Login with your account to access.EntraRegister15/06/2021Updated on: 20/01/2022Login with your account to access.EntraRegister
Good morning, I'm reading in the forums the topic of what rates are the best with license plates. They set them up for me now in June, just this month they have changed the rates, the prices in PVPC are through the roof. My distributor is Iberdrola (I live in Caceres).....I've seen Iberdrola's smart solar rate and I like it because of the hours it has...but it's a little expensive...I don't know if now with the new June rates 2021, which is what interests the most, if the regulated prices continue to be of interest (in my case it would be with Iberdrola cunergia)...
Can you advise me which is the best rate to accommodate me for my 4kw solar installation?
Thank you very much in advance.
photovoltaic systemSolar panel 26073 Views 47 Replies 4 VotesSign in with your account to access.EnterRegister