Many hours we spend, comparing and checking the offers that these days abound in the retail.Based on our tests and recommendations, we choose the eleven that are most worth taking advantage of.
According to Wirecutter, the New York Times site specialized in product testing, this is the best robot vacuum in the market.Excellent for carpets, reliable in their performance and with great technical service, it has an excellent price-quality ratio.Normal price: $ 329,990.
A very convenient value has these days in leader the iPhone Se, the most accessible of Apple phones of the year 2020. According to our Tech Master Alejandro Alaluf, “He is still a solid and robust alternative, capable of delivering the Apple experienceTo all those who want to live it for the first time. ”Normal price: $ 479,990.
If there is a reliable Gamer brand, that is Logitech: its keyboards, mouse and headphones usually lead the rankings with the best products, with different ranges for the different audiences.These microphone headphones, according to PC MAG magazine, do not have the highest sound quality but include many accessories that make it comfortable and quite convenient.Normal price: $ 99,990.
All books in a book: that is what the Kindle promises, an old device to these vertiginous heights, but that becomes more popular and accessible.Easy to use and configure, it is the best current tool for those who read a lot - whether for pleasure or work - and do not want to continue filling their paper life.Normal price: $ 119,990.
Recently we reviewed the latest version of this smartwatch, the Galaxy Watch3, an impeccable watch, almost a wrist phone.Active2 is of course simpler but equally versatile: in addition to monitoring physical activity, it works with Android and is easily compatible with almost any cell phone.Normal price: $ 299,990.
Of the seven grades in Ripley, all are with the maximum note, which reveals the consistency of this speaker, special for use in open spaces or spontaneous instances.For its value it delivers powerful low - although not so deep - and interesting acute, in addition to being very resistant to water, dust and blows.Normal price: $ 99,990.
The last part of one of the most popular video game sagas of the last time is in the middle of its value.We must not count many more reasons why this offer is worth it.Waiting for the fifth chapter - which would come out in February 22 - it is best to wait taking advantage of this discount.Normal price: $ 29,990.
Wifi problems?Sometimes it is not only about the company, but the device that distributes the signal at home.Most of the time, we use models with which we miss all the speed that comes by the cable.A simple but more sophisticated router, like this of Xiaomi, can make a lot of difference.Previous price: $ 24,990.
Several kitchen experts told us here: the old and dear electric oven, the one who many have only to heat old pieces of pizza, is actually a powerful and multifectic device, which allows us to cook, roast, brown and heat and heat a lotof preparations.Even if it is economical, like this, you better have one at home.Normal price: $ 39,990.
We will never get tired of promoting pressure pots: they save time, energy and money, serve to cook meats, stews and vegetables, and in them preparations usually preserve their flavors and properties better.This is for a large family: in its 10 liters several portions of mechada meat or chickpeas can fit.Normal price: $ 89,990.
On the other hand, we are also interested in slow pots, since vice versa of pressure, they allow cooking without hurry or looking at the clock.This Easyways is electric, very safe, due to its size it is ideal for single or couples, and gives the possibility of programming a cooking so that it is ready just at the time we are going to serve it.Wonders of the modern world.Normal price: $ 49,990.
*Product prices in this article are updated as of September 3, 2021. The values and their availability can change.
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