When she speaks, TV is put in national chain mode.To cite a case, a current program that usually rounds the point or point and a half of rating, doubled the measurement during the quarter of an hour in which it transmitted fragments of the speech that Cristina Fernández delivered on Tuesday in Avellaneda.The presidential "disorder", motivated by the birthday photo of the first lady, pushed the vice president to have even more centrality: three acts in a week, one with Máximo Kirchner and Axel Kicillof, and two next to the full partners of the partners of theEveryone, including Alberto Fernández.
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Fernández tocado, Fernández eternaFrom Yapa did not hesitate to summon a session in the Senate who did not attend.This Thursday there were invoice passes, but the debate was on track.Judges sheets were approved with the opposition rejection only for three magistrates (without reaching to prevent their appointment) and the reduction of feas per default for public services, a project that carries the signature of Oscar Parrilli.In the session, he also swore a loyal leader who tattooed a phrase of his, "was not magic".Juliana Di Tullio "will be a great contribution to the vice president," an important opposition senator surprised before the letter P.
There are those who say that Cristina Fernández is a great actress.And that in public hid the anger caused by the diffusion of #lafoto and the videos.There is no room, they allege, for another slip or more angry than the strictly political.It was an energy wear that relieved with a roast in Mercedes, invited by his favorite minister, the interior.It is not the first time that there is analysis at Eduardo "Wado" by Pedro's table, but there are neither there will be photos nor videos nor videos.After the raid of speeches, CFK traveled this Thursday for three days to El Calafate, according to their spokesmen.His absence in the Senate session took the possibility of confronting with her together, which always amplifies opposition claims.By the way, the disgust of listening to reproaches was saved, so it is Fernández's exclusive responsibility.
El martes, en Isla Maciel.The change in attitude was motivated by Olivos's "error" and the need to overcome it quickly.It was one of the arguments to summon the session knowing that there would be reproaches, who damping under threat of getting dirty rags from the opposition, such as the misogynist statements of Fernando Iglesias and Waldo Wolff.In addition, it was an orderly session, without unforeseen events despite criticism.All thanks to the good offices of Claudia Ledesma Abdala de Zamora, the vice of the Senate;Maurice Closs, the other Vice, and the head of the Interblock of the Front of All, José Mayans, the only one in the team that connected remotely from Formosa.
You could even imagine that with its absence in the Upper CFK house, it sought to show efficiency in the request of the public letter so that the "officials who do not work" are going.With other words, he encouraged the departure of those who are not willing to defend the government."To recover the life we want we have to have sitting in the Casa Rosada and in the cameras of the Legislative Power to men and women who are willing to support the pressures and attacks that each one of those who want the life of the people of the people suffersBe better, "he launched in his last appearance at the Plenary of La Plata this Wednesday.
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La acomodadoraTo whom the sayo that is putting it on.Under the white poncho, CFK put on the overall.Last week in Lomas de Zamora, with the Buenos Aires Axel Kicillof and Máximo Kirchner, and on Maciel Island and in Diego Armando Maradona with everyone's national table.In consecutive acts the tone was always ironic and firm, but calm.
Relaxed in La Plata, dozens of photos were taken and recorded some greeting.He even joked when Deputy Nicolás Rodríguez Saá asked him for a message for Mayor Mario Ishii."He called me, I noticed his voice," she said, very happy.When the legislator of José C.Paz told her that the mayor who recently overcame the Covid threw weight.It took to find the fair words and in the end he replied: "There is no evil that for good does not come.Okay if you managed to lose weight ".
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El vuelo del Tango04 a Olavarría, pesquisa en Olivos y Dylan en la cocinaIn the act, among mayors and members of the Buenos Aires lists, they tried to read their lips from the chairs on the playing field.From afar looked "the boss" whispening without chopping with Governor Kicillof.The subtext of what he said and did always seemed to be the same: "Alberto, I warned you".Even the president admitted it: "Every day I give him more reason".And he could barely defend himself when she challenged him for trying to drink water from a bottle."Why don't you look at what does maximum?".
Cristina affectionately looked at Máximo Kirchner and prevented Kicillof from taking from the bottle peak and made a glass for the water.That was not seen, but Alberto Fernández made the challenge he received more evident when compared to the national deputy and son of the vice.A psychologist out there, instead of a doctor...
Máximo K y Kicillof en el plenario del miércoles en La PlataWhy CFK appealed to the double message and the tranquility to provide public advice has several answers.They understand those who know it well that it has no plan B and that it considered essential and urgent to defend the president and the unity of the front of all.That was the message in and outside the ruling space.In addition, it was a message to the IMF, priority in each discussion and debate of hard Kirchnerism in the midst of negotiations to kick payments and interests that drive.
Within that framework, not a few warn, some with more and others with less comfort, how the campaign and speech of some figures are kirchneriza.On his return, Cristina will resume the campaign rate.Those who integrate the lists know that if the Casa Rosada or the CFK environment warns them, it is a priority to rearrange their agendas.For the next few days there will be acts and activities with the president and extra doses of Cristina Fernández.