"This year's health scenario is very different from the previous year". Esa frase se repite entre los personeros, tanto de La Moneda como del mismo Ministerio de Salud, al ser consultados por las definiciones para las celebraciones de Fiestas Patrias, un plan que por estos días ya comienzan a zanjar la Subsecretaría de Salud Pública en conjunto con la Secretaría General de Gobierno (Segegob).
With the COVID-19 cases, a positivity of the PCR exams that has been held down, added to the wide coverage of the virus vaccination plan, the epidemiological scenario of the coming weeks is still auspicious.
Therefore, a month from the national holiday, from Salud they indicate that the guidelines for a "safe celebration" could be released during the next week. Son cautos, pues insisten en que todo dependerá de cómo evolucione la diseminación de la variante delta en el país.
This particular point has delayed the final version of the plan in a few days. Según confirman fuentes de Salud a La Tercera, el último balance sobre la circulación de este linaje del virus confirma que ya se han pesquisado casi 150 casos asociados a la variante, aunque su circulación -hasta ahora- no ha generado un repunte exponencial de los casos, a diferencia de lo que se ha visto en Europa y Estados Unidos.
From the government they agree that September will be a "key month" for the evolution of the virus, and even for the summer to come.That is, if the month is achieved with a moderate health reality, in Palace and Health they forecast a last positive quarter in terms of pandemic.
And about Delta, different personnel agree that their evolution must be seen carefully, although they affirm that "Chile has not entered as in other countries".One of the theories that has not been disseminated "massively" as in other countries is that the variant was introduced with a high percentage of the vaccinated target population.However, they recognize that it would not be appropriate to discard the new strain as a latent risk.
"We have preferred to wait before taking these definitions. Una de las decisiones que vamos a revisar esta semana es si se establece un aforo único a nivel nacional o si acotamos la cantidad máxima de personas en espacios cerrados de acuerdo a las fases del plan (Paso a Paso), como se hizo con el plan Fondéate en tu Casa. Porque hoy la situación es muy distinta a la de 2020, es mucho más homogénea: no tenemos comunas en cuarentena y la mayor parte del país está en fase 3 y 4″, señalan desde el gbierno.
A nivel comunicacional, en la Segegob -a cargo del ministro Jaime Bellolio- aún está en análisis cuál será el concepto de la campaña comunicacional, entre los que se asoma que sea “18 Seguro”, en el cual se apela a celebrar las fiestas con todos los resguardos sanitarios necesarios, pero esta vez con mayores libertades.
En las últimas semanas, varios municipios ya han anunciado que por segundo año consecutivo no tendrán lugar las masivas fondas por la pandemia.The most notorious case was that of the commune of Santiago, where its mayor, Irací Hassler, announced that after a meeting between the Mayor's Office and the FONDEROS, the health of the residents of the commune was "prioritized", notwithstanding the fact that they couldMake minor capacity celebrations in some neighborhoods of Santiago.
In the neighboring commune of Providencia it was already defined that the celebrations will be with reduced and outdoor afor. El plan comunal “18 en mi Plaza” irá del viernes 17 al domingo 19.
“They will be celebrations in spaces with reduced Aforos and will be divided into six activities into six different seats from 11.00 to 14.00 and 16.00 to 19.00 hours.On each day there will be activities for children, stands with typical games, folk groups show, Cueca classes. Para evitar contagios no habrá servicio de venta de alimentos, pero la municipalidad regalará alimentos, como maní confitado, paquetes de cabritas, mote con huesillo y jugos individuales”, explican desde el municipio.
Each activity will have a maximum of 200 people and all must carry with mobility and card pass. Además, para quienes no puedan asistir, la municipalidad recorrerá la comuna con una “Fonda Móvil”.
In Ñuñoa, meanwhile, they explain that without the typical Ramada of the National Stadium for the second consecutive year, they seek to take a “turn” towards the celebration in the neighborhoods. La iniciativa busca, entre otras cosas, potenciar el rol de productores locales y del comercio de barrio atendiendo las circunstancias de la pandemia.As for Aforos, they will be adjusted to what the Minsal says, according to the square meters in open spaces referred to.
En La Reina suspendieron las fondas del Parque Padre Hurtado y en la Aldea del Encuentro, pero planificaron las “ramadas itinerantes”, que son actividades en 10 plazas de la comuna, pensadas para los vecinos.
In Valparaíso, although last year all activity was suspended, in phase 4 today the city will receive visitors with the slogan "#envalponosSuímosos".Although the organization of FONDEROS decided not to carry out the typical ramadas in the Alejo Barrios Park (Playa Ancha), the Puerto city, with its premises and services, will continue to attend tourists with all the required sanitary measures required.To do this, the municipality will launch the online program “Tourist connection”, which seeks to disseminate panoramas and the local and cultural gastronomic offer designed for the week of 18.
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