If we analyze our closet, at least winter, we will discover that most of the clothes, or a significant percentage of it, is black.And it is that black is the life life3.But despite all its benefits, it also has its face B and this appears when it is time to wash black clothes.
The washing machine is one of the main enemies of our garments.Because it makes the wool come out the mythical pellets, yellow the whites and makes intense colors lose strength, and from them the one who suffers the most, without a doubt, it is black, which loses a few tones washed after washing.
This seems inevitable, but it is not.And, in addition to the fact that there is life beyond the washing machine, there are also a few tricks to wash black clothes and do not lose its color.Take note to stop being afraid of washing black clothes and make you look like new was the washes that passes.
Black clothing is usually more delicate than the rest of the clothes, basically because of the care that you have to have so that the color is not wear down, so it will be best to wash it by hand.This washing is much less aggressive and also black clothing will release excess color in the container in which it is washed, avoiding that it dismisses other clothes.In addition, the amount of color that will be released from the black garment will be much lower.
That is why it is recommended to wash black clothes also with cold water, already wash by hand or in the washing machine.And, hot water causes color pigments to release much more easily, that is, it makes clothes easily disregard.Meanwhile, wash below 30 or 25 degrees will make clothes hardly lose color, only the excess that some garments wear the first times.
This is one of the tricks that already used our grandmothers.Vinegar works as a natural product fixing the color pigments of clothing, so that they do not detach.The vinegar you use must be white and put it when rinse.And do not worry about the smell, the vinegar will not leave the smell of dissolving in the water and the little that will disappear when drying.
El vinagre ayudará a que los pigmentos no se liberen.Vicky Cheng en UnsplashWhen laundry upside down, the inside, that is, the one that is not seen, will be the one that is exposed and the one that will suffer more during washing, but as it is not seen, nothing happens.Thus, in the case of getting lost more pigments, they will be lost from the inside, since the exter more time.
And with the air we refer to drying it inside the kitchen, in the bathThis "eats" the color because it clarifies it.
You will be thinking that a faster option could be to put the newly washed black clothes in the dryer.But this would only be a mistake because high temperatures greatly affect dark -colored tissues and end up wearing them more and make their power lose.Of course, if you need the black garment in question to dry quickly and the only option is to put it in the dryer, it is best that it dries cold or with the lowest possible temperature.
Lava del revés, a mano y con agua fría.Mike palmowski en UnsplashIf you do not have time to wash all your black clothes by hand and prefer to do it in the washing machine always do it with cold water and in the format of delicate clothing, always alone and choosing an exclusive and specific liquid soap for black clothes.This soap will make the washing of dark clothes do not affect its pigments and these do not easily detach.In addition, it will be best to use liquid soap because the powders, using cold water, will not dissolve and all they will do will be dirty clothes.
In addition, it is recommended not to use chitamanchas because they drag the color, but if necessary, we will use them located in La Mancha and specific for black clothes.