Lucía Ramírez Pavía
Cooking is a pleasure for many, an art form through which to channel creativity or an excuse to gather the most beloved beings around a table and enjoy.But once the fun ends behind the stoves, the least attractive part comes: clean the utensils and the space used.
One of the things that costs the most to leave in perfect condition is the hob.It must be recognized that it is a comfortable appliance, since it is easy to clean, safer and save more energy than classic kitchens.Of course, when something is spilled or burned, it is difficult to leave it bright.
Fortunately there are solutions, both homemade and specific cleaning products, for the correct maintenance of the hob and shine as the first day.
Lee tambiénOne of the most curious tricks for the care of this appliance is the use of toothpaste.If the surface is scratched, it has a solution: apply dentifric gel with a cloth will make all the rayons disappear completely.
Regarding cleaning products, there is a wide variety of specific articles for hob.Unlike the rest of the kitchen, which can be cleaned with a dishwasher scourer and liquid, there are special products that will not damage the surface of this space.It is important to look at buying them, since the usual products can spoil the hob.In addition, you can find scales designed to combine with this type of products, which will not leave any scratch in the glass.
One of the most effective tricks to leave the hob as new is the use of ammonia.Although it is not a product made on this, its disinfectant and degreaser properties make this product a great ally.To do so correctly, four five drops of ammonia must be dissolved in a warm water container.After removing the spots it is important.
Lee tambiénIn short, the key to having the hob as soft and bright as the first day is to keep it daily.Applying these homemade solutions every time a stain appears and using adequate cleaning products a couple of times a week, it is very simple that it is always radiant.
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