Cleaning the grills or grilles of the oven is one of the most random tasks of kitchen care.Its fine metal bars complicate cleanliness, and much time and patience are needed to withdraw all embedded dirt.The most advisable is to wash them after each use, since thus the excess fat of the cooking will not dry and it will be easier to remove it with a simple sponge and a little neutral soap.If this is not done, the utensil will accumulate stains that will then be very difficult to eliminate.
Lee tambiénThe first thing is to find a large container, like a palangana, and fill it with hot water with remove fat or detergent of the clothing.Then immerse the grill in the mixture and for 3 hours of acting.If you do not have any sweeps of the measure you need, you can use the bathtub.Pasado el tiempo, observarás como gran parte de la suciedad ha desaparecido.If there are still remains, use a sponge or brush to finish eliminating them.Then clean the grid with neutral soap and water.
Another product with which you can get very good results is sodiumbonate, which is also very useful for cleaning other kitchen utensils and appliances, such as pots or microwave.Sumerge la rejilla en agua caliente y espolvorea un poco de bicarbonato por encima.Then let act the same time and review with soap and water so that it is very bright.If you do not get the desired result, repeat the operation as many times as necessary, but this time leaving it so much half an hour. También puedes impregnar la parrilla con una mezcla de agua y bicarbonato, sin necesidad de sumergirla en agua, pero no es tan efectivo.
For this trick you will need that the oven rack is still a bit hot.Cover the metal butter or oil bars, carefully not burn, to hydrate the spots.Leave a few minutes (try not to spend over time so that the applied fat does not stick more than the account).Then rub with a metal scourer or a ball of aluminum foil, and review with a sponge with soap and water.
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