That the iconoclast fever that accompanies the protests of Black Lives Matter in the United States was not going to stop at the destruction or withdrawal of statues of the apostle of California, San Junípero Serra, was sung, but this weekend has been especially tragic in thatsense, including the fire of the mission of San Gabriel, one of the oldest in the country, founded by San Junípero himself.
On Saturday the Olala Police, in Florida, arrested a young man for frustrated homicide by fire to the church of the Queen of Peace while a Mass was celebrated inside.Fortunately, the faithful could leave in time before victims had to regret.
Meanwhile, in the church of San Pedro de Dorchester, near Boston, Massachussetts, set fire to a statue of the Virgin.According to a local news chain, an unidentified individual set fire to a bouquet of plastic flowers that supported the arms of the statue, irreparably burning the face and hands.
Another statue of Our Lady, is in New York, in front of the Preparatory School and Cathedral Seminar, was vandalized on Friday morning and covered with a graffiti where I could read idol.A Protestant church was also assaulted in Forth Worth, Texas.
But the most serious incident -the first investigations do not rule out that he was intentionally -was produced in the early hours of Saturday, in a fire that destroyed a good part of the San Gabriel mission.According to Angelus News, the mission of San Gabriel Arcángel founded Serra in 1771, the fourth raised by the saint in California.
The Archbishop of Los Angeles, José H. Gómez, tells in his Facebook account how as soon as he knows the news he appeared in the church "to pray with the people", adding that, despite the fire, "San Gabriel will always be the heartSpiritual of the Church in Los Angeles, the place from which the announcement of the Gospel expanded.
Only day before the fire, the mission staff had withdrawn a statue of San Junípero Serra of public space for fear of the rioters of racial protests, after members of the Black Lives Matter movement destroyed other effigies of the saint.
On Sunday a fire broke out in the church of San Marcos in Birmingham, Alabama, damaging the ceiling, according to Lifesitenews, although there was no need to regret human victims.
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