10 ways to save energy at home |The Basque newspaper

The increase in the price of electricity Cup conversations and concerns of much of the population, which fear for the increase that may occur in the invoices.Even more in the coming months that approach, that autumn and winter era in which the bulk of people spend more time at home, with the consequent greater energy consumption in our homes.

Without being able to go into details of each case, since each housing and hired rate have their peculiarities, there are a number of habits with which you will surely reduce electricity consumption.We refer to small gestures, mostly unknown who, if we manage to apply to our routine, will help us save energy and, therefore, avoid paying exaggerated prices in the following invoices.

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one.Invest in efficient appliances

They have a long useful life, but it is important that their technology is not obsolete.We talk about appliances, those devices whose functioning is a great energy expenditure, this being greater if they are not in good condition.

Therefore, it is important to bet on efficient appliances, look at the consumption data of each of them and opt for those who have an adequate energy label.In addition, many have an 'echo' option in their programming, an option to take into account for a lower energy expenditure.In the case of washing machines and dishwasher it is obvious that it is convenient to opt for short programs, cold and, in addition, put them with the full load.

2.Turn off the lights and opt for low consumption bulbs

It is a simple advice, but necessary to incorporate into our routine, since they are common you mislead them to forget to turn off the light.In that sense, we must not stop being strict with avoiding unnecessary lights.

one0 maneras de ahorrar energía en casa | El Diario Vasco

Also, and linked to light consumption, it is convenient to replace the light bulbs with those of low consumption or LED.In an initial price more expensive, it implies an investment that will significantly impact the bill.

3.The betrayal of silent consumption

Another of the incorrect habits we usually make is to keep the electrical appliances that are not used, also known as silent consumption plugged.We talk about elements such as coffee maker, computers, loaders, televisions ... that, although without usual use, they consume energy for the mere fact of being plugged in.In this sense, a small gesture to consider is to unplug them in the periods that are unused as at night or in holiday times.

4.Control the temperature

Refers to two aspects.On the one hand, the temperature of the heating, adjustable through thermostats that include increasingly modern and intelligent systems, allowing strict programming and control of the areas and time slots in which to activate it.

On the other hand, it is also essential to control the water temperature.In this sense, the heaters carry by default an average temperature well higher than the necessary, which we can adjust (that is, lower) and save significantly on the invoice.

5.Beware of radiators

It is essential to take care of those elements that are via departure from heat.We talk about radiators who, very usually, tend to cover with furniture, various objects or clothes, which has a negative impact on their functionality.In addition, constant maintenance should be carried out, especially in these months of activity.A good purge and cleaning guarantees an optimal state of your radiators and, with it, guarantees its proper functioning.

6.Keep the refrigerator at bay

In addition to adjusting its temperature in values that are around 5ºC in the refrigerator and -one5ºC in the freezer, this is an appliance with which you have to be very careful.We must ensure that these temperatures are stable as long as possible for which it is important not to keep the doors open for a long time and, on the other hand, do not place it near heat sources.

7.Kitchen with head

Betting on fast and pressure cooking utensils is a good idea to save energy, but for those who are not supporters of this type of house, it is important to follow certain tips such as covering the pots and pans when cooking to accelerate the cooked process.On the other hand, it is convenient to take advantage of the residual heat (both of the hob and the oven) to heat or finish cooking.

8.Decoration and savings go hand in

It may seem incredible but a good disposition of household elements, as well as decoration and the colors of the rooms, will help save on the invoice.Walls and ceilings in clear tones will make it not so necessary to turn on the lights and, with it, mirrors are a good idea to achieve a multiplier effect of luminosity.With this, it is always a good option to opt for curtains and blinds that let the natural light pass, fleeing from the opaque fabrics.On the other hand, it is increasingly committed to the successful tendency to illuminate considerable size stays by areas, with different switches that activate the light strictly necessary, this being especially useful in long corridors, halls and kitchens.

9.In search of energy efficiency

The consumption, in addition to adequate, must be efficient, that is, to make the most of it and avoid losses.In that sense, it is essential to have good isolation, mainly on facade, windows and doors, which will avoid leaks and leaks, with the consequent waste of energy.

To identify and control this aspect it is important to put themselves in the hands of professionals who will help us achieve the energy efficiency of our home.

one0.Do you have the rate you need?

People unconsciously pay for more than we need and this occurs in many areas, also with electric companies.It is important to have a rate according to the needs and situation of each home, so if there is any change of habits or cohabiting, do not hesitate to consult it with your company to adjust the rate to what you really need.
