Cutlery gets a lot of attention. It often appears on wedding records, and even the best designers in the fashion industry withdraw from the gateway to design forks and couture knives. But the most important utensils in the kitchen are those you cook with: spatulas, spoons, servers and other tools. These items are the forgotten heroes of the kitchen and are worth investing in.
Cheap plastic utensils often contain chemicals such as BPA, and that is a problem when exposed to high temperatures in the stove or dishwasher. If your drawer or utensils are full of old and mysterious plastic, it is time to update it to a set of quality utensils that are heat-resistant and lasting for years.
We have gathered our best sets of utensils below. Take a look at our best options and enjoy the best tools for any kind of cooking, from folding a delicate pastry dough to grilling in an open fire.
# | Vista previa | Producto | Precio | |
1 | Utensilios Cocinar Resistencia de Silicona para Sartenes - 33 Piezas Juego de Platos de Cocina Set... | 19,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
2 | Utensilios de Cocina de Silicona, 32 Piezas Juego Utensilios de Cocina Antiadherente Resistente al... | 24,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
3 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona, Espatulas de Cocina , 12 Piezas Juego de Utensilios de Cocina de... | 20,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
4 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona,KagoLing 12 Piezas Juego de Utensilios de Cocina Resistentes al Calor... | 28,99 EUR 27,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
5 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona Comfook Set de 12 Juego de utensilios de cocina de silicona... | 26,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
6 | JOYBOY Utensilios Cocina de Silicona,37 Piezas uego de Utensilios de Cocina,Resistente al... | 30,89 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
7 | Quid Set 5 Gadgets INOX con Soporte Brassia, Acero Inoxidable, 5.36 cm | 22,27 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
8 | BRA Efficient Conjunto De 5 Utensilios De Cocina Y Carrusel, Acero INOX, Nailon y Silicona, Naranja,... | 37,08 EUR 22,36 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
9 | SaiXuan Utensilios Cocina de Silicona, Antiadherente con Mango de Madera para Utensilios,No Tóxicas... | 22,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
10 | Rayen | Organizador de Utensilios para Fregadero | Gama Premium | Bandeja de Goteo | Fácil de... | 15,00 EUR | Buy on Amazon |
Last update on 2022-01-25 / Affiliate links / images from Amazon product advertising API
Before buying new kitchen utensils, it is worth wondering how often you will use your new utensil. Is it a tool that will reach every time you cook, or will it appear once on a blue moon? Can you use it for multiple cooking tasks or can you only help with one specific thing? Do you already have anything you can do your job? Does it require a lot of storage space? And if so, is it worth it? You can buy new kitchen utensils for whole days, but it is important to select the ones you will actually use.
One thing you might want to consider before you buy a new kitchen utensil is your appearance. If you are equipping a new kitchen, perhaps the aesthetic and general design is something that is important to you. Especially for items such as mixers, spatulas, spoons and pliers that live on the counter, you must make sure they are visually attractive.
In addition, you may want to consider buying utensils that are made of the same material for a cohesive and uniform appearance. For example, if your spoon is made of metal, maybe your spoons and pasta forks are, too. Of course, this will not affect the performance of your utensils; it is simply by appearance.
Kitchen utensils are available in a variety of materials, such as stainless steel, wood and silicone. Note that if you have anti-adhesive pots and pans, silicone is ideal because it will not scratch this potentially dangerous non-stick surface. Stainless steel is possibly the most common material because it offers durability and clean finish.
Wood utensils shall not scratch their non-adherent pots and pans. It is a durable material, but it can be subject to stains and deformations. Do not use wood near birds, fish, and raw meat. Silicone is a great choice if you want to introduce a little color into your kitchen. It is lenient, soft and flexible, making it a safe option for non-adhesive surfaces.
This is an important factor to consider because your utensils should not corrode or melt while cooking your food.
Needless to say, utensils must be made of top quality materials. It is better to look for ingredients that are not toxic, do not contain BPA and are FDA approved.
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Last update on 2022-01-25 / Affiliate links / images from Amazon product advertising API
Always consider the discounts you can get from Kitchen Utensilos before you buy it. To make things easier for you, here is a quick list of current offers. Check it out to get the best value for your money:
# | Vista previa | Producto | Precio | |
1 | BRA Efficient Conjunto De 5 Utensilios De Cocina Y Carrusel, Acero INOX, Nailon y Silicona, Naranja,... | 37,08 EUR 22,36 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
2 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona,KagoLing 12 Piezas Juego de Utensilios de Cocina Resistentes al Calor... | 28,99 EUR 27,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
3 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona Comfook Set de 12 Juego de utensilios de cocina de silicona... | 26,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
4 | Utensilios de Cocina de Silicona, 32 Piezas Juego Utensilios de Cocina Antiadherente Resistente al... | 24,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
5 | Utensilios Cocina de Silicona, Espatulas de Cocina , 12 Piezas Juego de Utensilios de Cocina de... | 20,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
6 | Rayen | Organizador de Utensilios para Fregadero | Gama Premium | Bandeja de Goteo | Fácil de... | 15,00 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
7 | Set de 8 Utensilios de Cocina de Silicona Resistente al Calor - Acero Inoxidable - Con Soporte - Con... | 24,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
8 | Zeller 25274 Porta-Utensilios de Cocina, Madera, Marrón, 9x9x33 cm | 12,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
9 | SaiXuan Utensilios Cocina de Silicona, Antiadherente con Mango de Madera para Utensilios,No Tóxicas... | 22,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon | |
10 | Utensilios Cocinar Resistencia de Silicona para Sartenes - 33 Piezas Juego de Platos de Cocina Set... | 19,99 EUR | Buy on Amazon |
Last update on 2022-01-25 / Affiliate links / images from Amazon product advertising API
That depends on what you intend to do in the kitchen. An informal cook will just want some spatulas, spoons, a spoon, kitchen scissors and stuff like that. A more serious cook might want to equip his kitchen as a professional.
¿Puede usar utensilios de acero inoxidable en utensilios de cocina antiadherentes?This is not a good idea. Stainless steel utensils can easily damage the layer of material that makes your kitchen utensils non-stick, good, non-adherent. Choose pigment, wood or silicone to make your cooking utensils look great.
¿Por qué los chefs usan cucharas de madera?Wooden spoons can be used in any type of kitchen utensils, have incomparable longevity and do not transfer heat as easily as other types of materials. That's why you'll see that wooden spoons are not only used as kitchen utensils, but also as small teaspoons in professional kitchens.
¿Son seguros los utensilios de cocina de silicona?Look for silicone cooking utensils that do not contain BPA; it is a chemical that you do not want to leak into your food. If there is no BPA, silicone utensils are perfectly safe.
I tried to list the kitchen utensils, I hope you could find a reliable option. You can take a look at the following for clarity:
If you haven't found the right one yet, comment below and I'll help you find one within 3 weeks.