For using these devices your light receipt go up and upload

The electricity consumption of electronic devices and appliances is not only based on their power, but also of the time used, the higher the power, the greater the energy expenditure.

The devices that work with resistances that convert heat into heat, consume a large amount of energy.Such as toaster and iron.

According to the different powers that handle the devices, the radio is the one that has the lowest power, which means that you spend less electric power, if you listen to the radio, that if we turn on the TV.

How to know how much an appliance consumes

One of our concerns when the electric service receives arrives, is how to know how much an appliance consumes.Well, they are the most used at home, even for long hours.In this way, you can make responsible and adequate use of these devices;avoiding the payment of large amounts of money in electric power consumption.

Factors that influence the consumption of appliances

There are two factors that influence the electrical consumption of appliances;is the electrical potential and the time of use.That is, the electrical consumption is calculated based on the potential that is measured in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW).In addition, the time of use measured in hours (h).

Particularly, the Kilovatio-Hora Electric Power Unit (KWH) represents the consumption of one kilowatt in an hour.For example, the consumption of a television is 48W equivalent to 0.048kWh.It is important to highlight that some devices that require less potential but are used for a long time;as is the case with refrigerators and televisions.

Energy consumption of different electrometric

Electrical devices do not consume the same amount of electricity.A fridge is not the same and that a microwave.Neither, all washing machines consume the same energy;It all depends on the brand and the model.

However, one of the ways how to know how much an appliance consumes is to see the electrical efficiency label that all devices bring.Also, in the factory manual said information appears, which must be taken into account when acquiring a product.In addition, in the light receipt you can read what amount of kilowatts per hour consumption the electrical appliances.

Por usar estos aparatos tu recibo de luz sube y sube

The electricity service in Mexico is variable and this is determined by the area in which users live.However, what most influences light consumption, are the devices we connect.

These are the devices that consume the most energy in the house.

one.The fridge

With an approximate of 30% of energy consumption of our home, the refrigerator is one of the most energy appliances consume, especially if the forces putting hot food or putting objects at high temperatures next to it.


Aquí dependerá del tiempo que pasemos frente a nuestra televisión, pero con el confinamiento, la gente tiene estos aparatos prendidos mucho más tiempo, lo cual representa el one2% de consumo del hogar.


A computer can consume on average 7.4% electricity from a house.The "Energy Savings" mode can be an alternative for not paying so much for it, as well as the salvapallas.


The washing-machine necesita bastante energía para trabajar y puede representar alrededor de un oneone% de nuestro consumo, pero si el agua de calienta esto podría provocar un aumento de 80% de gasto de energía.As far as possible, it will be better to wash at low temperature.


It may not be used very often, but the oven is one of the appliances that spends the most energy due to the combination of heat generation and food preparation time. Consume entre 800 y one.200 W per hour, depending on the model.


The average spending of this appliance is 6% of the consumption of a house.Washing and temperature cycles will have a lot to do with regular and high energy consumption.

7.Drying machine

Consume approximately 3.3% of the energy of a home.As advice, you have to know what power each cycle or level has to avoid excessive expense.

Vampire consumption

The "vampire consumption" is the one that makes the devices continue to consume energy even when they are extinguished but connected.That is why you have to disconnect them.

* Un televisor genera un consumo vampiro de one28 watts diarios.

Control your appliances

-Desconect the appliances if you are not using them.In the case of the TV, the music equipment, the DVD or the video, disconnect them from the switch of each device to avoid vampire consumption.

-Apaga small appliances such as iron or microwave, at times of rest during tasks.In the case of the iron, the greatest consumption occurs when heated, so it is better to accumulate the work and iron large amounts at once.

-When you buy a new appliance, find out about your consumption and compare the brand that is best performance.

A refrigerator is on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and maintains continuous energy consumption.

The refrigerator consumes about 20% of the electricity that enters the home.

Action: keep your refrigerator at bay

-Regula the cooler and freezer temperature according to manufacturer's specifications.

Open the doors only the necessary time

-Don't introduce hot foods in the refrigerator.

-Wait to reach the ambient temperature.

-Desch the fridge when you check that a 5 mm frost layer has formed.

-Coloca a paper strip between the door and the frame of the refrigerator, gerrra it and pull it.If you can easily get it, it is necessary to change the packaging.

Keeping it in good condition allows us to save a part of the electricity we consume, reducing the receipt by 3% per year.


The iron is one of the devices that consumes more energy, because it works with a resistance that converts heat into heat.

Action: Use the iron better

-Revis that the surface of the iron is always clean and smooth, because it will transmit the heat more uniformly.

-Plant as much clothing as possible in each session

-Oka with clothes without moistening it too much.

-Preave first the garments that require less heat and continue with the one you need more, to measure

Using the iron properly involves a reduction in the energy consumption of 5 %.

The washing-machine

It is an appliance that fulfills the heaviest functions of home tasks.

80% of the electric consumption of a washing machine serves to heat the water

Action: cold water, full machine and little soap

-The was the washing machine before putting it into operation.

-Use cold programs to wash clothes.

-Atrifugar uses the highest speeds.Minor speed electric consumption.

-If you have to buy a washing machine, find out about the low consumption and energy models that exist in the market

En un año, puedes reducir tu recibo en un 3% y disminuir tu consumo de agua en one0,000 litros