Reducing the ecological footprint in the kitchen is a challenge for all.These are the best alternatives to plastic.Reusable solutions to start a #Plasticfree life.
Por Lucía Diaz Madurga | 7 mayo, 2020 | 0One of the teachings that Covid19 will leave us is that our health depends on the health of the planet.Dishes, glasses, bottles, containers, bags, wrappers ... we are surrounded by objects made of plastic and designed so that their life is one -use.Objects to use and throw that reach seas, oceans, animal digestive systems and even water that we drink in the form of microplastics.
Every year up to 12 million tons of plastics that take centuries to disappear are poured to the sea.Plastics that end by creating devastating effects on marine fauna and birds and that reach human being in the normal cycle of the ecological pyramid, the pyramid that serves to visualize food relationships between living beings.This is because plastic in the environment, is fragmenting in tiny pieces called microplastics.Small pieces that end up being ingested by microscopic beings such as placton and/or animals, entering the food chain and contaminating it until they are ingested by the human being.
The plastic waste has ended up provoking a global crisis in whose fight we are all.Massively use such a lasting material to create single -use disposable objects is an error that leads us to catastrophic consequences globally.That is why the solution is not to recycle but to reject the plastics of a single use and in searching alternatives.Here we present different reusable options -beyond the Mercadona Stock Exchange to go to the purchase -to start the #PlasticFree movement inside the kitchen.The only inconvenience that some of these alternatives have is the price: they are still expensive products out of reach of many economies, although they can be reused
Stasher silicone bags
The Stasher brand has created one of the best inventions in the kitchen (and one of the best alternatives to plastics), 100% platinum silicone bags.They have airtight closure and serve to transport all types of food, freeze without occupying just space, store and even to cook with them in a vacuum or in papillote, because they can put the microwave, in the pot, in the oven and, of course,In the refrigerator.In addition, they are washed in the dishwasher.
In Spain you can buy through different web pages such as Amazon, Naturitas or the Cosmopolitan echo.
Large bag (€ 28.50), standard (€ 17.60) or small (€ 15.40).
Boats, jars and glass bottles
If you buy in bulk stores, glass jars and jars are one of the best storage forms that exist.Although it is fragile and can break, it is a perfect way to keep fresh food, in good condition and free of toxic.They can be used in the pantry, in the refrigerator and in the freezer, in addition to being able to use to heat in the microwave and use them to transport food.The multitude of options offered by Ikea makes it perfect to find the type of storage that best suits your needs and pantry.All types.Hermetic boats with lid and tuppers (also glass), larger, smaller, round, square or rectangular ... and even easier you can reuse canned containers, once washed in the dishwasher at 60ºC, it is not necessary for them to buy them, take an eye on the image.
Crystal storage, from € 1.50.
The coffee capsules, those that we like to use so much at breakfast or after eating for the ease they offer when preparing coffee, pollute much more than you think and are also not reusable.Virtually the entire wrapper is aluminum and plastic, but it is almost never recycled because, when it is done, the wrong container is thrown.So the best option to enjoy a good coffee daily without its contaminating wrapping is to use this type of capsules.
Spain is the third country worldwide with more consumers of coffee capsules, hence alternatives such as reusable capsules such as those offered by Eco Swap have emerged.They are capsules that stuffed with your own coffee, BPA free and toxic and is also biodegradable.Any machine is perfectly coupled, they do not modify the taste of coffee and are simple to clean.The ideal is, buy the coffee in grain and grind it at the moment.
Rechargeable capsules pack (€ 4.70).
It is one of the last inventions that have joined the ecological struggle and the plastic free movement.Silicone covers are another of the optionable options to the film and aluminum paper.These are elastic tapas of different sizes that have made it possible.
The Spanish firm Lékué has them with platinum silicone in colors or transparent for pans, jars, fruits, etc., are very useful.Thus you avoid covering everything with aluminum foil or the plastic film.Eco Swap are made with toxic -free BPA silicone.
6 tapas pack of different Ecoswap sizes (€ 7.95).Three covers pack of 11, 15 and 20 centimeters from Lékué (19.€ 90)
Wrapping with beeswax
They are wrapping for wrapping food.Formerly, when there was neither the film or the foil (or silver) paper, our relatives wrapped food in wet cloths or cloths with the aim of lengthening their life and preserving them better.Today, other types of plastic sustainable alternatives have emerged such as wraps manufactured with bee wax
These wrappers, made with organic cotton, bee wax, tree resin and jojoba oil, allow food to breathe while protecting them from external agents thanks to the antibacterial properties of wax.After using it, it is as simple as washing it with cold water and soap and letting it dry to use it again.With good use your life can be extended to a year and a half, causing you to save the planet hundreds of meters of film or aluminum paper.There are in different sizes, depending on what you want to wrap - what, half avocado, fruit, a sandwich, the salad bowl ... - and with different prints.
They are produced by companies like Beecooly Abeego
Small pack (€ 14), medium (€ 19), varied (€ 20) or large (€ 25).
Reusable mesh
Say goodbye to plastic when buying fruits and vegetables and replace it with plastic meshes.Those of Bitsy Bags, one of many brands, were created by two friends in Barcelona with the sole intention of contributing their grain of sand to save the planet, soup.They are made of a very light mesh made of industrial material, which is not broken or stissed, they are transparent to prevent them from putting “buts” in the store, it can be washed in washing machine and they are 100% recyclable.The objective is for the product to breathe and that the bags last as possible and they guarantee it.
3 bag pack (€ 7.95) or 5 bags (€ 12.40).
Reusable bottles are one of the indispensable items to start reducing plastic related waste.In Spain it is not usual to see citizens using their own bottle, cup or cantimplora as is done in the United States.And this action should be copied to the Yankees because carrying with it a reusable glass or plastic water bottle, allows to reduce the purchase of bottled drinks.There are bottles for all types, made to contain drinks at room temperature such as those of the Dopper brand, manufactured to carry water, with beautiful design -there with recycled bottles - and functional, which also allows you to drink from your bottle or turn it intoglass.Or, the thermal bottles made to contain hot or very cold drinks like those of the Laken brand.A perfect option for whom you want to enjoy tea or coffee at work.
Dopper 450ml (€ 12.50).Laken 350 ml (€ 17.50).
Wrapper for food
This reusable wrapping is made to enjoy snacks, picnics and tentempiés in a much more sustainable way, to avoid the use of aluminum and film paper.It can be used for snacks, sandwiches, fruit or to carry all types of food inside.The materials used are 100% cotton and a layer of polyethylene suitable for food use.Its interior is waterproof and, if used daily, is as simple as cleaning it with a damp cloth.It closes with velcro or with pressure buttons.And in addition, what the Cosmopolitan eco has for sale, have been designed and made in the Raval of Barcelona in a workshop that works with people at risk of social inclusion.
Medium size wrap (€ 14.30) or large (€ 15.30).
Water filter
Drinking water from the filtered tap allows access to good quality water without the need to discard bottles or plastic carafes continuously.TapP Water is a Catalan company that has created the first water -laughable tap filter.Its filters, made with organic materials, eliminate taste, smell, chlorine, lead, microplastics, pesticides and more than 80 polluting products that may be present in the water.In addition, at the top you can indicate the month and date of the week in which the filter is changed, since each of them has a useful life of 3 months.
Filters for one year, (€ 79).