Rental housing expenses: Who has to pay them?

The Government of Spain wants to promote housing for rent, as well as the VPO, as an exit to the crisis.At the same time that the offer of apartments for rent grows, the doubts of the tenants in Internet forums are made

It is common to see doubts about who pays the expenses generated by a rental house, whether vpo or free: community expenses, IBI or home insurance.In the case of a VPO, it must

If nothing appears in the contract, the general expenses of the house (community, pool, promotions, garages ...) must pay them the owner of the housing.However, you can impact the tenant whenever they are agreed and signed on the rental contract.Likewise, individual services such as water, light, telephone, electricity, etc ... will be paid by the tenant unless the parties agree otherwise

Regarding the cost of the works, it is necessary to differentiate between those of conservation and wear.Among the former would be all those that lead to conserve the appropriate habitability of the house (leaks, cracks ...) and will be paid by the owner.On the other hand, the small repairs caused by wear in use (switch breakage) must be paid by the tenant

Gastos en vivienda de alquiler: ¿Quién los tiene que pagar?

The Arbitration Court, a company that uses the arbitral system to solve the problems, remember that when there are free disposition matters that are agreed in a contract and signed by both parties, then they cannot be considered "abusive" since both parties come to an agreement."In addition, in these cases they are services that the lessee is enjoying," he adds

However, what he considers abusive is that the owner has impact on home to the tenant, "since the insurance holder always has to be the owner of the VPO," the Arbitration Court clarifies.Therefore, it is vital to negotiate with the owner the lease so that it does not include this type of expenses

According to the 2009-2012 state housing plan, in the VPO there is an annual maximum income, which will be 4.5% or 5.5% of the maximum legal price that the protected housing would have in case it was put on sale,according to the duration of the lease is 25 or 10 years, respectively

The Arbitration Court warns that with this annual income limit stipulated, the owner can collect the maximum to the tenant and "put absolutely everything they want, as community expenses, IBI, garbage rates or home insurance although this can beRemove because it is not an obligation that corresponds to the tenant "