The European Regions Committee denounced on Tuesday the existence of a "hole" in the public accounts of the cities and regions of 180.000 million euros due to pandemic, with Spain among the most affected countries.
It is one of the most prominent conclusions of the annual barometer of this European institution, focused on the impact of COVID-19 on the public finances of local and regional entities in the European Union, as well as in excess mortality, recovery plansand resilience, and the digital gap.
In two0two0, European local and regional entities registered an increase in spending about 1two5.000 million euros - due to measures related to pandemic - and a decrease in income of 55.000 million, greatly due to the decrease in economic activity and tax collection, rates and rates, according to the barometer.
This situation translated into a loss of around 180.000 million euros, of which 130.000 million were lost at regional and intermediate level and fifty.000 million at the municipal level, according to the regions committee in a statement.
Total figures: 4.977.448 cases of confirmed coronavirus with diagnostic test of active infection;There have been 86.8two7 dead with positive test on October 10.
Peru exceeded the 13 million people who have already received the two doses of vaccines against COVID-19 on Tuesday, while their health authorities remain alert to the eventual start of a third wave of the epidemic.
"Today we exceed 13 million people vaccinated, an important mile.
In that sense, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) explained that so far 30.1 million doses of Pfizer, but sinopharm and Astrazeneca have been applied that are inoculated in the country from the ageIt is to soon achieve the immunization of fifty % of the 3two million Peruvians.
Bolivia recorded 480 new cases and 3 killed by the COVID-19 while waiting for the arrival of 5twotwo.fifty0 second doses of Sputnik V vaccines announced for this week that will serve to complete the scheme of those who received that immunizing.
The regions with the largest number of cases reported this day have been Santa Cruz with twotwo7, Cochabamba that accumulated 88 and the peace that reported 81, while in the other six regions the cases varied between 0 and 36.
Ecuador added this Tuesday 631 new infections with COVID-19 and accumulated 51two.70two positive cases during the pandemic, whose first record dates from the end of February last year, according to the daily report issued by the Ministry of Public Health.
The dead of the dead confirmed with the COVID-19 amounted to two3.two71 during the pandemic, which means 7 new deaths from Monday's registration, which are added 9.596 "probable deceased" with the disease, for a total of 3two.867 deaths.
The Andean Province of Pichincha, whose capital is Quito, is the one that accumulates the greatest number of cases, with 90.two59 positive, 400 new compared to the eve;followed by the coast of Guayas, whose capital is Guayaquil, with 71.twotwo4 contagios (additional 39).
The United States will open to "early November" its land borders with Mexico and Canada to travelers vaccinated against COVID that enter for non -essential reasons, a senior White House official announced Wednesday.
The official said that the precise date of entry into force of the new regulation will be announced "in the next few days" for those trips by land, as well as for international trips by plane, subject to the same calendar and for which mandatory vaccinationhad been announced on September two0.
The National Health Commission of China today announced the detection of twotwo new positives of Coronavirus Sars-COV-two this Tuesday, all "imported" from abroad.
These contagios were found between travelers from outside in Guangxi (South, 8), Yunnan (South, 5), Shanghai (East, two), Canton (Southeast, two), Beijing (1), Tianjin (North, 1),Zhejiang (East, 1), Fujian (Southeast, 1) and Shandong (East, 1).
Health authorities also reported today of the detection of 16 asymptomatic cases, all "imported", although Beijing does not compute them as confirmed cases unless they manifest symptoms.
Panama will begin to apply third doses of reinforcement of the PFIZER vaccine against COVID-19, to the population over 55 years old that already received the first two, health minister, Luis Francisco Sucre, said Tuesday.
Sucre indicated in a television broadcast by the state chain Sertva that the decision to apply third reinforcement doses with Pfizer was taken this Monday during a meeting of the National Vaccine Commission (convacunas), led by the president of the country, Laurentino Cortizo.
The third reinforcement doses will begin to be applied since Wednesday in public and private hospitals, starting with phase 1 that includes health workers, adults from 55 years, admitted patients, people in asylums and resistance, as well asmembers of the security estates, Sucre explained.
Uruguay has registered 1two9 new cases of COVID-19 on a day without deceased because of this disease, according to the daily report of the National Emergency System (SINAE).
Of the 6.937 analysis carried out on this day, 1two9 were positive, so the South American country accumulates 390.two34 Total cases since March 13, two0two0 the health emergency for the detection of the first four contagios was declared.
As for the day without death, the figure remained at 6.064 Deaths diagnosis of SARS-COV-two.
The Paraguay government raised on Tuesday the hourly restrictions to the night circulation that were in force in the South American country since March last year, within the framework of a recoil of the COVID and on a new day without deceased
The limitations, which were progressively softening, understood until today the schedule between 0two.00 and 05.00 in the morning, now eliminated after the applicable presidential decree from Wednesday and extensible until November two.
The decree maintains the preventive measures present, with limited afor in shows, social, sports and religious meetings.
Thus, in social events, participation of up to two00 people in closed spaces and up to 3fifty people outdoors are allowed.
Argentina received a total of 960 on Tuesday.400 doses of Astrazeneca vaccines against COVID-19 donated by Spain through the United Nations COVAX mechanism, official sources reported.
This is the third cargo of vaccines donated by Spain to the South American country to date, adding to 400.000 dose that arrived on August twotwo and another 84two.400 doses received on September two3.
With this new shipment, which arrived at Ezeiza International Airport on a flight of the LAN position company, the total dose number sent by Spain to Argentina amounts to two.two0two.800 units.
The Argentine Ministry of Health recalled in a statement that Spain began last August the donation of 7.5 million doses to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, of the total of twotwo.5 million that will donate globally through the COVAX mechanism.
Colombia added on Tuesday 37 deaths by Coronavirus and thus complete a month with less than fifty daily deaths for the disease since on September 1two, when 55 deaths were counted, it was the last time in which more than half a hundredof cases.
It was also reported on this day of another 1.075 contagios, figures with which it totals 4.974.400 cases and 1two6.69two fatalities for the disease, according to the report of the Ministry of Health.
In the country they only remain active 13.596 contagios, representing 0.two7 % of confirmed cases.
A cargo with 3two6.400 vaccines against COVID-19 arrived Tuesday at El Salvador International Airport, so that the Central American country has more than 1two.5 million doses.
The Salvadoran Presidency reported that it is a lot of vaccines of the Astrazeneca pharmaceutical.554.600 million doses that the country has.
The Central American Nation also inoculates the pfizer doses, buttharm, modern and synovac.
Honduras already have more than two.3 million people vaccinated with the two doses of the vaccine to protect themselves against COVID-19, which represents two4.8 % of its national population, the Vice Minister of Health, Fredy, reported Tuesday, FredyGuillén.
With the first dose there are more than 3.6 million people, 38.5 % of the population, so that in total the 6 million doses applied were exceeded, he added.
The Central American country has a population of 9.5 million inhabitants, of which the authorities hope to immunize at least 70 %, according to official sources.
Brazil registered 185 deaths from Covid in the last two4 hours and the total deaths arrived at 601.398 fatal victims, while the number of infections rose to two1.590.097 After notification of 7.359 new positive this Tuesday, government reported.
The data of the last bulletin released by the Ministry of Health indicate that the daily average of fatal victims of the last week stood on Tuesday in the 367 Óbitos, the slightest average of deaths recorded in the country since November 1two, two0two0.
As for the positives, the average of the last seven days was located on Tuesday at 13.003 daily infections, the lowest since May 18 of last year.
Argentina registered on Tuesday 1.064 new cases of the COVID-19, so that the total number of positives amounted to 5.two67.339, while the deaths rose to 1fifteen.547, after being notified 56 deaths in the last two4 hours.
The figures mark an ascent with respect to the positive reported last Monday, when 416 new cases were recorded, although on weekends and on holidays the infections are usually minor.
Health authorities of Cuba announced on Tuesday that they will apply reinforcement dose of their own vaccines against COVID-19 and that they value a clinical trial in children under two years as part of the mass immunization process.
The president of the Biocubafarma State Group, Eduardo Martínez, told journalists that the antibody levels remain high six months after Cuban vaccines applied, but some people are more likely to become infected again and other immunosuppressed.
The Brooklyn Nets of the NBA decided on Tuesday to ban Kyrie Irving to participate in the practices and matches of the team, before the player's refusal to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
"Given the changing nature of the situation and after a deep deliberation, we have decided that Kyrie Irving will not play or practice with the team until it is eligible", to participate again in the game, said the general manager of the Nets, be theyMarks.
Kyrie "has made a personal decision and respect his individual right to choose.Currently, your choice restricts your ability to be a full -time member of the team, and we will not allow any member of our team to participate with part -time availability, "he added.
Irving, two9, is part of the stellar trio of the Nets that includes Kevin Durant and James Harden.The Nets begin their regular season games against the NBA champion, Milwaukee Bucks, next Tuesday.
Pandemia also highlighted the "deep differences" for health in the regions.Thus, the Czech region of the Northeast concentrated the largest number of cases, but it was the Italian of the Aosta Valley that registered the largest number of deaths per 100.000 inhabitants, highlighted the barometer of the European Committee of the Regions.
However, it was the Community of Madrid the European region that had a greater percentage excess of mortality in two0two0 (44%) compared to the average death of the previous four years.
Three other Spanish regions are among the ten European with greater excesses of mortality in percentage in two0two0: Castilla-La Mancha (34%, third in the list), Castilla y León (two9%, sixth) and Catalonia (two7%, eighth).
A total of eleven.44two people died in mid-July and mid-September during the worst weeks of the fifth wave of COVID-19, which is almost triple victims than those officially registered by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Spain, which limits that figureto 4.355.
This is stated in a report, which has had access Servimedia, prepared by four professors from the Polytechnic University that make up the 'dynamic mathematical model team to facilitate critical decisions by calculating future consequences of actions performed', coordinated by Rafael Cascón.
This group of engineers has analyzed the official data of the deaths of Coronavirus during the fifth wave and has compared it with the mortality records of the National Statistics Institute (INE), in order to measure excess mortality from the pandemic with respect to other years.
The results show that, during the 9 weeks of greater mortality of the last fifth wave (from 19-July to September 19), eleven were produced.44two more death.
The deaths with COVID-19 diagnosed during the same period were 4.355, according to the official data of the Ministry of Health directed by Carolina Darias.Therefore, experts recommend "convenient to investigate the causes of this high mortality" to check if they are directly due to cases of "unidentified coronavirus" or if they are fruits of "independent causes of the disease" to "try to remedy them if they repeat themselves".
For them, it is not something casual because "the excess of mortality related to the population during this period in Spain has been significantly higher than the rest of the countries of Europe" and point out that the high number of deaths during the fifth wave insummer can be derived from the "flexibility of measures in stability periods" against COVID-19, such as "the withdrawal of the masks' obligation" in open spaces.
The IKSATOLAS/IKASToleen Elkartea Association has asked the Basque Government to cancel the obligation to use a mask during the outdoor recesses to primary school children and warns that the measure can lead to "more collateral damage than desired".
Ikastoleen Elkartea has indicated in a statement that since last Monday in most European countries children between 6 and 1two years are without a mask both in recreation and classroom places, a decision that does not believe it is "irresponsible".
"We are especially concerned with the emotional aspect of children because primary schools are the only group of students who are forced to use the outdoor mask" so "they could feel excluded," says the statement.
The Ikastolas Association considers that the fact that it is the only collective that has not been vaccinated does not justify the measure and warns that it can cause collateral damage "both emotional and pedagogical and academic", as the studies carried out in these months point out in these months.
The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has announced that as of this Friday the limitations of capacity will be completed in cultural equipment, outdoor sport and bars and restaurants.
He has announced it at a press conference this Tuesday, in which he has assured that the hospitality will also recover its usual schedule and the restriction of 10 people per table will decline, although the use of a mask will remain mandatory.
"On Friday we will leave behind most restrictions and enter full in a stage of recovery of activities," said the Catalan president, who has argued that the data is very good and allow these decisions to be made.
The Commission for Social Affairs and Health of the Finnish Parliament has given its approval on Tuesday to a bill that authorizes the use of the Covid passport in nightlife and cultural and sports centers of the country.
It is expected that the bill will be ratified by Parliament in the next few days and enters into force during the weekend, which will allow to suspend the restrictions still in force in five regions of the country, including the Helsinki area.
This certificate will be issued digitally by the health authorities for those over fifteen years of age who request it and that have completed the vaccination pattern against COVID-19, have overcome the disease in the last six months or give negative in a test in a test in a testPCR in the previous 7two hours.
The bars, restaurants, theaters, gyms and other leisure and sport centers that demand the certificate to access will be exempt from fulfilling the restrictions of capacity and schedules in force in the regions of greater incidence.
The Italian prime minister, Mario Draghi, signed on Tuesday a decree with the guidelines on the obligation that the Public Administrations staff shows their health passport from October fifteen in their workplaces, a measure that will also affectprivate sphere employees.
The Covid certificate shows that who has it has received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, has passed the disease or has undergone a recently negative test..
From Friday, all public and private workers will have to show this "COVID pass", and if they do not have it they will not be able to access their position or will face fines between 600 and 1.fifty0 euros.
The European Health Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides, celebrated on Tuesday that 80% of European adults have received a dose of some vaccine against COVID-19, but has warned that there are large different between countries and warns that in theEast lagged can proliferate new virus mutations.
"The big differences in vaccination rates between member states are worrisome.Having a low vaccination rate can put the entire EU at risk and become the culture broth for even more contagious and serious variants, "he said.
The traditional New Year's fireworks in London, which are usually carried out on the shore of the Thames River, have been annulled for the second consecutive year due to the pandemic, as announced on Tuesday the City Hall of the city of the city.
"Because of the uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 Pandemia, our famous New Year's show will not take place this year on the shores of the Thames," said a spokesman.
The German Laboratory Curevac announced on Tuesday that it puts an end to the development of its first vaccine against COVID, which generated much hope at the beginning but whose results were disappointing and will concentrate on another more promising immunizing immunizing.
Specifically, it will focus on "the development of a second generation COVID-19 vaccine", in which he works with the British GSK and therefore will "withdraw" his current project of the agency's continuous examination proceduresEuropean drug (EMA).
This "also ends" the pre -agreement of 405 million doses agreed with the European Union, according to the laboratory.
"The world fight against COVID-19 continues and we are determined to contribute to it decisively with a safe and effective vaccine," Franz-Werner Haas, director of Curevac, guaranteed in a statement, in a statement, in a statement.
With just two8% of the population vaccinated against COVID-19, Romania has reached on Tuesday a new daily peak of new contagios and deaths in a single day, according to the health authorities of the country.
In total, in the last two4 hours they have registered 16.700 new cases and 44two deaths from Covid, most unaccoured people.
Meanwhile, the number of admitted with Coronavirus remains at the highest levels of all the pandemic and already exceeds 17.000, of which 1.667 are in intensive care.
The modern pharmaceutical.
The company has assured that its data supports that this reinforcement dose would have a benefit in public health to reinforce the immune response and reduce the number of infections in vaccinated adults.
The Government has celebrated the "proper functioning" of the reopening of the nightlife last weekend despite the agglomerations that occurred in the accesses of numerous discos due to the verification of the Covid passport and has trusted that in the next few days it will be expedited the process.
This was stated on Tuesday the spokeswoman of the Catalan Executive, Patricia Plajthat it can be "expedited" the verification of the COVID certificate -which allows you to prove the complete vaccination pattern -or the PCR test or negative antigens test to avoid repeating "some agglomerations".
"In the coming weeks we hope everything is even easier," he said.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has assured Tuesday that it is studying the efficacy data of Molnupiravir, an oral treatment in pills against COVID-19 developed by the German pharmaceuticalThe fight against pandemic ".
"It is an interesting progress, although we still have to see the complex data," the WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier said at a press conference after knowing that Merck has requested US regulators to approve their emergency use.
These pills could be the first oral treatment against COVID-19 (easier to use therefore other intravenous) and one of the first designed for mild cases of the disease, which do not require hospitalization in principle.
The Rodríguez de Andain V residence in Portugalete (Vizcaya) has registered an outbreak of COVID-19 that has left fifty users and eleven infected professionals in the center, according to sources from the Department of Social Action of the Diputación de Vizcaya.
The outbreak, which was detected last Friday, has affected fifty users of the residence, which on September two8 received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Again, the positive cases of COVID-19 have risen again in the last hours, exceeding 30 new contagios on a day in which there has also been a deceased.
According to the data provided by the Regional Government, 33 people infected were detected on Monday, almost twice as Sunday, which closed with 18 cases, after carrying out 1.570 tests, so the positivity rate was two.1%.
Of the 33 cases, 10 were recorded in Pamplona.
While following the world debate on the use of the reinforcement dose against COVID-19, Israel claims the success of its vaccination campaign.The country, which inoculated its entire population of the third dose of Pfizer, ensures that this measure has helped him to stop the expansion of his fourth wave.
At the end of July, without even having the approval of international organizations and the EU, Israel approved inoculaThe mortality rate in the country.
In two and a half months, the campaign advanced quickly and there are already more than 3.7 million people who received a reinforcement dose.
The Junta de Andalucía said Tuesday that the level 0 of alert of two thirds of the community has allowed the 168 active participation centers to recover their full activity without limitation of schedule or capacity.
According to the circular referred to those responsible for these spaces by the Ministry of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, the workshops and planned activities must always be carried out with the greatest possible interpersonal distance to prevent new infections by Coronavirus and a record of the attendees for attendees must be carried outfacilitate traceability if necessary.
Andalusia records on Tuesday, October 1two, a decrease of seven hospitalized by COVID-19 compared to Monday to be in a total of two08, which is a decrease of 79 in the intersemanal comparison, while patients admitted to intensive care units (UCI) add up to 69.
This is detail by the Andalusia Board in its daily part of the disease.The two08 hospitalized by COVID-19 are the lowest figure since August 19, two0two0 and 69 admitted to ICU is the lowest since August 30 of the same year.
The Region of Murcia has registered 68 new positive cases for COVID-19 in the last two4 hours, on a day with a deceased for this cause.Thus, the number of deaths notified from the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 1.743.
The region has registered a deceased because of the Covid in the last two4 hours.This is an 81 -year -old man from the Health Area II (Cartagena).
The protection measures against COVID-19 have caused a drastic fall in the circulation of the flu last winter, which could translate into a loss of immunity acquired at the group level and in a greater susceptibility to this disease.Thus, the next flu season, which will reach its peak towards the end of January, could start before and with more cases, although it is difficult to make forecasts.Therefore, the main recommendation for risk groups remains the vaccine, which can be administered while that of COVID-19.
Russia has registered on Tuesday 973 deaths by Coronavirus, a new daily maximum since the pandemic began, according to the country's health authorities.
For the seventh consecutive day, more than 900 deaths are produced in the country, which according to official data accumulates two18.345 deaths from COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
La Rioja has slightly increased its active cases by Coronavirus after 67 registered on Monday at 69 this Tuesday, two more, as the regional government has just updated.
For its part, and waiting to have updated data of the hospitalized, accumulated or deceased incidence, La Rioja yesterday had 7 people admitted, four of them at the ICU.
As for the accumulated AI at 14 days, the latest registered data is located in 35.3two cases per 100.000 inhabitants.
In the ICUs of Catalan hospitals there are already less than 100 people admitted because of the coronavirus, specifically 97, data that were not given since August 1, two0two0, last time until now in which less than a hundredCritics in Catalonia.
According to data published on Tuesday by the Department of Health, there are currently 344 patients in conventional hospitalization.
The risk of regrowth maintains the downward trend although it is still considered moderate (it is now 43 points) and in recent days eleven people have died to the cause of the COVID-19, half of the previous week.
The General Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Xunta de Galicia has reported on Tuesday of fifty8 active coronavirus cases in the region, which is six more than this Monday and the first daily rebound since last August 5,When the decala began after the fifth wave of pandemic in Spain.
Despite that light ascent, it is the second lowest figure since August 7, two0two0, when 444 active coronavirus cases were recorded.
Of the total positive patients, 10 are in the ICU, 41 in hospitalization units and 457 at their homes.
South Africa has launched into the conception of the first African Vaccine of Messenger RNA against the Coronavirus with the aim of reducing the dependence of the continent with respect to the countries rich in access to these drugs.
This innovative technology, Pfizer and Modern Vaccines base, consists of introducing genetic instructions into the body that dictate to patient cells what to manufacture to fight against the disease.
With the support of the World Health Organization (WHO), the African Biotechnology company Afrigen leads a project that will use "reverse engineering" to recreate a formula close to the one employed by modern.
India recorded on Tuesday 14.313 Coronavirus infections, the lowest number since March two and the first time in more than seven months than the Asian country low.000 cases after becoming the world epicenter of pandemic in April and May.
Despite the decrease in cases reported by the Indian Ministry of Health, the Asian country already has 33.9 million infections since the beginning of the pandemic.
A good part of those detected this Tuesday, 6.996,.000 contagios in a single day.
Health authorities also notified 181 deaths in the last two4 hours throughout the country, raising the total deaths of 4fifty.963.
Again, the positive cases of Coronavirus have risen again in the last hours and have exceeded 30.
The latest provisional data provided by the Regional Government indicate that yesterday 34 people were detected, almost double that on Sunday, which closed with 18 cases.
Of the 34 cases, they were registered in Pamplona, with special incidence in the neighborhood of La Rochapea, with 4, as in the town of Zizur Mayor.
The Local Police of Seville has evicted last morning to 571 people who were in leisure establishments of the Andalusian capital breaking the measures against COVID-19 and has sealing one of the establishments.
Police has reported that in the Plaza de la Recentido de Sevilla Este, after a neighborhood complaint, half a hundred people were evicted and denounced a complaint against the premises, since the distance measures and the use of masks were breached.
On Feria Street, in the Macarena neighborhood, the neighbors also denounced noise and excess candles in a bar, where the agents found that drinks were sold for consumption abroad, which caused an agglomeration of people in the street andforced the pedestrians to circulate along the road, so the place was preceded.
Cantabria has added on Monday two4 new cases of Coronavirus, which are 17 more than on Sunday, in which only seven were detected, although the accumulated and hospitalized incidence continues.
Specifically, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health corresponding to Monday eleven, the number of patients entered by the virus (three less), of which, as in the previous day, four are in the unit ofIntensive care.
This involves an occupation of hospital beds of 1.6%, two tenths less, and 3.8% in ICU, where it does not vary with respect to the eve.
The British government and its scientific advisors made "great mistakes" in their initial response to the Coronavirus pandemic with a "wrong" strategy that caused more people to die than they owed, according to a report released on Tuesday.
The document "Coronavirus: Lessons learned to date", prepared by the Parliamentary Commissions of Science Yy of Health and Social Care, regrets that the initial approach of the country before the crisis will be based "inflexibly on a flu model".
The deputies criticize that the first strategy to COVID-19 requested "a gradual approach" to interventions such as social distancing, isolation and confinements, "an error" that resulted in a greater number of deaths from the virus by the virus.
"The decisions on confinements and social distancing during the first weeks of the pandemic and the advice that led to them is considered one of the most important public health failures ever experienced by the United Kingdom," says the document.
The sense of smell or taste is recovered within six months for 4 out of 5 COVID-19 survivors who have lost these senses, and children under 40 are more likely to recover them than older adults, according to a studyIn the course of the Virginia Commonwealth University, published at the American Journal of Otolaryngology.
Among the 798 participants in the survey even in progress about the loss of smell and the taste for COVID-19 that had been positive in the Covid-19 test and had reported a loss of smell or taste, participants under 40years they recovered the sense of smell to a greater extent than those over 40 years old.
Dr. Evan Reiter, medical director of the Center for Smeage Disorders and the taste of the VCU Health and Coinvestigator of the study, emphasizes that the latest data shows that 4 out of 5 participants, regardless of age, recovered smell and taste in sixmonths.
The Vaccine Expert Advisory Group of the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended that patients from certain groups at risk receive an additional dose of anticovid vaccine, although the agency had requested in August a moratorium on those inoculations of those inoculations reinforcement.
The Mexican Alejandro Cravioto, president of the STRATEGIC ADVICE GROUP of WHO experts (SAGE), made this announcement after the meeting last week by this body, in which vaccination strategies against COVID-19 and other diseases and other diseases were analyzed, such as malaria or polio.
Experts also recommended that the international community set the objective of vaccinating 70% of the world population against COVID-19 in mid-two0twotwo, given the highest dose availability that is having in recent months.
The National Health Commission of China has announced the detection of 1two new positives of Coronavirus, all imported from abroad.
They were among travelers from abroad in Yunnan (South, 5), Shanghai (East, 3), Liaoning (Northeast, 1), Fujian (Southeast, 1), Sichuan (Center, 1) and Shaanxi (Center, 1).
Health authorities also reported today of the detection of 14 asymptomatic cases, all "imported" from abroad, although Beijing does not compute them as confirmed cases unless they manifest symptoms.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has received a request to study the possible authorization in the European Union (EU) of Ronapreve, a monoclonal antibody antibody cocktail developed by the firms Regeneron and Roche for the treatment and prevention of the COVID-19.
The agency is evaluating the marketing license requested by Roche Registration GMBH for the approval of the drug that combines casirivimab and imdevimab monoclonal antibodies, to treat adults and adolescents over 1two years old who do not require supplementary oxygen and have a higher risk of developing COVID-19 severe.
This cocktail could also be used for the prevention of COVID-19 in adults and adolescents over 1two years, according to data in the hands of the Human Medicines Committee (CHMP).
The EMA calculates that it may conclude its evaluation of the benefits and risks of the drug within a "reduced" period of two months, depending on the solidity of the data presented by the pharmaceutical, and provided that additional information is not required to support the analysis.
The agency began in February a real -time review of the data of this treatment that combines monoclonal antibodies, after seeing that the "preliminary results of a study indicate a beneficial effect of the medication in reducing the amount of virus in the blood in the blood(viral load) in non -hospitalized patients "who contracted it.
According to the criteria of
The Trust ProjectSaber másVacunas"España es una apuesta estratégica para Moderna"SaludPasaporte Covid, la herramienta legal para limitar las actividades de los no vacunadosCovid-19Preguntas y respuestas sobre la vacunación pediátrica contra el Covid-19