The toothbrush is an object that we use every day after meals to maintain the hygiene of our mouth.However, when someone spreads from COVID-19 they must be careful with him.Why?In the phase in which we are contagious we are mainly for the nostrils and mouth, and although the brush helps us to release our mouth of bacteria, this can become a focus of infection.Should you disinfect it after use?Once the disease was overcome, would it be worth disinfecting it or is it better that you get rid of the toothbrush you have used in recent days?
When you live with more people, it is important.In addition, it is advisable to prevent contact with the rest of the toothbrushes at home, which are all in the same container.That is why the ideal is to maintain it during the disease away from the rest, also because the main path of infection is produced by the nasal and mouthpads, as we pointed out.
What else can you do?Wash it well after brushing and drying it to avoid moisture and accumulation of bacteria and viruses.And for greater security, it is recommended to use a toothpaste different from that of the rest in order to avoid contacting saliva or virus when the brush touches.
Errores que cometes al cepillarte los dientesThis during Covid-19 infection, but what to do once you have passed the disease and return to the routine?Like every two or three months, the teeth brush is replaced, before even if it already has a certain wear, once the coronavirus has been overcome, the most indicated is to throw it to the trash and replace it with a new one.Dentistry experts recommend that once the disease passes the disease, it is necessary to get rid of the toothbrus.
Now, replace a toothbrush is easy, you just have to go down to the supermarket and get the best according to our oral health according to our oral health.And what about tooth brushes that are electric?Throwing them may not be the best idea taking into account their price.That is why what they advise is to disinfect and clean the base and change the head for a new one and continue maintaining the health of your mouth in perfect condition, already without the coronavirus in your body and without risk of infection.