We give you some tips to keep your bed fresh in summer.Maybe with any of them you finally get a good break on the hottest nights.
Por Silvia Pato -Every summer high temperatures and heat wave.Although there is a moment throughout the day that becomes precisely difficult it is time to sleep, when at night our bedroom is an oven and we are not able to reconcile the dream on the bed.
In addition to the tips to keep your home fresh and the mistakes that you should not make to lower the temperature of your home, you also should take into account the tricks that we offer today to cool the bed in summer.Maybe with any of them you finally get a good break on the hottest nights.
As with the thick curtains, wool carpets and the like, summer is time to forget the flannel sheets or synthetic materials.He notes that the best for this time of the year are cotton sheets and wash them very frequently, if possible, daily.
Have you ever heard of the Egyptian method?The Egyptian method consists in moistening a large towel or a sheet and covers with it as if it were a blanket.Although both in the case of frozen sheets and in moistened, it is best to place a thick towel on the mattress to avoid wetting.
We continue this review of the tricks to follow to cool your bed with one as curious as effective, at least at part of the night.It's about introducing the sheets into the freezer inside a bag shortly before going to bed.Then place them on the bed and you will see what relief you feel when you tend on them.They will not endure all night but will help you fall asleep if temperatures are very high.
If there is a lot of moisture in the room, the heat will be unbearable, so it may be the opportunity to acquire or connect a dehumidifier.A device of this type will not only help you keep your home dry and the environment little wet in winter, but will also contribute to you have less heat in summer.
If placing the fan in front of the open window you will create a refreshing cross ventilation, since the wind outside and the fan air will combine to result in a fresh breeze that will flood your room and your bed.If you have any more fan, call it towards the bed.
If no tricks works for you and the torrid nights do where you live, you may consider to heal your bed.For sale you will find products such as cables or special covers for mattress that manage to keep it at low temperature, as well as the so -called cooling mattresses.
These cooling mattresses function as units that are placed under the bed and that through a cold or hot water circuit serve to lower the temperature in summer or raise it in winter, as if it were an electric blanket.
Silvia PatoEscritora y redactora gallega. Autora de los libros Las nueve piedras y El Libro del Único Camino, así como de numerosos relatos en revistas de género, colabora asiduamente con sus artículos y columnas de opinión en diversos medios digitales. Con la pasión y la curiosidad que la caracterizan, descubre el mundo a través de su historia, su cultura, sus lugares y sus gentes para difundir y compartir todo tipo de sensaciones y hallazgos. Porque todo viaje comienza con un solo paso.