Tiktok can be a great place to discover new products and beauty tricks, but the speed at which some videos become viral can generate misleading and even dangerous trends, such as using lemon juice directly on the skin to remove acne or use productshome cleaning to teeth.Now, the new trend that threatens health consists of using a hair dryer to curl the eyelashes.
This "trick" began when Miranda, known on the social network as @mirandaalynn, uploaded a video of her using a hair dryer to curl her eyelashes in 2020 and, although it was a viral video that appeared and disappeared quickly, the trend has returned To appear.Now, Tiktok users are using the platform to test this trend and record their experiences.
While most people are accustomed to curling their eyelashes with a tool designed exclusively for this task, Tiktok users feel that they are not enough and have taken their makeup routine to a new end.
To carry this trick, they can proceed in two ways.The first is to apply the eyelashes and, before it dries, use the dryer with cold air.On the other hand, they also do so by wetting the eyelashes first and drying them up, repeating the process again after adding a first and eyelashes.Some Tiktokers get to dry the eyelashes at least four times before completing the process.
Although the methods for curling the eyelashes that have proven safe and are easily available, thousands of users have tried the trend and Sophia Masterson, one of them, affirms that this the technique saves "a lot of time, effort and product".
As always, not all of the comments agree, and many spectators comment that those who try the technique should simply make a professional eyelashes, since they not only last longer, but are much safer.
Ophthalmologists warn that under any circumstances this method should be proven, since the eyes were not designed to have such a strong air directed towards them, and even a few seconds of using this technique can cause significant dryness, causing them to redion andThey are irritated.
If the dryer is still using the tabs, the long -term effects could cause abrasions and infections in the cornea, which could damage the vision to the point of blindness.
It is recommended that, instead of using the hair dryer directly on the eyelashes, those who wish to curly eyelashes should use a heat eyelash curling.
In the market we can find a lot of options, but we must look for quality.A good example would be the tesons with a large grandelash-lift tabs of large cosmetics, at a price of 39.95 euros.