the field of COVID-19, with the different aspects contemplated in the protocols of the Higher Sports Council (Protocol of action for the return of official competitions of a state level and non-professional nature - Season 2020-2021), which must be communicated to its participants. Said protocol will include the necessary measures to maintain the interpersonal safety distance with and between spectators or, failing that, the use of alternative protection measures, without prejudice to the mandatory use of masks. This protocol may be required by the competent health authority.
2. Sporting events or celebrations that take place in educational centers will be governed by the measures set forth in section 3.1.
Likewise, those cases are excluded in which, in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of article 15 of Royal Decree Law 21/2020, of June 9, of urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with Due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the competent Administration will be the Higher Sports Council, also taking into account the Coordinated Actions of October 28, 2020, which agree on the absence of the public in international football and basketball competitions professional competitions that are held in Spain as long as public attendance is not allowed in national professional competitions.
3. Events held in sports facilities, both subject to mass event authorization and those that do not require it, may, where appropriate, be held with the public as long as the mandatory use of a mask is guaranteed, people remain seated, and maintain the minimum interpersonal distance. recommended and the capacities indicated below are not exceeded, based on the alert level established for each territory, as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1: sporting events are allowed with a maximum public capacity of 50% of the authorized capacity, as long as the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between the public is guaranteed .
b) In alert levels 2, 3 and 4: professional events may be held and, in the case of non-professionals, only those in which athletes or players can maintain a safety distance of two meters permanently, in accordance with the provisions of section 3.14. In no case is public attendance allowed, except as established in section 3.13 on accompanying minors.
There is no eating, drinking or smoking for the public in attendance.
In the case of sporting events for minors in outdoor facilities that have stands, accompanying persons (maximum of 2 people per minor) may be allowed to occupy them up to a maximum of 33% of the capacity, maintaining all prevention and protection measures.
4. Likewise, the presence of the media will be allowed provided that the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities can be guaranteed, and especially those referring to physical distance between professional media professionals, and between these and sports people.
If applicable, the security personnel will ensure that the interpersonal safety distance and the mandatory use of masks are respected and will avoid the formation of large groups and crowds, paying special attention to the access areas and surroundings, as well as any another area where the interpersonal safety distance is not respected.
3.16. Religious places of worship.
1. The interpersonal safety distance between non-cohabitants must be guaranteed and the mandatory use of the mask.
In the practice of worship, physical contact between the attendees and the singing will be avoided.
The temple or place of worship must remain with the doors and windows open before and after the celebration, for the necessary time to guarantee ventilation. During the celebration the doors will be kept open, if this does not prevent the practice of it.
Attendance at places of worship will not exceed the following capacities depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, it may not exceed 75% of its capacity in closed spaces.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of its capacity cannot be exceeded in closed spaces. It is recommended to offer the services online or on television.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the capacity cannot be exceeded in closed spaces. It is recommended to offer the services online or on television.
2. The use of the exterior of the buildings or the public highway for the celebration of acts of worship must have prior authorization in accordance with section 2.1.11, it must be approved by the corresponding municipal authority and the necessary measures must be established to guarantee the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance, regardless of the mandatory use of the mask, as well as the rest of the general preventive measures contained in this Agreement. These celebrations cannot be held during alert levels 3 and 4.
3.17. Wakes and burials.
1. Wakes may be held in all types of facilities, public or private, duly enabled, ensuring compliance with the mandatory use of the mask, adequate ventilation, as well as that the interpersonal safety distance between non-cohabitants is respected at all times, with a maximum limit of 20 people outdoors or 10 in closed spaces, whether or not they are cohabiting and a maximum capacity of 75%, 50% and 33% of the authorized capacity, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in the section 2.1.13.
2. Participation in the procession for the burial or farewell of the deceased person is restricted to a maximum of 50 people, including relatives and close friends, up to alert level 1 and 25 people at alert levels 2, 3 and 4, in addition of the minister of worship or assimilated person of the respective confession for the practice of the deceased's farewell funeral rites, not exceeding the capacity limits of 75%, 50% and 33% of the authorized capacity, respectively.
A maximum of 5 people may access the act of cremation or cremation.
3. The necessary measures must be established to maintain the interpersonal safety distance in the facilities regardless of the mandatory use of the mask.
4. In addition to general compliance with the established hygiene and prevention measures, in the event that some type of hotel and restaurant service is provided on the premises, the provision of this will be in accordance with the provisions of the conditions for the provision of the service in hotel and restaurant establishments in section 3.2.
3.18. Ceremonies and other religious or civil celebrations.
1. Religious and civil ceremonies will comply with the provisions of section 3.16.
2. Weddings, baptisms, communions and similar celebrations that take place in hotel and restaurant establishments, or in any other type of facility, must be served by professional hotel and restaurant personnel, and in them the provisions of section 3.2. Attendance to them will not exceed the following capacities depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, in closed spaces it may not exceed 75% of the capacity, with a maximum of 150 people outdoors or 50 people indoors.
b) At alert level 2, it may not exceed 75% of the authorized capacity in outdoor spaces or 50% in indoor areas, with a maximum of 100 people outdoors or 30 in closed spaces.
c) At alert level 3, it may not exceed 50% of the capacity outdoors or 33% of the authorized capacity in indoor areas, with a maximum of 20 people outdoors or 10 in closed spaces.
d) At alert level 4, 50% of the outdoor capacity may not be exceeded nor 25% of the authorized capacity in indoor areas, with a maximum of 10 people.
It is recommended in alert levels 3 and 4, if possible, to postpone its celebration until the epidemiological situation improves.
3. Group activities in which attendees physically interact should be avoided, consequently, the cocktail, buffet and open bar service is prohibited. The catering service will be carried out at a table and the client will not be able to occupy a table without being accommodated by the establishment's staff. Maintaining a distance of at least 2 meters between the chairs at different tables will be guaranteed at all times. Each table or group of tables must be in accordance with the number of people who occupy it and a zigzag arrangement of the chairs will be sought that prevents diners from being face to face and that allows the greatest possible interpersonal distance. It is recommended to group the cohabitants around the same table.
4. At the event there may be live ambient music as long as singing, dancing or any other activity that does not allow guaranteeing the interpersonal safety distance between the attendees is not promoted, except the bride and groom at the time of the wedding dance exclusively.
5. To guarantee compliance with the prevention measures contained in this Agreement, the owner or manager of the event must be a professional and have the necessary and sufficient personnel to comply with and enforce these measures. From this perspective, the hotel and restaurant professional will be liable for the breaches detected, without prejudice to the corresponding individual responsibility.
6. The General Directorate of Public Health will provide the health protocols to facilitate compliance and control of the prevention measures contained in this Agreement to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
7. For these purposes, the authorization of the competent health authority will not be required, and the responsibility of guaranteeing that the celebration complies with the prevention measures provided in this Government Agreement falls on the hotel and restaurant professional. However, prior communication must be made to the town hall of the municipality where the celebration takes place, in order to organize the control or inspection activities that are considered appropriate. The notification will be made at least 10 days before the celebration, in a standard model available at the electronic headquarters of the Government of the Canary Islands, Canarian Health Service:
3.19. Gambling and betting establishments and premises.
1. Gaming casinos, bingo halls, arcades and gaming halls, external betting venues and other venues and facilities similar to those of recreational gaming and betting activity, as established by the sectoral regulations on gaming, may always carry out their activity. that the following capacities are not exceeded, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity.
c) At alert level 3, 33% of the authorized capacity, the consumption of drinks or food being prohibited, in accordance with the provisions of section 3.2.
d) At alert level 4, they will remain closed.
2. The establishments and premises in which gaming and betting activities are carried out must establish systems or procedures that allow the strict counting and control of the capacity established in section 1, so that this is not exceeded at any time.
3. The necessary measures must be established to ensure compliance with the mandatory use of the mask and maintain the interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters in its facilities, especially in the arrangement and use of machines or any other device. of games and bets in the establishments in which these activities are carried out. When it is not possible to maintain said safety distance, the appropriate hygiene measures will be observed to prevent the risks of contagion and alternative physical protection measures will be used, regardless of the mandatory use of the mask.
4. The tables or groups of tables, where appropriate, will have a maximum occupancy of 10, 6 and 4 people at alert level 1, 2 and 3 respectively, guaranteeing, in any case, a distance of at least 2 meters between the chairs. different tables.
5. The owner of the establishment will arrange and guarantee the application of a specific cleaning and disinfection procedure, which will contain the aspects included in section 2.2.
The use of objects, machines or material that involves direct manipulation by successive users will be permanently supervised by a worker, in order to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use. Hand hygiene will be promoted before and after use.
6. In the event that gambling and betting establishments provide some type of hotel and restaurant service, this will comply with the conditions required of hotel and restaurant establishments in section 3.2. The consumption of food or drinks is prohibited after the closing hours of the hotel and restaurant establishments provided for in said section depending on the alert level in each territory.
3.20. Recreational machines installed in other establishments whose main activity is not gaming.
1. The provision and use of authorized recreational machines in catering establishments, tourist accommodation establishments, passenger ships, amusement parks, fairgrounds and family entertainment centers must guarantee maintenance of the minimum interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters, without prejudice to the mandatory use of the mask.
2. The owner of the establishment will arrange and guarantee the application of a specific cleaning and disinfection procedure, which will contain the aspects included in section 2.2.
The use of objects, machines or material that involves direct manipulation by successive users will be permanently supervised by a worker, in order to guarantee their cleaning and disinfection after each use. Hand hygiene will be promoted before and after use.
3.21. Public shows.
1. Recreational, leisure and recreation activities, including sports, that take place sporadically and in places other than establishments intended for the regular exercise of said activity and, in any case, those held in removable or open-air facilities, must have authorization in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.11 and may take place provided that the public remains seated or in sectors of groups of the maximum number of people from their social or family environment, sitting or standing, which is indicated below, which is maintain the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 between the coexistence groups, and that the following capacities are not exceeded, depending on the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity and groups of a maximum number of 10 people.
b) At alert levels 2, 3 and 4, public shows may not be held subject to the authorization of a mass event.
2. The necessary measures must be established to guarantee a minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters, as well as due control to avoid crowds. When it is not possible to maintain said safety distance, the appropriate hygiene measures will be observed to prevent the risks of contagion and alternative physical protection measures will be used, regardless of the mandatory use of the mask.
3. In the event that some type of hotel and restaurant service is provided at public shows, this will comply with the conditions required of hotel and restaurant establishments.
If applicable, the security personnel will ensure that the interpersonal safety distance and the mandatory use of masks are respected and will avoid the formation of large groups and crowds, paying special attention to the access areas and surroundings, as well as any another area where the interpersonal safety distance is not respected.
3.22. Beaches.
3.22.1. Surveillance and lifeguard personnel.
The surveillance and lifeguard personnel will follow the recommendations of the Coastal Rescue Action Protocol in the field of COVID-19 of the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies.
3.22.2. Capacity on beaches.
Depending on the level of alert established for each territory, taking into account its epidemiological situation and in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.13, the following limitations and controls of the capacity of the beaches will be followed:
a) Up to alert level 1, the municipalities will establish the maximum capacity of the beaches and maritime bathing areas and may establish access limitations, in order to facilitate the maintenance of the minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters. Likewise, they may also establish conditions and restrictions for access and permanence, depending on the evolution of the health emergency situation. Groups of people may not be larger than 10.
b) At alert level 2, a maximum capacity of 75% of the established capacity is established and an effective control of capacity and limitation of access to the beaches must be carried out. Groups of people may not be larger than 6.
c) In alert levels 3 and 4, a maximum capacity of 50% of the established capacity is established and an effective control of capacity and limitations of access to the beach must be carried out. The groups of people may not be more than 4 in number. The health authority may establish other complementary measures.
Non-cohabitants must remain at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other when they do not use the mask permitted in section 1.3.2.f).
Each city council will determine, within its municipal area, the beaches or maritime bathing areas in which a maximum capacity is established (taking into account especially the beaches or circumstances in which there could be a high influx with the danger of crowds or difficulty maintaining the minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters).
For the purposes of calculating the maximum capacity allowed for each beach, it will be considered that the beach area to be occupied by each bather will be the necessary one in order to ensure that the minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters between users can be respected. For the calculation of the useful surface of the beach, the height of the tides, the sectorization of activities will be taken into account, and transit spaces and accesses will be discounted.
For the purposes of calculating the maximum capacity allowed for each beach, it will be considered that the beach area to be occupied by each user will be approximately four square meters. The location of personal belongings, towels, sun loungers and similar items will be carried out in such a way that the interpersonal safety distance can be maintained with respect to other users, except in the case of cohabitants.
In the beaches or maritime bathing areas, capacity control will be carried out, which may be adjusted depending on dates, days of the week, time slots, or other circumstances that may be coincidental or cause of a high influx , danger due to crowds, or difficulty in maintaining the minimum interpersonal distance from users.
3.22.3. Natural pools.
The capacity of each pool will be established and controlled to a number of users per surface area of water that allows the maintenance of safety distances during bathing. At alert levels 2, 3 and 4, this capacity will not be exceeded by 75%, 50% and 33%, respectively.
Any system that prevents adequate renewal of the water must be unblocked, which must be associated with the natural movement of the tides.
3.22.4. Information to the population.
The City Councils will inform users on the beaches and maritime bathing areas, through visible signage or other means, of the hygiene and prevention regulations to be observed, indicating the need to leave the facility in the event of any symptom compatible with COVID-19 .
A communication protocol will be enabled on the beaches and maritime bathing areas with medium and high influx, to inform through a portable public address system or through the notification and communication system, about the hygiene and prevention regulations to be observed by COVID -19.
Users of the beaches and maritime bathing areas must make responsible use of them and their facilities, both from an environmental and health point of view, complying with the recommendations, measures and standards established by the authorities. sanitary.
Users will respect the instructions given on billboards, signage, or those given through the notice and communication system.
Users will respect the minimum interpersonal distance of 1.5 meters, or failing that, alternative measures of physical protection, adequate hygiene and respiratory etiquette, as well as compliance with the mandatory use of the mask in the terms provided in section 1.3.
Computerized information will be offered to the population through websites and mobile applications for real-time knowledge of the capacity of the situation of the beaches in order to avoid crowds at the entrance or exit of them.
3.22.5. Sport activities.
Sports on the beach are allowed individually or in pairs and without physical contact.
The aquatic activities will be carried out under the normal conditions established by each municipality, although the equipment must be disinfected at the beginning and at the end of the activity. In all the activities that are carried out in an organized manner by schools, each ordinance will observe the need to establish shifts for the activities, guaranteeing the minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters and the maximum number of students will be established without exceeding groups of 10. 6 or 4 people, depending on the alert level 1, 2 or 3, respectively, in which each territory is based on its epidemiological situation as provided in section 2.1.13. At alert level 4, only the practice of individual sports is allowed and as long as the safety distance of 2 meters with other people can be guaranteed, permanently.
Those responsible for business of jet skis, pedal boats and other sports or recreational items must comply with the provisions of the specific orders for retail trade and, in particular, in everything that refers to hygiene and disinfection. All vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected before each use, following cleaning and disinfection guidelines.
3.22.6. Sunbeds and umbrellas.
The distance of two meters must be respected between individual hammocks or groups of two hammocks, at all ends. The hammocks within a group may be at a lower distance for their occupation, exclusively, by cohabitants. Cleaning and disinfection must be guaranteed.
Every time a client claims one of the elements offered in the service (hammocks, umbrella or table), these must be disinfected with an antiseptic and disinfectant solution that respects the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 standard, and without the it reaches the sand.
Users must disinfect their hands before using the hammocks.
Customers will be encouraged to use their own towel in the hammock.
Cleaning and disinfection must be carried out between users of any equipment that is going to be used by different people.
The workers of the sunbeds and umbrellas service must maintain the recommended physical distance from each other, in addition to duly observing the other applicable indications: uniform and mask during the provision of the service.
3.22.7. Cleaning and disinfection.
The city councils will ensure that the facilities and assets on the beaches are cleaned and disinfected using substances that are not harmful to the environment.
The maximum occupancy in the use of outdoor showers and footbaths, toilets, changing rooms and other similar public services will be one person, except in those cases of people who may require assistance, who may have their companion. The cleaning and disinfection of the aforementioned spaces must be reinforced, always guaranteeing their state of health and hygiene.
Those responsible for businesses of jet skis, pedal boats and any other similar sporting or recreational element must comply with the provisions of the established hygiene and prevention measures. All vehicles must be cleaned and disinfected before each use and, in the same way, sunbeds or any other object for rotating use must be cleaned and disinfected when changing users.
3.23. Children and youth camps.
1. When the development of the activities provided for in the previous section is carried out outdoors, the number of participants must be limited taking into account the alert level established for each territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, a maximum of 150 participants including monitors are allowed and 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. During the development of the activities, the participants must be organized into groups of up to a maximum of 10 people, including the monitor.
b) At alert level 2, a maximum of 100 participants are allowed, including monitors, and 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. During the development of the activities, participants must be organized into groups of up to a maximum of 6 people, including the monitor.
c) At alert level 3, a maximum of 20 participants are allowed, including monitors, and 33% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. During the development of the activities, the participants must be organized into groups of up to a maximum of 4 people, including the monitor.
d) At alert level 4, this type of activity may not be carried out.
2. When the aforementioned activities are carried out in closed spaces, the number of participants must be limited taking into account the alert level established for each territory, depending on its epidemiological situation, as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, a maximum of 50 participants are allowed, including monitors, and 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. During the development of the activities, the participants must be organized into groups of up to a maximum of 10 people, including the monitor.
b) At alert level 2, a maximum of 30 participants are allowed, including monitors, and 33% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. During the development of the activities, participants must be organized into groups of up to a maximum of 6 people, including the monitor.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, this type of activity may not be carried out.
3. Activities and interactions will be restricted to members of each of these groups.
4. The General Directorate of Public Health will provide a health protocol for prevention measures in children's and youth camps to facilitate compliance with the preventive measures contained in this Agreement and which will be available on the website of the Canary Islands Health Service of the Government of the Canary Islands.
3.24. Camping, shelters, non-social shelters and overnight camps.
Camping is not allowed except in the spaces set aside for this activity and respecting the measures indicated in this Agreement. The camping area will be delimited respecting the safety distance.
In camping, refuges, non-social shelters and camps with overnight stays, the following capacities will not be exceeded depending on the alert level established for each territory, taking into account its epidemiological situation and in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 50% of the maximum authorized capacity. The permanence of groups of people is limited to 10 people.
b) At alert level 2, 33% of the maximum authorized capacity. The permanence of groups of people is limited to 6 people.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, these spaces will remain closed.
Under no circumstances may people who do not live together spend the night in the same room, so the owner of the facility must verify this aspect when booking each room.
3.25. Tastings of food products.
1. All product tasters will maintain at all times a safety distance between them of at least two meters in each session.
The rooms where the tasting sessions take place will be provided with signage both on the floor and on vertical panels to direct the passage of both the tasters and the auxiliary personnel who serve the product and the technical personnel who direct the tasting sessions. different tasting panels.
Hydroalcoholic solution will be available at each tasting table. With the exception of the tasters, the staff involved in the sessions will be provided with masks and gloves. The tasters are excepted from the mandatory use of the mask in the tasting action.
2. The popular tastings will be carried out preferably in open spaces. In these cases, the number of participants must be limited taking into account the alert level established for each territory, based on its epidemiological situation, as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, in the case of group activities, these may not be more than 10 people.
b) At alert level 2, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of group activities, these may not be more than 6 people.
c) At alert level 3, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of group activities, these may not be more than 4 people.
d) At alert level 4, this type of activity may not be carried out.
3. In popular tastings held in closed spaces, the number of participants must be limited taking into account the alert level established for each territory, depending on its epidemiological situation, as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of group activities, these may not be more than 10 people.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of group activities, these may not be more than 6 people.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, popular tastings cannot be held indoors.
3.26. Fishermen's associations and points of first sale.
Fishermen's Guilds and first-sale points must establish the necessary measures to maintain the interpersonal safety distance or, failing that, the use of alternative physical protection measures, in addition to guaranteeing the mandatory use of a mask.
3.27. Urban furniture for children and sports use.
The Town Halls may allow the use of children's furniture, machines for practicing sports on public roads, skate parks and other similar spaces for public use in the open air, provided that the general prevention measures provided for in this Agreement are respected and extreme cleaning and disinfection measures.
In alert levels 3 and 4, this type of urban equipment will be sealed.
3.28. Markets that carry out their activity on public roads (flea markets).
1. Markets that carry out their activity, sporadically or extraordinary, on public roads or for non-sedentary sales, known as flea markets, will require the prior authorization of the health authority in the terms indicated in section 2.1.11.
2. Depending on the alert level of the territory where this activity is carried out and according to the provisions of section 2.1.13, the following capacities will not be exceeded:
a) Up to alert level 1: the city council will establish the maximum capacity of the market and each of its stalls, the distance requirements between stalls, and the conditions for delimiting the market, which will guarantee the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance between workers, customers and passers-by, avoid crowds and effectively control capacity.
In the markets in closed spaces, 75% of the established capacity will not be exceeded.
For these purposes, it is recommended that the stalls have a transit route in front with a minimum width of 4.5 meters for the flow, waiting for people and customer service point. In the event that the posts are facing each other, the minimum width of this transit route will be 6 meters.
Between two adjacent stands there will be a minimum lateral separation distance of 2 meters, which may be less when the stands have structures that provide physical isolation on the sides. Customers will not be able to transit or remain in the lateral separation zones.
The items for sale will be arranged on surfaces that separate them from the ground at least 50 centimeters.
b) At alert level 2, the above requirements will be met and 75% of the capacity established in section a) will not be exceeded for those arranged outdoors and 50% if it is in closed spaces. Sporadic or extraordinary markets may not be held subject to authorization.
c) At alert level 3, the above requirements will be met and 50% of the capacity established in section a) will not be exceeded for those arranged outdoors and 33% if it is in closed spaces. Sporadic or extraordinary markets may not be held subject to authorization.
d) At alert level 4, the above requirements will be met and 33% of the capacity established in section a) will not be exceeded for those arranged outdoors and 25% if it is in closed spaces. Sporadic or extraordinary markets may not be held subject to authorization.
An effective counting and access control system will be established to ensure compliance with the aforementioned capacities.
3. The space in which the market is held will be physically delimited and will have controlled entry and exit points. Within the market, itineraries will be established to direct the circulation of customers, through the use of fences or signaling systems, which avoid crowds and crossing of people.
4. At the entry point to the market there will be duly authorized and registered hydroalcoholic gel or hand sanitizer with viricidal activity available to customers and an information poster with the mandatory preventive measures and established capacity.
5. In posts where individual attention to more than one customer at the same time is possible, the interpersonal safety distance between customers must be clearly indicated, with markings on the ground or through the use of beacons, signage and clear signage. Likewise, the waiting points must also be signaled to be attended.
6. During the customer service process, the interpersonal safety distance must be maintained, without prejudice to the mandatory use of a mask.
7. Efforts will be made to avoid direct manipulation of the products by customers and to encourage payment by card. In the event that unpackaged food is dispatched, the use of gloves will be mandatory, without prejudice to compliance with the rest of the food hygiene measures.
8. The food or drink service will be carried out in spaces delimited and marked specifically for this purpose and complying with the measures provided for restaurants and hotels included in section 3.2. It is forbidden to eat or drink outside these spaces.
9. To guarantee compliance with the prevention measures contained in this Agreement, the owner or manager of the market must have the necessary personnel with sufficient authority to comply with and enforce these measures.
3.29. Activities in academies, driving schools and private non-regulated education centers and training centers.
1. The activity that is carried out in academies, driving schools and private non-regulated education centers and training centers not included in the scope of application of article 9 of Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention measures, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, can be carried out in person as long as the interpersonal safety distance is maintained. The capacity will be limited depending on the alert level established for the territory as provided in section 2.1.13.
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
c) At alert level 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
2. Telematic teaching is recommended whenever possible.
3. In any case, the interpersonal safety distance must be maintained or, failing that, the use of alternative physical protection measures. The use of a mask is mandatory regardless of maintaining the interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters.
4. During the use of vehicles, the use of masks by all occupants will be mandatory. The vehicles will be disinfected and ventilated after use by each student, paying special attention to the areas with the greatest contact such as the key, steering wheel, gear lever, handbrake, doors, buttons, screens, etc.
3.30. Holding congresses, meetings, meetings or business meetings, events and similar acts, and oppositions and other selective procedures.
1. The holding of congresses, meetings, business meetings, conferences and events and similar acts promoted by any entity, of a public or private nature, will require the prior authorization of the health authority in the terms indicated in section 2.1.11.
They will preferably be carried out electronically. In the event of a face-to-face celebration, the following capacities will not be exceeded depending on the alert level established for the territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded with a maximum of 50 attendees.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded with a maximum of 30 attendees, although it is recommended to carry it out online wherever possible.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4 they can only be carried out electronically.
2. In the case of oppositions and other selective procedures that are held in person, prior authorization will not be required and the measures provided for this purpose by the corresponding occupational risk prevention services must be adopted, which must be adapted to the place of celebration and to the number of opponents who attend. In its celebration, the following capacities will not be exceeded depending on the alert level established for the territory according to the provisions of section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded with a maximum of 50 attendees per classroom or physically delimited space.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded with a maximum of 30 attendees per classroom or physically delimited space.
c) In alert levels 3 and 4 it will not be possible to do it in person.
3. Special attention will be paid to possible crowds at entrances and exits and at breaks. Their circulation will be organized at the access to the premises, buildings or venues and the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance and the use of the mask will be guaranteed at all times.
The seats will be pre-assigned and distributed, where appropriate, by community groups, ensuring that attendees remain seated.
4. In the event that some type of hotel and restaurant service is provided, the provision of this service will be in accordance with the provisions of section 3.2. This service will be carried out at the table, the cocktail, buffet or bar service being prohibited.
3.31. Holding meetings of communities of owners.
1. In the meetings of owners that it is necessary to hold in person in accordance with Law 49/1960, of July 21, on horizontal property, the following requirements will be met:
a) All attendees must wear a mask and remain seated throughout the duration of the event, maintaining an interpersonal safety distance of at least 1.5 meters at all times. Hydro-alcoholic gel or hand sanitizer with virucidal activity, duly authorized and registered, will be made available to attendees.
b) Smoking, eating or drinking is prohibited during the duration of the event.
c) Those seats that cannot be used will be canceled or marked, in order to respect the maximum capacity and the interpersonal safety distance.
d) Only those meetings that are mandatory under current legislation or cannot be postponed due to the urgency of the matters to be discussed will be held.
2. Meetings held indoors must be held in premises set up for people to stay, with adequate ventilation, and holding meetings in transit areas such as hallways, landings and stairs or in garages, machine rooms or similar is prohibited. In the premises where these events are held, the capacities indicated below may not be exceeded, depending on the alert level established for the territory as provided in section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
c) At alert level 3, 33% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded.
d) At alert level 4, only meetings that cannot be postponed due to force majeure and with a capacity limitation of 25% may be held.
3. Owners' meetings may be held in outdoor spaces, guaranteeing compliance with the general measures provided for in section 1.
4. A record of the attendees must be kept in order to facilitate the tracing tasks in the event that, after the meeting is held, an attendee is diagnosed with COVID-19.
5. The General Directorate of Public Health will provide a sanitary protocol to facilitate compliance and control of the prevention measures contained in this Agreement, at the proposal of the Professional Associations of Property Administrators of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, which will be available on the page website of the Canary Islands Health Service of the Government of the Canary Islands.
6. For these purposes, the authorization of the competent health authority will not be required, and the responsibility for compliance with these preventive measures, as well as the rest of those contemplated in this Government Agreement, falls on the convening and organizing persons, and may be sanctioned by its non-compliance both these responsible persons and individually the person who fails to comply.
3.32. Pools for collective use.
1. The maximum capacity of the pools for collective use is established based on the alert level in which the territory is located, in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.13 and as indicated below.
a) Up to alert level 1, 75% of the capacity will not be exceeded. Groups of people may not be larger than 10.
b) At alert level 2, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. Groups of people may not be larger than 6.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, 33% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. The groups of people cannot be of a number greater than 4.
2. In swimming pools, the mask may be removed exclusively during bathing and while remaining in a certain space, without moving, and provided that the safety distance of two meters with other non-living users can be guaranteed.
3. The General Directorate of Public Health will provide a health protocol for prevention measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in swimming pools for collective use, to facilitate compliance with the prevention measures contained in this Agreement, which will be available on the website of the Canary Islands Health Service of the Government of the Canary Islands.
3.33. Fairground attractions.
1. In the venues or spaces in which fairground attractions take place, a maximum capacity will be established to guarantee the maintenance of the interpersonal safety distance and avoid crowds both in the attractions and in transit areas. This maximum capacity will not exceed one person for every four square meters of usable area of the venue. For the calculation of the useful area of the enclosure, the area occupied by the installed structures will not be taken into account.
For these purposes, the stalls or attractions must have transit routes for the flow and waiting of people, with a minimum width of 4.5 meters. In the event that the posts are facing each other, the minimum width of this transit route has a minimum width of 6 meters.
Between two adjacent stands or attractions there will be a minimum lateral separation distance of 2 meters, which may be less when the stands have structures that provide physical isolation on the sides. Customers will not be able to transit or remain in the lateral separation zones.
2. In the space or enclosure in which fairground attractions are developed, it will meet the following requirements:
a) The space will be physically delimited and will have different points for entering and leaving the premises, which must be clearly identified and where the necessary measures will be adopted to avoid crowds.
b) An effective counting and access control system will be established at the entrances and exits of the venue to guarantee compliance with the established capacity.
c) At the entrances to the space and to each of the attractions or stalls there will be hydroalcoholic gel or hand sanitizer with viricidal activity, duly authorized and registered, available to customers, as well as an information poster with the mandatory preventive measures and the established capacity, both in the space as a whole and in each of the attractions or stalls.
d) Within the enclosure itineraries will be established to direct the circulation of customers, through the use of fences or signaling systems, which avoid crowds and crossing of people. Measures may be established to delimit or sectorize areas taking into account, in any case, the applicable safety regulations.
e) In each stall or attraction, the interpersonal safety distance between customers must be clearly indicated, with markings on the ground or through the use of beacons, signage and clear signage for waiting points.
3. The development of the activities will be carried out in compliance with the following requirements:
a) Both clients and workers must wear a mask and maintain, at all times, the interpersonal safety distance. Children under 6 years of age who do not wear a mask will not be able to access attractions or activities in closed spaces.
b) In the attractions that have seats, they may be occupied up to a maximum that allows maintaining the interpersonal safety distance between non-living occupants. In the case of attractions that do not have built-in seats, their maximum capacity will be 50% of the maximum capacity of the attraction, and the interpersonal safety distance must be maintained at all times.
c) Procedures will be established to guarantee the cleaning and disinfection of the surfaces of the attractions in contact with customers, between each of their uses, in accordance with the provisions of sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3.
d) The service of food or drinks will be carried out in physically delimited spaces and marked specifically for this purpose, being prohibited to eat or drink outside these spaces. In these services, the measures provided for restaurants and hotels listed in section 3.2 must be complied with.
4. To guarantee compliance with the prevention measures contained in this Agreement, the owner or manager must have the necessary personnel with sufficient authority to comply with and enforce these measures.
5. The development of this activity will require prior authorization from the health authority in the terms indicated in section 2.1.11. These types of events may not be authorized or held during the validity of alert levels 2, 3 and 4.
6. The municipal license for the operation of the fairground attractions will include the maximum capacity allowed in each of the attractions and in the venue as a whole, once the possibility of guaranteeing the maintenance of interpersonal safety distances has been assessed, both in the venue as in each of the attractions, as well as the rest of the requirements to avoid crowds included in this Agreement.
3.34. Pleasure, leisure and recreation boats with economic activity.
1. In recreational, leisure and leisure boats with economic activity, the capacity will be limited depending on the alert level established for the territory from which the excursion departs, according to the provisions of section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of excursions contracted by groups of stable coexistence, these may not be more than 10 people, and they must use the mask at all times. The different groups of stable coexistence will maintain the interpersonal safety distance from each other at all times.
b) At alert level 2, 75% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of excursions contracted by groups of stable coexistence, these may not be more than 6 people, and must use the mask at all times. The different groups of stable coexistence will maintain the interpersonal safety distance from each other at all times.
c) At alert level 3 and 4, 50% of the authorized capacity will not be exceeded. In the case of excursions contracted by groups of stable coexistence, these may not be more than 4 people, and they must use the mask at all times. The different groups of stable coexistence will maintain the interpersonal safety distance from each other at all times.
2. Food or drink services on board may be provided exclusively in outdoor spaces and for seated consumption, the preventive measures provided for in section 3.2 being applicable. Activities that prevent the maintenance of basic preventive measures, such as dances or games between passengers, are expressly prohibited.
3.35. Student residences. Youth recreational centers, neighborhood associations, cultural and similar.
1. In general, in the common areas of student residences, in recreational centers for children and young people, centers of neighborhood associations, cultural and similar, the correct ventilation of the interior spaces must be ensured, the use of the mask will be mandatory and activities that involve singing, dancing and physical contact will be avoided. The following capacities may not be exceeded, established based on the alert level of each territorial unit in accordance with the provisions of section 2.1.13:
a) Up to alert level 1, 50% of the authorized capacity. In the common areas, compliance with the distancing and hygiene and prevention measures will be guaranteed at all times and favoring the use of well-ventilated areas.
b) At alert level 2, 33% of the authorized capacity. In the common areas, compliance with the distancing and hygiene and prevention measures will be guaranteed at all times and favoring the use of well-ventilated areas.
c) At alert levels 3 and 4, visits to student residences are prohibited and common areas closed, guaranteeing the possibility of purchasing food for consumption in the room. Activities in the rest of the centers or associations are suspended, except for a justified need.
2. In the dining rooms, a shift system will be established to guarantee the capacities, distances and occupations indicated in section 3.2. Wherever possible, fixed groups of diners per table will be established, preventing diners from different tables from mixing.
3. In the event that there is a hotel and restaurant activity, the measures indicated in section 3.2 will be complied with.
4.1. Parties, festivals and other popular events.
Parties, festivals and other popular events, as long as the evolution of the epidemiological situation so advises, may resume their activity, when the regional administration allows it.
4.2. Discos and nightlife.
The closure of discos, dance halls and cocktail bars with and without live musical performances is established.
4.3. Use of the ambulance service.
The ambulance transport service may be used with its full occupancy capacity as long as the vehicle is ventilated and the time of passengers inside is limited.
All occupants will have to wear masks and preferably also a face shield.
In addition, the identity of the users will have to be recorded and the information stored for four weeks, in case a contact study is necessary.
In any case, the interior of the vehicle must be cleaned after each journey.
4.4. Tobacco use and use of inhalation devices.
Tobacco consumption and the use of tobacco inhalation devices, water pipes, hookahs, shisha, or similar is prohibited in all entertainment, leisure, hotel, restaurant, and any other type of establishments open to the public. public, even on the terraces. Likewise, the provisions of sections 1.3.2, g) and 2.1.12 must be taken into account.
4.5. Consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, parks or outdoor recreation areas.
The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on public roads, parks or outdoor recreation areas.
Controls will be strengthened to prevent unauthorized alcohol consumption, compliance with the maximum number of people in meetings, safety distances and other activities not allowed on public roads, in parks and other recreational areas at outdoors, being able to establish the night closing of spaces in which agglomerations take place for this reason.
Temperature control may be carried out, as well as another type of sanitary measure, upon arrival or departure, depending on whether it is a trip from airports or national and inter-island ports to the territorial area of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands.
In relation to the sanitary controls to be carried out at the points of entry into Spain, the prescriptions established in the Resolutions of November 11 and 20, December 9 and 17, 2020, of the General Directorate of Public Health, will be followed. Quality and Innovation and the Directorate of the State Aviation Safety Agency, regarding the sanitary controls to be carried out at the points of entry into Spain, or regulations that replace them.
1. The Public Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, through the General Directorate of Labor as the labor authority and the Canarian Institute for Occupational Safety as its technical body in matters of occupational risk prevention, will promote safety and health at work, providing monitoring, advice and technical assistance to the business community and the working population, as well as the publication of technical documentation on the subject by economic activity sectors in relation to the employment situation derived from COVID-19.
2. The General Directorate of Labor as the labor authority will ensure, through surveillance and control actions, compliance with the occupational risk prevention measures to be adopted by companies located in the territorial area of the Canary Islands, contemplated in Royal Decree-Law 21/ 2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, collaborating with the health authority in verifying the adaptation of the risk prevention plans of the companies to the current situation of health crisis.
In the event that non-compliance with the prevention measures established by the health authorities is verified, when they constitute administrative infractions in public health, based on the principle of administrative collaboration, the General Directorate of Labor will inform the competent health authority for his performance.
By joint order of the Ministries of Health and Social Rights, Equality, Diversity and Youth, the preventive measures applicable to the regime of visits, departures and displacements, returns and new admissions in centers and other residential establishments for the elderly are established. and with disabilities, public or private.
In any case, the regime of departures and movements of people who use residences for the elderly and people with disabilities or mental health problems will have limitations at alert levels 1 and 2.
During the validity of alert levels 3 and 4, in the social and health care centers for residential care for the elderly, the departure of residents outside the centers and external visits are suspended, except in the case of accompaniment to terminal patients and those other situations that are considered necessary at the discretion of the management of the center for health reasons. Residents who are confirmed cases with resolved infection will be exempt from this limitation, as well as those who have fully and effectively completed the vaccination regimen against SARS-CoV-2.
For new admissions and for the return of users who move to the homes of relatives at any time after the start of the pandemic, there must be verification of the absence of suspicious symptoms of COVID-19 through prior PCR performance or by entering quarantine and carrying out PCR in the center.
The regime of family visits to the centers and other residential care establishments will be organized by the center management based on the characteristics of the establishment, the staff it has and the prevention measures dictated.
The different residential care resources for the elderly or people with disabilities, public or private, to which the joint Order refers, must have an action protocol to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, adapted to their characteristics structural and personnel, to comply with all distancing, hygiene and prevention measures against COVID-19, guaranteeing adequate ventilation at all times. These protocols will be available and may be required at any time by the competent authorities.
During the validity of alert levels 3 and 4, external visits will be suspended except in the case of minors, pregnant women, monitoring terminal patients and in those other clinical situations that are considered necessary at the discretion of the physician.
In alert level 2, visits will be limited, which must be supervised by staff from the centers, and the established prevention measures will be extreme.
In addition to the protection measures established by the Occupational Risk Prevention Services of each center, it is recommended, during the validity of alert levels 2, 3 and 4, the use of type FFP2 masks and protective screens facials by all the personnel who have direct patient care in these centers, as well as reinforcing frequent ventilation in the facilities where workers and patients are located.