Among the conscious and environmentally committed life habits, the type of food, fashion and transport is usually prioritized, but in small domestic routines there is much to do.The figures are revealing: about 17% of the water used by a house is taken by the washing machine and almost half of the ecological footprint associated with clothing has to do with washing.
The washing machine was a revolutionary invention.But, after the fridge and television, it is the appliance that consumes the most energy at home.If we add the contamination that involves the use of conventional detergents and the detachment of microfibers of synthetic tissues, the environmental cost of each washing machine, to the expenditure and electricity.
With these eleven tips you can check your casting to make it more sustainable.In this way you will also take care of your skin and your health while reducing your ecological footprint:
A current of ecoactivism defends to reduce the use of the washing machine to consume less water and extend the life of the garments.They consider that we wash the clothes too much, even after using it only once, and that most garments do not need to be washed, but it is enough to air them, brush them or eliminate specific spots.
The more the needs of each garment are respected, the better for their care and conservation.Read the labels well and respect the recommended temperatures to wash and dry.Also check the pockets before putting the washing machine to prevent paper scarves, coins, candies or other forgotten objects to obstruct the filter or damage the drum.
Except in certain works that dirty a lot or with young children, most family castings are of clothes on a few occasions and little dirty.It is wandered well in cold water and short washing.This saves energy and resources, because 80% of the electric consumption of the washing machine is to heat water.
Phosphates, oil derivatives, plastic microperlas, synthetic perfumes ... conventional detergents are a cocktail of chemical compounds that can irritate the skin, produce allergies or act as endocrine disruptors.In addition, they are harmful to ecosystems.
Choose natural detergents with echo certification without those problems.To reduce the use of containers, opt for large containers that last longer, bulk marks, wash nuts or DIY: Make your own homemade detergents.
It is not something of the past.It degrades immediately in nature, it is effective, respect your health and it is easy to do at home (or you can make many cleaning products with it).Not everything is because some may contain animal fat, unsustainable production palm oil or synthetic perfumes.
Marseille or Castile soap is hypoallergenic and very soft for the skin.It can be used both to wash by hand rubbing the wet pill in the clothes and dissolving it in hot water for the washing machine.
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Neither the washing machine nor the detergents are relentless against the spots, and sometimes it is necessary to rub.We will also bet on natural products and a patience tad.Put the dirty clothes with hot water and sodium carbonate, or rub before washing with soap or a homemade chitamanchas.
These three natural products (vinegar must be white) are effective and off -road: with them you can make your own softener, chitamanchas and bleach.And, in addition, they take care of the washing machine.
The roughness when washing clothes is usually more due to the lime of the water than to the products used.Bicarbonate fulfills an antical function and helps both soften clothes and keep the washing machine.For extra softness, add a glass of white vinegar in the softener's cube;also decalcify and leave no smell.
With the idea of saving, we tend to overload the washing machine, but this prevents clothing from moving freely in the drum, which was worse and wrinkled more.Ideally, between clothes and the top of the drum there is at least one free hand.
With simple gestures we can clean the washing machine and keep it in good condition:
The sun and natural heat dry the clothes, air and at the same time hygienize the fibers.In many cases you can avoid the dryer and save a lot of energy.Whenever possible, it tends to the sun.A good technique of hanging and folding clothes will avoid having to iron more.
It is less sustainable that the sun, but the weather is very rainy chooses a dryer of maximum energy efficiency (A +++ label).They are more expensive but it is worth it.Use it at full load and only when necessary.
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The market has evolved a lot and offers more and more energy capacity, capacity and efficiency.We will choose according to our budget and needs.