Sometimes small changes can lead to big results. This is what happens in our homes, according to the report 'Activism at home: 12 daily gestures to fight climate change' by Ikea and La Casa Encendida. Incorporate them into your daily routine and save without realizing it.
1. In winter, the use of large rugs in the heated rooms of an average home can avoid 6% of the consumption of its natural gas heating, which can result in savings of approximately 25 euros / year.
2. In summer, keeping the thermostat at 26 ºC prevents the emission into the atmosphere of 400 kg of CO2 per year, as a result of energy savings; which is comparable to traveling more than 1,100 km in a car.
3. Using aerators and reducers in the sink and shower faucets in a house generates an economic saving of 26%, which means more than 45 euros in the annual water bill of an average household.
4. Replacing conventional lighting with LED in an average house can generate savings of around 94 euros per year in electricity consumption.
5. Opening the fridge more than necessary is equivalent to almost 9 kg of CO2 emissions equivalent per year, the same amount that pollutes a round trip AVE Madrid-Córdoba per passenger.
6. Waiting to put the washing machine until it is at 82% of its capacity can save more than 1,300 liters of water per year in a home. If 98% is reached, more than 3,500 liters can be saved.
Related: How to save on heating this winter, without getting cold at all